
Reincarnated in DC with a system

A man was walking down the street one day when suddenly he appeared in a white room where he meets GOD, he then gets to spin some wheels and be reincarnated into a new world

MR_No1 · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

New Mission

It was the next day, Sam was still at the hospital, but due to his system, he didn't really feel hurt, so he decided to leave, against the warnings of the nurses and doctors, but they couldn't do anything to stop him, walking down the street Sam was looking at a screen in front of him


{GPS: Seo's construction yard}


When Sam woke up he had a screen in front of him telling him that he had leveled up and that he had unlocked the Map function of the system, so as of now, he was just walking back to the only place he could call his own

'Status' Sam thought


[Name: Samuel Seo]

[Age: 19]

[Level 2]

[Shop Points: 0]

[Stat Points: 5]

[Health: 100\110]

[Strength: 7>8]

[Agility: 6>7]

[Dexterity: 8>9]

[Endurance: 7>8]

[Skills: {Weapon Mastery: C} {Wild Fighting: B} {My Mind is telling you NOOOOO: EX} {My Body is also telling you NOOOOOO: EX}]

[Items: {Brass Knuckles x1}]


'All of my stats went up after that fight, hmm, what should I spend my points on, maybe strength, or Dex, hmm, I'll sit on them for now, anyway, I need to see what precisely this body had before I took over, he already had an identity, so that great, just gotta hope I had an I.D. it'd make things a lot easier to do, but at the same time, its Gotham, so I doubt It would be hard to get a new one, people must have their I.D.'s stolen a lot with their wallets, so there has to be an easy way to get a new one,' Sam continued to think as he walked past an alley to which he quickly backed up and looked what was in it

"Wait isn't that?" Sam thought as he saw a woman slumped next to a dumpster, looking at her, then looking around him he saw that there was no one around him, shrugging his shoulders he walked down the alley towards the woman

Her hair was as white as snow, and she had bright blue lips, and pale skin, grabbing a stick, Sam poked the slumped-over woman, getting nothing as a response

"...OH SHIT, is she dead?!" Sam said in a panic as he checked the woman's pulse, it was there, so he let out a sigh, the woman just seemed to be unconscious

"Oh thank fuck, 'sigh' uhh, hey, are you okay? Do you need medical attention?" Sam asked aloud trying to get a response, but nothing but silence was returned

".....hmm, what to do, you don't seem to be bleeding.....no clear bruising or any indications of head trauma, is she just asleep? Ah, am I being a dick right now? Shit, I don't want to leave you and you actually be hurt, but I don't want to keep bothering you cause if you're asleep and I wake you up I'll feel like an even bigger dick....." Sam thought out loud as he pondered what to do

'I mean, I can wait to see if she wakes up on her own, but I also have better things to be doing with my time, but this could also be a good chance to make a powerful ally, and I mean, I know I'm in Gotham, and I need to learn how to be cut-throat and turn my feelings off, but I mean shit, I just got here, it's going to take a while before I can do all that, I'd feel like a piece of shit if I left now, and I mean, look at her, she looks like a sleeping kitten,' Sam thought to himself as he just decided to say fuck it and popped a squat in front of her so that he could keep an eye on her

While sitting there he was pondering on what his points should go into, after a few hours of thinking on it, he decided to raise his agility and strength to ten


[Name: Samuel Seo]

[Age: 19]

[Level 2]

[Shop Points: 0]

[Stat Points: 5>0]

[Health: 100\110]

[Strength: 8>10]

[Agility: 7>10]

[Dexterity: 9]

[Endurance: 8]

[Skills: {Weapon Mastery: C} {Wild Fighting: B} {My Mind is telling you NOOOOO: EX} {My Body is also telling you NOOOOOO: EX}]

[Items: {Brass Knuckles x1}]


After putting the points into his stats, he looked at the girl across from him and noticed there was still no sign of movement from her, so he just started to go over ideas in his head of how he was going to survive in this world. He thought about trying to get enough money to start his own business, but then he wondered if he should leave Gotham first, so that way he doesn't have to worry about his business getting broken into, that's when he decided he would just open a business in Metropolis and live in Gotham.

