
Reincarnated in Birth Of The Demonic Sword

Mc transmigrates into Birth Of The Demonic Sword and had hundreds of years prep before main events starts. There will be minor multiverse but it is fully explained with reasonable explanation. Also he can only manifest a kind of spirit clone of himself to go to multiverse, his real body can't leave Birth Of The Demonic Sword verse. He only goes multiverse for a chaoter or two so he can get and bring other characters to be with him. Ps this fic is Harem so begone thy Anti-Harem Sect individuals! For I have abandoned the Anti-Harem Sect (ompy this once) so that I may become a true "man of culture"!!!

Knight_Riku · Book&Literature
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41 Chs

Chapter 7: Elden Lord

(A/n Farum Azula = correct spelling.

Ps, if you are aware of the spells added with the Convergence Mod of Elden Ring such as [Twister] then that gives you and idea of the spells Tallon and the others use and learned in the Elden Ring verse)

All of us gathered outside of Maliketh's arena within crumbling Farum Azula.

As for how we reached here without the burned ashes of a maiden?

The same way Ranni was able to get here thanks to her Oath-sworn Glintstone Dragon Adula.

But also because of Fortissax and Lansseax bringing us all here.

Long ago, under my instruction, I tested Ranni by having her battle a Dragon that was causing some chaos in Liurnia.

Upon defeating the Dragon she made it submit to her and would serve her from then on as an Oath-sworn Dragon.

The wyvern like Dragons are not true Dragons, only Ancient Dragons with four limbs and two wings that can wield the power of Lighting are considered True Dragons.

We were all nervous because who wouldn't be when facing Death itself.

Maliketh is the only real Grim Reaper within this Universe which is why everyone fears him. Not only that but Maliketh has the skill to back it up, while passing the ability to permanently kill his enemy.

We all had discussed the plan beforehand but none of us was confident that it would go the same way.

Not wishing to prolong this any further, I was the first to move as Ranni followed after me along with the others.

I and Miquella mounted Fortissax and Lansseax respectively as we took to the skies and would enter through the dome of the arena.

The others entered first and Miquella and I upon the twin Ancient Dragon's backs perched ourselves to a place where we can view what happened inside.

Ranni and Rykard led Malenia, Rennala Rykard inside.

Contrary to what we expected to see, Maliketh was already wearing his armour and was already wielding his Black Blade, with Destined Death imbued within it.

'2nd phase already?!'

Fuck it, Plan B it is.

Plan B was in case Maliketh was as prepared as he was now because I doubt the fact he wouldn't be able to sense our arrival with Farum Azula.

Upon seeing Rykard, whom he recognised from the Night of Black Knives, when Rykard cane to steal Destined Death, immediately became enraged.

However, Ranni remained anonymous to him since she helped Rykard that day while she concealed her true identity, which is why Maliketh didn't show any reaction upon seeing her.

Even his sense of smell failed since Ranni no longer had her original body but rather this new one which had a new appearance and was a doll body.

"You've returned! Have thee not stolen enough! Come then! Come and allow me to give it to you! Destined Death!" Maliketh spoke before releasing a loud roar which shook and distorted the very air around him.

Maliketh charged towards the group on the group on the ground as everyone was already prepared for battle.

When Maliketh was close enough he relea dragged his free hand across the ground and released numerous claw like slashes that went in multiple directions.

Because Maliketh did this attack at such a close range, this caused the group to react on the moment and was forced to evade it.

Upon achieving his desired effect in separating the group, Maliketh chose to attack Ranni first, sensing she was the weakest physically and was most likely a magic caster like Rennala.

He swung his blade diagonally from right-to-left, before he did a follow up horizontally from left-to-right.

Ranni used a Martial Art technique I taught her, which she copied and made into a spell of her own.

This was the Merging Water Step, a Rank 5 technique I made that allowed the user to manipulate nearby water molecules in the atmosphere.

