
reincarnated in classroom of the elite / my fanfic

a guy reincarnated in COTE s world .What is his destiny ?

DaoistdRNRd6 · Anime & Comics
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New Life

It was a rainy day of November . A woman was laying on a medical bed , ready to scream and push as hard as she can in order to give birth to her firstborn .

" Are you ready madam ? " asked one of the nurses

" Yes I am " replied the woman with a surprising confidence , she turned her head and looked at a handsome man then said " Could you hold my hand babe ? " , " Sure honey " he replied as he started walking towards her .

" Now let's go , AHH ... UUMMMMMMMM " said the woman as she proceeded to push with all her might before she was surprisingly asked to stop , she lifted her head and saw the faces of the people around her , all dumbfounded as if they had seen an alien or something , " It ... It's already out " said one of the nurses stupified , " In all my 25 years of career , I've never seen a birth that ended so fast and went as smoothly as this . " said the doctor . The woman and her husband weren't that shocked , afterall their child didn't pose any problem like other babies did in the when inside still inside their mother , some mothers didn't even believe her when she said she was pregnant because she never got hurt like they did nor did she have mood swings or anything like that . " I think we got lucky huh honey " said the man who was a little bit shocked yet relieved both his child and wife were alright . " Yeah , I guess , haha " she replied . Then a loud yet beautiful sound was heard , it was the baby who started crying after being spanked by one of the nurses .

3 years later


It's been 3 years since I was born , my parents named me Sora Kuroao , Sora means sky while Kurokari means dark blue , so my name means the dark blue sky , quite pisimistic right . Well not like I can complain , well if there is anything wich I can complain about it'd that love overdose i have to receive everyday . Me who just wants a calm life , why did I have to be born in such a crazy family ? Heh what why am I falling heh .



" S ... SORA SAMA " was the last thing i heard before i found myself asleep and dreaming . It was quite the strange dream , i saw a boy in it , he had brown hair and almost lifless brow eyes , it seemed to me like he was someone with extraordinary knowledgeand talent , and that proved it self to be true as the dream continued , it started with him being in a large all white painted classroom with many children in it including him , and ended with a high schooler version of him sayinhg something like he never considered a girl like a friend , that was kind off satisfying , it actually sounded like somthing an adult me would say but whatever , and then I woke up .

I found the story quite amusing but I refuse to believe that was the end , the school the dream talked about sounded like a project I heard my father and his friend Mr.Sakayanagi talking about a few weeks ago , so there wasn't many possibilities I could conclude , it was either I just saw the future of someone , or that was an alternative reality , both were amusing in my eyes , even if statistically speaking the chances of those two conclusions being the truth were lower than 1% but they still were the most plausible . Either way I decided to go with the most amusing one , that was the future of my future classmate , yup classmate , at the age of 3 years old , I decided to be in the same class and rival Ayanokooji Kyotka san in all domains , even if being in another class was going to be rather interesting two but , being always next to him checking if the information I had on him was right and watching him closely was going to be really really threalling , well that was also a gamble withvery low chances of happening , I mean what are the chances of a dream not even revolving about me becoming a reallity , either way it's a gamble to take , even Arisu wasn't satisfying me enough in terms of competition , the 3 years old Arisu is sure a genius among geniuses considering our age but , she simply isn't enough , I need someone I can go all out against , someone highly intelligent , be it a made or born genius , I need someone like Ayanokooji san or life would be very boring .

" Euh ano ... Sora sama , are you alright "

" Heuh ... Why am I not in my room , why am I still on the floor " I said to the maid next to me "Don't tell me ... all of that , all that "dream" actually happened in a split of a second in my mind , hehehehe that's rather interesting " I wishpered to myself before a small yet creepy smile found it's place on my face , the maid's face turned into a horrified expression at that moment , she had no actually no one had ever seen me smile for my 3 years of existence , i was deemed as emotionless by many people , I never felt fear or nervous neither , my father used to joke around with his friends saying he got a cute mummy as he's son before mother put him in his place . " Don't talk about what happened today to aanyone , especially mother , I don't want to be ridulised " I said to her before getting up and walking to my room . I finally had a new goal , someone to surpass , someone I knew was groing day by day and i wasn't planning on losing .

And just like that years have passed

I discovered my abilities early enough , I could memorise everything even if i saww it just once it even evolved to the point I can memorise anything even if I just heard it so I was like walking memo and I don't know how but my mind could perfectly adjust to everything , the researches I read stated that too much information could burst the mind of a human , but somehow my mind didn't , It even permitted me to think about multiple subject and things simulatniously without loosing focus on anything , those were real gifts from heaven . But that wasn't all , I could master anything even if I didn't practice or know anything before , it was as if my mind received various information about everything in this world before hand and all i had to do was try to use or do something in order for me to be able to do it with no efforts , and finally my body , I've never fallen sick and even if I was training and jogging everyday , I don't think that the muscles on my body are that of someone who only studied martial arts from books without putting it into practice except for one time , and I almost killed my " teacher " that one time . Well either way , it felt like I was in one of those reincarnation animes , not like it wasn't possible but , I 'd prefer it not to be the case .

" Soma sama , dinner is ready " said thé maid after she tocked on the door

" Yes , I think I'll eat with my parents today , please tell them "

" They already expected so , young master "

" Okey then , I'm going down in a few momments "

" Yes young master "

A while later

" So tomorrow is the day huh " said my father and then he added " You still don't want to tell us why you chose to enter the D class "

" You really don't give up father " I said with a stoic expression like usual

" Then tell us brother " interrupted my younger sister , yes I had a younger sister , she was born two years after me so I will be in my last year when she will enter ¨high school¨ " I wouldn't want to have a brother in D class when I will enter school" she added , and yes our relationship wasn't the best , it all started with a little competition but she found out that she couldn't keep up with me , she started to hate me but admire me at the same time , but me going to D class wasn't satisfying for her

" Mooo ... let him alone , I believ..." said mother before I enterrupted her

" If I can't even make a class like D class become an A class , how can I be worthy of taking over our company father , plus ,I think that D class students aren't that bad , I mean they all entered the scholl destined for elites only , that in itself means that they have potential , and I intend on becoming the one who will make their potential bloom "

" I see , why couldn't you say it from the start ??" said my father with a shocked expression

" Because I knew you would have said something like , I already aknowledge your competence or that it was useless " I answered and without waiting for anyone to speek again I said that I finished and that I was going to my room in order to get somethings organised .


Tomorrow is finally the day , I will finally meet you Ayanokooji Kyotaka , maybe I will have to go in the bus , or not the more I wait the more it will be interisting .


And also chapter's end .

I hope there weren't mny mistakes and that you enjoyed this little chapter

please check my novel



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