
reincarnated in DxD with a SF2 system

A boy gets reincarnated into the world of Dxd with a system. not just any system, but a system that gives him the powers of shadow fight franchise a mobile game with crazy abilities and potential. [NOTE:- please forgive my grammatical mistakes]

Devstation_Gaming · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

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[You failed]

The message popped up in front of him for the seventh time now!

Kage raged in his in frustration! It's as been weeks since his second challenge and if he thought the first challenge was tough, oh boy was he wrong!

This challenge is straight up nightmare! That Ken is almost unbeatable!thanks to his Combact manipulation he has adapted to kens fighting style and now he is a much better fighter now.

But that still isn't enough to beat Ken be sure of the sheer experience gap. Shadow fight is a type of game that it doesn't matter if you have the best items in the game because as long as you don't have the skills to use them even the weakest enemy can give you trouble.

And this can be seen with his fight with Ken, Combact manipulation allows him to adapt at an alarming rate. However that doesn't mean he can just go and beat him.

Ahhh! This is so frustrating! Kage really didn't know what to do about that guy.

"If I can't beat that Ken Then forget about beating Titan or Tenebris! I am so screwed! " kage raged

"Why!? Why!? Why!? Those stupid anime characters like issei get power ups from bullshit power of friendship or boob's and beat godlike beings but he can't even defeat a fodder!" He screamed at the unfairness of this world

Why does those anime characters or character from fanfics so easily beat there bad guys even if its there first fight! I know they are fictional characters but it still doesn't make any sense!

They get beat up by there bad guys have a flash back and then beat the shit out of the bad guys. Maybe the internet was right that is nothing but plot armour given to them by the author in the end.

'Beh! Power of friendship my ass nothing more than a meme in the internet'

*sigh* this is stupid, he decided that shouting and throwing a temper tantrum won't help in this scenario. Instead her should reflect on what he is doing wrong when he is fighting Ken.

Honestly after the 7 that defeat he has lost all hope and motivation. Maybe he showed just give up and be a NPC in Dxd, it is clear that he won't be able get strong at all.

He couldn't help but curse those fanfic authors who make it seem so easy, just fight people level up become Op over night and get a harem of beauties. But in reality this is utter shit, nothing like this happens and it's honestly frustrating.

In a few years the cannon will start and that Mc issei will get power ups after power ups and all the beautiful woman. He will somehow beat up all bad guys without any experience or basic knowledge on how to fight while he who trains so hard have to struggle this much.

Not to mention then there is that vali's grandfather whose name he can't remember and trihexa oh also the exe gods... Yeah maybe he should just play dumb and let issei's handle all of that.

'This is stupid.. '

(Next day)

It has been 3 months since kage got his system. After the whole Ken scenario kage's mood is pretty down as he has pretty much given up on the system all together.

But recently his father has joined him in his training and also morning jogs. It has been entire week and they went out on Jogs almost every morning.

Something kage didn't understand because his father was generally a lazy person as he was more busy doing his job then other things. Arashi was a salary man and like any typical salary man he was word to death almost with little pay.

Most of the time he was busy working in the office and he came home late drunk. He because of this he also got dark circle under his eyes and look like a depressed drug addict man.

Even then he still a kind and honorable man and a good father and husband who always care about his family and puts their need first over his. That's why I respect him a lot as a person.

Which is exactly why he found it odd that all of a sudden he is into physical exercises with his son. Not to mention he look like a completely different person as he Smiles more often and even cracks jokes now.

He wonder why that is maybe he got a promotion or something.

"Huff**Huff* well that's the seventh round *huff*... Son how are you fairing? " arashi asked his son.

"I am doing fine dad" kage replied.

"Well *huff* you don't look tired at all so about another round of run? " he suggested to his son. Seeing no problem in that he replied "Yeah sure"

Arashi smiled at this and soon his smiled turned into a excited grin as he said "Who ever comes last will be the loser! "

As he said that he ran at full speed, kage blinked a few times then a full blown grin formed on his face. Challenge accepted.

"The race is on"

(Few minutes later)

Arashi was laying on the ground panting for air, while kage didn't even looked tired except for his breathing was a little harsh.

Kage decided to sit on a nearby bench and get some breath and think about how to beat Ken. Not that he had much hope Fort doing so anyways.