This would condense beneath the feet and allow one to propell themselves to a great distance with practically non-existent to no costs.

Ranni let out a Carrior Piercer while she was moving backwards.

Maliketh blocked the attack of the formed Magical sword before he found himself being attacked by Rennala.

Rennala released a onslaught of spells that forced Maliketh to run around and evade them.

He possessed incredible defenses but even he wouldn't tank the hits knowing that he needed to fight multiple enimies.

Maliketh was able to swerve around Rennala's attacks and reach her, but Rennala would send out her Oath-sworn summons to tank Maliketh's attacks.

Unfortunately, those Oath-sworn summons were permanently deleted from Reality upon their deaths.

Rykard and Malenia went in to assist Rennala.

The clash of blades were not enough to push back Maliketh due to his immense strength.

Malenia knew this and so she used the Waterfowl Dance move, the technique that the Blind Swordsman had used against the God of Rot's scorpion like form in their battle before he taught it to Malenia.

The countless sword strikes of the Waterfowl Dance repeatedly struck Maliketh's blade which caused it to be pushed back.

Rykard leapt into the opening and with his sword coated in Magma hot flames, struck Maliketh's chest.

Maliketh roared in pain and anger before he used his free hand to grab Rykard's sword.

Blood tricked down his hand but that didn't matter as Maliketh threw Rykard into a pillar.

Rykard's body broke the pillar as he continued to fly and crashed to the ground as he reached the edge of the arena, almost plummeting to the abyss on the edge as he held on and pulled himself over the edge of which he hung from.

As for Malenia, Maliketh had been able to fight her one-on-one and the intense and quick clash of blades showed that Maliketh had the advantage in the duel, as he overpowered her with technique, fainting and strength.

Each stroke would cause Malenia to dodge or attempt to pivet and redirect the attack away from herself, which Maliketh caught onto and swiftly took advantage of.

Thanks to Maliketh's prior experience in his battle against the Gloam-Eyed Queen, she too had done the same strategy as Malenia which is why Maliketh was able to easily overpower her.

Seeing that they were being beaten, both I and Miquella began our decent and flew inside the dome.

Fortissax and Lansseax broke through the dome above everyone, causing the dome to fall apart and descend upon them.

Everyone below swiftly took action to avade the debris while Maliketh was forced to stop his relentless assault on Malenia for his own safety.

Maliketh spotted Miquella and I on the twin Dragons back and realised that we were in an enclosed space.

As Miquella and I rained down spells upon Maliketh to give the others time to recover, Maliketh had leapt onto the walls as he climbed all around.

Climbing high enough he propelled himself from the wall and was high in the air before plummeting to the ground below.

Before he fell he had swung his blade in arc releasing a red wave of energy to fly from the blade.


However, contrary to what we expected, he had sent it upwards rather than at us.

It was only then that a moment later we realised what he did as he grabbed some of the new debris that fell from above him, and hurled it at me and Fortissax.

Fortissax was struck directly and the impact behind the force caused him to crash to the ground, I was flung of his back and landed roughly myself.

When I shook my head I turned around to see Maliketh charging towards the disorientated Fortissax.

Not wanting to lose a valuable ally, I sent out two Blood Companions as they materialised and charge at Maliketh.

My Lighting-attribute Storm Lord Tiger, Regal, was the faster one of the two Blood Companions I used, as he jumped directly in between Maliketh and Fortissax.

Regal tanked the hit but died I the process as he saved Fortissax's life.

Regal had been reared from Reality and as such I was unable to resume on him or recreate his body as the tattoo that once contained him on my body faded immediately upon his death.

That Rank 5-Gaseous Magical Beast was very hard to find given its attribute. It was also the first Magical Beast I obtained in the fifth Rank when I myself became a Rank 5-Gaseous cultivator.

I lemanted my loss.

As for the others Blood Companion, a Water-attribute Shen Long Dragon Emperor, Draaz.

