
Meeting the Occult Research Club Members!

I don't own My Hero Academia, High School DxD or anything else I use.

(Except for My Own Character)

Please Don't Sue Me.


"Ok." Once Rias said that he started walking off.

"Wait! Where are you going!" Yells out Rias.

"Home, It's pretty late and I need to get changed. See you tomorrow." said Izuku not looking back.


*Bell rings*

"Ok guys, See you tomorrow. Make sure you have the assignment done!" The Teacher Yelled as students walked out the door.

"It's lunchtime, Follow us to the club room." Rias says while walking towards the door.

"K." Izuku said lazily.

Rias's eye twitches.

"Ara Ara, You've been annoyed of him since yesterday." Said Akeno with a smile that drove the students crazy.

"Well, yesterday he bossed me around." said Rias still annoyed at yesterday.

As they walk down the halls Izuku hears whispers.

"Why is the silver-haired prince walking with the two great ladies?!" One student whispers.

"Maybe he's dating one of them!" Whispers another.

He hear another whisper "Nooo! He's taken then!" and he smirks.

"Hey don't over react. He's in the same classroom with them. Maybe he's just going to their club." A very intelligent student says.

Izuku shakes his head and inwardly thinks 'smart kid' while still nodding.


The Occult Research Club Room.

Koneko was sitting on the couch eating sweets. "That must be them." she said watching the door slide open.

"Were here." said Rias

"Hello Buchou and Hello Izuku." Izuku heard as he turned and saw Yuuto Kiba standing up bowing at Rias a little.

"Sup Kiba." Izuku nicely since they both are princes and have crazy fan girls they gained respect for each other.

He then noticed Koneko staring at him and greeted her. "Hello Stalker-chan."

Koneko's eyes widened a bit. But she still nodded and said "Hello Senpai."

"Ok, Now that all the greeting are done. You see Izu-kun everyone here is a-"

"First off, don't call me that. Second devils yeah I know."

""""What!"""" They all yell surprised.

"But how-" Rias starts.

"Oh please, you think I wouldn't notice the change in my sister, whom which, I've been living with all my life." Izuku said with a sneer.

"You still haven't answered my question from yesterday!" Rias said angry at not being answered.

"How did you heal your wound so fast!" Yelled Rias.

Izuku makes a hand gesture and say "Come closer." They all come closer.

He then says "secret". They all did an anime fall.

"Will You Take This Seriously!" Rias yelled angrily.


Izuku then appears behind Rias and whispers calmly "And why should I take this shit show seriously exactly?"

Rias blushes from the close proximity, turns around and says weakly "B-Because I am your Master!"

Everyone tenses and gets battle ready.

Izuku jumps back to his spot and says "Calm down everyone." with a quick smile.

He then registers what she said "Oh No No No No, I do not believe I'm your servant." Izuku said sharply.

"you think because of these stupid pawn pieces I'll be your slave!" Izuku said loudly.

'I am a great actor' Izuku thinks smugly.

"No I don't treat my servants like that. I treat them like family!" Rias glares at him.

The rest of the group glares at him too.

"Well, this huge waste of my time has been fun and all but-" Izuku says while walking out of the door.

"Wait!" Rias yells.

"What!" Izuku yell back.

Rias flinches but then says "I challenge you to a tennis match!".

"Oh, what will I get if I win?" Izuku looks back and asks.

"I'll leave you alone and you can do whatever you want." Izuku smirks "But!, if I win you have to sit down and listen to what I have to say." Rias finishes.

"Ok." Izuku says simply.

"Come on are you really that scared to- Really?" Rias asks.

"Yeah, seems fun." Izuku says.

'It would be great to keep her off my back' Izuku thinks rationally.

"When are we doing this?" Izuku asks.

"Now!" Rias says firmly.

"Ok, lets go." Izuku says.

He will be apart of her peerage, but she will not control him.

He's going to get something interesting next chapter.

You can probably guess what it is.

The FanFiction will get better, I promise.


Chaarcreators' thoughts