
Reincarnated in demon slayer as a uchiha.

None of the character belong to me except for the mc all of them are the creation of Koyoharu Gotouge Michael was just your average kid, apart from being a pretty good cook he was normal in everything else until on day where he got ran over by a bus. His story did not end there as he got another chance at life with three wishes and a brand new demon skater world with stronger demons. With Rengoku as his ‘brother’ he will have more then enough positive influence on him to make sure he become a good person.

ThePpp_Pppp · Anime & Comics
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159 Chs


Last time in I was reincarnated in demon slayer as Uchiha.

He found her, and after that, he proceeded to hypnotize he wasn't going to waste his breath seducing a lower life form when he could just do that.

He made her think that they were together for a while and they were gonna celebrate(embrace)their honeymoon together as a lovely newlywed couple.

The name of the woman was Lilith(A/N her name is not random I chose it after some research let's see who gets why this is her name first tho)

Now we continue where we left off last time

I paused for a second 'this demon wanting to be the perfect being sounded awfully like the demon king himself but I'm not gonna point fingers yet' I thought to myself as I turn over to the next page

The story continues

Lilith thought that she and her husband had a wonderful time at the party that 'he' hosted for their honeymoon. she drinks a lot of alcohol.

Then they went to their room. (A/N I'm not writing that)I skipped that part"I'm not reading that shit "said Atoru while seeing that the page had too much detail on how it happened so he skipped it all to just go to the next one

After that heated night

The demon felt disgusted at himself for doing what he did to that lower-life form but if that would help him become the perfect being that was a necessary sacrifice to be made.

After that, he started to pretend to be a good husband and he put her in an illusion where she thought he came outside with her in the sun to spend time with her in have dates.

'Damm he went through with it I wonder how the clan got created if he was there for her the whole time 'Atoru thought while going to the next page

Somewhere around 4to6month into the pregnancy

Lilith walked in on her husband eating someone in the house all bloody.

"Honey what are you doing"Lillith said while trembling.

Her husband suddenly dashed at her in gently knocked her out because even if she was an inferior life form she was still important to him for now. he wiped away the memory of him eating someone in her walking on it.

After that for some reason, Lillith had a subconscious fear of her husband she didn't know why but she feared him even if he look like the most caring man in the world

6to8month into the pregnancy, the baby that was in her mother's belly felt the mom's fear but couldn't understand why.

While the child inside found that they were something in their mom's that was not there before so they removed it as soon as they did that all of Lilith's manipulated memories came to light including the one where she saw her husband eating the man.

She was scared but she was also a smart woman, she knew the second the kids were born she would get killed so she had a plan to at least save the baby so this monster doesn't get what he wanted.

So even tho she was scared she made a plan to help her. She gathers all of the courage that she could muster in went to her day-to-day life like nothing ever happen in the first place.

She went back in to meet her husband to tell him something .

"Hello dear how was your day, did you have fun,outside" said the husband in a sweet voice

"I'm fine honey it just that I feel sicker in sicker as the day go by like something is eating from the inside out"Lililth said putting on an act

'If this inferior life form not able to give birth to the child In the first place it's worth is nothing more than trash to me'the demon thought before saying in a sweet voice

"Make sure to take care of yourself honey we don't want anything bad happening to you while you pregnant"

"Honey can I go visit my parents for two months I promise to be back in 2months," Lillith said with a smile.

"Why do you want to meet them all of a sudden" the demon said suspicion

"I wasn't able to meet them for 8 months now in I miss them very much I just want to see them one last time before giving birth," she said pleading eyes

'She can enjoy her last 2month on this planet because the second this is all over I'm going to kill her 'the demon though

"Ok honey don't forget to tell them what I said," said the husband while smiling

The smile sended a shiver down in her spine

"I'm going to make breakfast before I go so you don't get hungry while I'm gone," she said with a smile.

"Don't worry about me Lillith go pay a visit to your parent "the husband

Lilith bowed in and went to take some of her baggage for the 'visit' when she was going out she heard her husband's voice saying" have fun honey" she faked a smile in went to spend time with her parents.

Her parents always told her to be weary of demons but she thought there were crazy now look at her pregnant with a demon child growing in her stomach.

When she arrived at their home she went inside to see they were having a meal. she bowed down in pleading to them "Mom, Dad please help me my husband is a demon I'm 100% sure that he going to kill me the second that the child is born" she said crying in then she continues while saying"im sorry I didn't believe you guys when I was younger please help me"

Her parents took her in. In asking her to them everything that she knows, she told them everything.

"Seem like he won't kill you before the child is born so I have a idea "said the dad

"What is the idea Zanshu," said the mom to the dad

"Give birth to the child here in just tell him that you had a miscarriage due to being attacked by a demon on the way here that's why you took longer to come back" said the dad

"Wouldn't the demon kill her in her entire family to see if she lying "said the mom

"That's why I will give the child to be raised by the demon slayer corp so that he can be strong enough to avenge his parents when the time comes," Zanshu said

"I'm willing to sacrifice anything for my child as long as he is away from this monster," Lillith said

One months passed with Lilith giving birth to the ancestor of the Uchiha clan.

"Push Lillith push "said the mom as you can hear the cry of pain from Lillith

After 4hour the child was born he was pretty.

"Let me hold him," said Lillith as her mom gave her the baby boy that was just born the baby was crying till she held him when he smiled in looked happy in her embrace.

"I'm going to name you....."she said smiling

1.2k words

A/N so this is the second to last chapter talking about how rob made it so that the Uchiha clan exists in the demon slayer I hope this doesn't look like something I pull out my...

Also if a character is named there is a reason for that like the dad's name Zanshu translate it to English you will see why in the next chapter