
Reincarnated in Dragon Ball

A man is reincarnated into the world of Dragon Ball without a system, cheat, or any special powers with no idea what will happen to him if he dies again.

Monkey115 · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Bongo and Pasta

"Smooth sailing my ass!" Tora was shaking with anger at the unfairness of the world, which Goku misunderstood for what was happening in front of them. Pansy's father was approached and sucker punched by one of the leaders of the militant force named Bongo a man even larger than himself. Seeing this and with Tora shaking and not moving Goku moved forward on his own. "Hey you!"

"Crap, how do I handle this?" Tora didn't have time to think of a plan, with the Dragon Balls already used there was no easy solution to the problem. Goku had already moved to call out Bongo, Tora decided his best chance was to fight together with him and assault King Gurumes's castle. He didn't have time to think of any solutions, he didn't consider that Curse of The Blood Rubies could happen alongside the Pilaf saga. Tora looked around quickly examined the area again.

A crowd of villagers, maybe twenty people. Goku and Bongo were facing off and about to fight at any moment, there were three Gurumes Army members nearby guarding a civilian tractor operator, who was tilling the land for Blood Rubies, they were weak but still armed with guns.

Tora also spotted a van that had been waiting for Bongo with an army member driving and a woman dressed in the same beige uniform as Bongo, who's name Tora knew was Pasta. "While Goku's fighting Bongo I should take care of the nearby men." Tora might be a Saiyan and as strong as Goku, but he still hesitated on taking any bullets he didn't have to.

"Scram brat!" Bongo lost his temper and tried to kick at Goku jumped backwards, their fight had started. Tora took the opportunity to attack the army members while they were distracted, he ran and kicked one down to the ground from behind. "What the-" The second one turned to see who attacked his ally only to receive a huge punch to the stomach, he fell to the ground.

The last member aimed his gun at Tora who quickly rolled behind the tractor for cover. Bullets ricocheted off loudly, but then the soldier stopped and slowly approached while motioning of the operator to leave. The man gladly left, terrified he had almost been shot, and Tora could hear the army member approaching.

"Now!" As soon the the soldier was on the opposite side of the tractor, Tora shoved it as hard he could and it smashed into his enemy. Tora then quickly hopped over it and kicked the man in the stomach before grabbing all of their guns.

"Hey, you guys tie them up and take these." He handed the weapons to the villagers. "We'll take down this evil king of yours." "He wasn't always evil.." lamented one of the villagers. "I know..." Tora knew the story of the movie, King Gurumes was a kind king corrupted and cursed with greed by the Blood Rubies, his body underwent a monstrous transformation. Pansy used the Dragon Balls to make her land beautiful again, it took away all the Blood Rubies, restored the land, and turned the king back into the kind human he was before.

"But I already used the Dragon Balls..." Tora used a wish to selfishly make himself stronger, and by doing so the Land of Gurumes was doomed. King Gurumes was becoming more and more monstrous, there's no way he could last a year. The only solution Tora could see was to take out King Gurumes, and gather the Dragon Balls next year to fix the land.

The next wish used in the series was used to revive Bora, a man killed by Mercenary Tao, if Tora could prevent his death then he could use the wish to fix the damage done to the Land of Gurumes. Tora looked up at the giant white castle on the mountain ahead and took a deep breath. "Let's do this."

Tora turned to see Goku and Bongo still fighting, Bongo was much stronger than Tora thought he'd be was still holding his own. "Goku wouldn't like if I interfered, besides looks like she's on her way." Pasta had left the jeep, which was now driving back to the castle, and began to fly over on a Flying Disc, a metal platform the villains had in this movie that let them fly like the Nimbus could. "Flying Nimbus!" The yellow cloud came out of the sky and Tora hopped on flying at Pasta.

She was surprised at the boy on the cloud flying at her but still managed to lift up her machine gun and fire at Tora. The Flying Nimbus took evasive action with a barrel roll and the two passed each other before both of them turned around. This time Tora made sure the Nimbus flew straight at Pasta. "Kame" He put his hand together and moved them to his side. "Hame" He entered the range for Pasta's weapon and she aimed her gun. "Ha!" The Kamehameha wave shot out of Tora's hands destroying Pasta's shot bullet and her Flying Disc.

Pasta began to fall, her hat came off and her long red hair began to fly behind her at high speeds. She would die unless Tora saved her. "This doesn't mean I'm going to show mercy.." Tora flew down and grabbed her by the ankle bringing her down near the ground and letting go of her twenty feet above the earth.

Her back slammed hard into the ground, Tora landed beside her and kicked her in the side before disarming her. "You might look like a model but I know you're a skilled martial artist, I'm not going to let my guard down." He left the injured Pasta to the villagers. Tora knew the man driving the jeep was probably on his way to warn King Gurumes and alert his army, so Tora sat down and gathered his Ki while watching Goku finish his fight.

Goku had been having a hard time keeping Bongo, who was three times his size, down. Hearing Tora's Kamehameha wave gave him the idea to do the same. When Bongo swung wide, Goku dodged to his back. "Kamehameha!" His Kamehameha wave blasted Bongo into a home and finally knocked him out. "He was really tough, man, I'm starving."