Arashi looked at his son and after he got his bearing back decided to sit beside his son. There was a comfortable silence between them, as no words were spoken.

People were just going about there day doing exercise in the morning. Until arashi decided to break the silence between them.

"That was fun wasn't it? " he asked his son smiling kage just blinked innocently and nodded his head. Arashi chuckled and ruffled his hair much to his annoyance.

"Yes, I guess that was fun but dad can I ask you something if you don't mind?"

"Huh? What is it? " arashi asked in a curious tone.

"Why are you training all of a sudden? " kage asked bluntly

"Am I not aloud to train along side my son? "

"No... It's not that, it's just... "

"It's just what? " arashi asked his son who looked a little conflicted most likely wonder how to phrase the sentence.

"It's just that you never trained before so... What changed now? " kage was curious as to what his father's response will be.

" well I can definitely understand your surprise that I of all people all of the sudden decided to join you in training and exercises..." arashi stopped as he looked to the sky with a smile on his face.

" when I was young I used to be very bad at studies but at the same time I was a very physically fit person, in fact I was the best person when it comes to Sports" kages father began his story.

" my father was a doctor and my grandfather was a war verten who fought in World War 2 and even saw the Hiroshima and Nagasaki explosion... They both lived a relatively hard life" Arashi looked very serious when he was talking about his father and grandfather

"Compared to them I lived a very easy life as Japan was building itself back up and progressing at a break neck speeds. My father was always busy and didn't have time for me, so me and my fathers relationships was pretty complicated in that regard"

"Were you two on bad terms? "

"Haha no no... We were not on bad terms for the moment.... I wanted to become a sports man and body builder but my father thought that would bring great dishonor to our family name and wanted me study hard and get a job... "

Kage listened to his father's words with great attaintion. He knows about how conservative and strict Japanese culture can be. Especially with honoring the family name and there toxic work culture. That's why kages father never had another child except for him.

He could some what understand his predicaments there.

"We had many fights over this and he constantly told me how he was ashamed of me... But one day we got to know that he has cancer... " arashi became a little sad when he remembered that day. Kage seeing his father sad instinctively put his hands over his as a sign of comfort.

Arashi looked at his son and smiled he just ruffled his hair again this time in a more gentle manner.

"So, that's why you gave up on your dream?" kage asked him as arashi shook his head

"No, that was one of the reasons the other was your mother. We both loved each other since collage but in order for me to get her hand in marriage I needed to get a job first. Both things pushed me to study hard and become a salary man"

Kage cringed at that being a salary man in Japan is one of the worst jobs considering the horrible and toxic work culture they have take the anime industries for example. They basically work those poor animators to death with little pay.

"So, that's why you became a salary man..."

Arashi nodded

"So... Do you regret it? " he expected the answer to be yes but to his surprise the answer was completely different from what he had expected.

" not at all, if being a salary man gives me the love of my life then so be it. If giving up my dream gives me the perfect family I dreamed about then I have no regrets"

" But don't you hate your father? " kage asked

"Not I have forgives him what about you would you have hated him? " arashi asked his son

"Well most like I would have hated him... But why did you forgive him though? "

"Simple because when I was a child I used to hate him but when I became a adult I came to understand and even respect him... He was rarely present in my childhood but everything he did was for his family. He sacrificed so much for me and I respect him for that and that's what I am trying to do for you aswell" arashi answer

"I hate my job I truly do after hours of none stop work I sometimes feel like just giving up... But then i see yours and your mother faces and it gives me the drive to push forward each day, everything my grandfather did was for the country and his family, my father sacrifices everything for myself and now I will do the same thing... "

"Because this is what the world is all about. This world is about sacrifices, one must sacrifices his or her happiness for another that's how this world goes... And when I saw you training it reminded me of my old self" arashi said with a happy smile as kage looked on in awe of his father.

His father is a man of sacrifice and commitment. He will give up everything for him and his mother because that is his duty as the man of the house and he takes great pride in it.

"Always remember son... If you ever feel hopeless, just remember that everyone one in this world has a purpose you just need to find them"

With that both of them sat there in silence it was a comfortable one. Kage began to wonder about his own life goal and his purpose...

Today he could say was eye opener. And he took his father's advice to heart.

To be continue....

___________ x ___________

So, this chapter was more of an insight on what type of person arashi is and this will play an essential role in MCs development in the future.

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