'Or maybe I could sell the construction yard and use that money to invest in a shop or something, from the size of it, I think I could get a good $150,000 at least, and that's just for the property, not even including the damn near finished skyscraper on it, wait, is that considered a skyscraper? Hmm, I don- why are my balls so cold all of a sudden?' Sam was brought out of his thoughts as a sudden chill came over his body, looking up, he saw a pair of radiating blue eyes staring at him

"...." Sam

"...." Killer Frost

"About time you woke up," Sam said as he stood up causing Killer Frost to tilt her head a little in confusion

"Now that I know you aren't going to die I'll be on my way," Sam said as he began to walk out of the alley now noticing that it was dark out

'Damn how long have I been here?' Sam thought

"w-wait," Killer frost muttered as she attempted to stand up only to fall over, seeing this Sam immediately grabbed her off of the ground

"Are you okay? Do you need medical attention?" Sam

"Yes, But no hospital," Killer Frost

"What happened I might be able to patch you up," Sam

"Won't work, I was injected with something, take me to this address," Killer frost said as she pulled out some lipstick and wrote an address on Sam's arm


[New Mission: Get Killer Frost to safety]

[Reward: 5 Stat points, 1000 Shop Points]

[Failure: Killer Frost might not make it]


'I didn't waste my day sitting here watching over her for her to just fucking die!' Sam thought

"Let's go!" Sam said as he threw her onto his back in a piggyback position, as he used his map function to find the address, as soon as he did, a blue line appeared in front of him causing him to immediately take off running at his full speed, Which was a lot faster than he expected

He was moving easily at 12 mph, it didn't take but around five minutes for him to arrive at the address, it was an apartment building, looking at his arm, he realized that there wasn't an apartment number

"What apartment?!" Sam asked the dazed Killer Frost

"Penthouse," Killer Frost muttered leading him to rush through the front door heading to the elevator, realising that its already head up, seeing this he cursed under his breath as he ran to the stairs, where he quickly made his way up eight flights of stairs in under a minute, kicking open the stairwell door leading into a hallway, he saw to women step outside of an elevator, seeing them, he once again cursed under his breath

"YOU TWO!!" Sam shouted as he had a crazy-looking smile on his face

"EEP!" A blond woman jumped behind a redhead

"Your friend!!" Sam fully stepped out of the stairwell revealing the girl on his back

"She said she was injected with something!" Sam said as the redhead quickly opened the door

"Bring her in! Did she say what she was injected with?!" The Redhead

"No, I don't know where she was injected either, I found her in an alley, she told me to bring her here," Sam replied as the Redhead pointed at a couch, leading Sam to sit Killer Frost there

"Harley grab me some ice packs!" The Redhead

"Yes Ma'am!" Harley saluted as the Redhead came over to Killer Frost

"Ivy?" Killer Frost

"Caitlin, don't worry we'll make sure to cure you," Poison Ivy said as Harley came over and handed her some Ice Packs

Seeing all of this happening, Sam decided it would be best to leave, so he turned around and began to walk out of the apartment

"W-wait," Killer Frost attempted to shout out leading Sam to stop and look back

"Ivy, I have some cash in my pocket, give it to him," Killer Frost said leading Ivy to reach into her pocket

"Dont worry about it, just don't fucking die alright, I didn't spend hours watching over you just for you to fucking die," Sam rubbed his head as he said the last bit to himself as he continued to walk out of the apartment, this time without being stopped, as he left, he closed the door behind him, and he thought to himself

'Plus, I got my reward,' Sam thought to himself as he smiled


[Mission Complete: Get Killer Frost to safety]

[Reward: 5 Stat points, 1000 Shop Points, ]

[Ultimate reward: Observe]


'Ultimate reward?' Sam thought as he entered the elevator

[Ultimate rewards are earned when going beyond what the system expected you to, leading you to get more rewards]



[Name: Samuel Seo]

[Age: 19]

[Level 2]

[Shop Points: 1000]

[Stat Points: 5]

[Health: 100\110]

[Strength: 10]

[Agility: 10]

[Dexterity: 9]

[Endurance: 8]

[Skills: {Weapon Mastery: C} {Wild Fighting: B} {My Mind is telling you NOOOOO: EX} {My Body is also telling you NOOOOOO: EX} {Observe: F}]

[Items: {Brass Knuckles x1}]


'Wait, is this one of Han Jihan's skills from the Gamer?! Wait, that means I can get skills from other worlds......HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHHEHE' Sam thought to himself as and ugly smile came over his face

hey everyone, hope this doesn't feel to rush, I just decided I wanted to get things kicking off

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