Blood Companions of the same Rank, as stated by the deceased Assea in the notebook which Noah found in the Snake Valley, said that Magical Beast Blood Companions of the same attribute as the owner would be empowered a d stronger than what other Blood Companions of different ranks would be.

Draaz, empowered by Mohg's Great Rune that I possessed, allowed him to match Maliketh's strength.

Draaz breathed out his Dragon Breath which was like Borealis the Freezing Fog, and froze the body of Maliketh in Ice.

This ice wasn't stronge enough because Maliketh broke free from it, taking advantage of the moment prior, I had leapt towards Maliketh to go on the offensive.

All of my abilities in my original world were custom made hence my power with them are greater than what ordinary Cultivators could use.

I used a Rank 5 Martial Art, Dragon's Tallons, which would release multiple telekinetic slashes from my weapon towards Maliketh.

Godrick's Great Rune empowered my abilities and my base power, allowing for my attack to actually harm Maliketh.

I targeted all the vital points and joints of his body that were exposed.

Slash after slash kept coming out as Draaz and myself began to push Maliketh back.

But it didn't last long as Maliketh soon had enough and roared loudly, the roar stagged both me and Draaz.

When I regained control I heard a screeching sound only to witness the headless body of Draaz appear behind Maliketh's form as he was currently leaping in my direction!

I waved my hand and used a spell I made while in this world, Twister, a (wind) Storm spell that went out like a boomerang of air and collided into the side of Maliketh's body.

Because he was in the air, his body wasn't able to resist the force of the Twister and his body was pushed to the side, saving my life in the process.

Maliketh got back up only to leap and twirl in the air as he sent out multiple slashes of Destined Death towards me.

Dodging out of the way of all of them I wasn't fast enough to dodge the final attack that Maliketh sent as he came charging at me at full force!

Just when I thought I was going to be cut in two, a large dark Magical orb struck his body.

Following the trace of Magical particles to its source I saw Ranni land on the ground, she must have used her unique signature spell. [Ranni's Dark Moon].

Ranni and Miquella began to provide aid to me as we slowly forced Maliketh back and onto the defensive.

Seeing that Malenia, Rykard and Rennala caught onto our plan and got away from the area we forced Maliketh back into.

Fortissax who stood up on all fours still on the ground, while Lansseax was in the air with Miquella on her back, a d lastly the Oath-sworn Dragon which Rennala summoned had all released the Dragon Breath towards Maliketh at the same time!

Maliketh roared while within the flames as he was engulfed by them.

As the dragons continued to burn Maliketh to cinders, Miquella healed everyone of our injuries and fatigue.

The pain in our muscles that we obtained from trying to block Maliketh's strikes had faded away under Miquella's restorative spells.

Just as we all recovered, a black figure in dark red flames unlike any other emerged from the middle of the Dragon Fire from the three Dragons.

The figure of Maliketh charge at Rykard in a suprise attack but luckily Rykard had been able to block it, but his sword shattered upon impact as his body flew a great distance away from us.

"No! Rykard!" Rennala screamed at the sight of her son almost facing Death, she tried to run out to him but Ranni held her back from getting herself killed by Maliketh.

Maliketh reached Rykard and swung his blade down upon the red haired traitor of the Golden Order, ending his life in a swift motion.

Just as everyone thought Rykard had died, they were stunned to see that Maliketh blade was deflected, as he began to stagger back and wildly roar while swinging his balde in every direction.

I had used my Hydroportation, teleportation through the use of Water similar to Teleportaion of Space and Pyroportation of Fire, to appear in front of Rykard and used the Blasphemous Claw to parry and deflect Destined Death.

Because Maliketh had merged Destined Death within his own body, he too was affected by the Blasphemous Claw being used on the Black Blade.

After parrying Maliketh's attack I conjured forth innumerable Magical chains to bind Maliketh in place.

Maliketh viciously fought back and the chains began to crack due to the great exertion of force he was using.

But the cracking sounds stopped as more chains of different colors began to appear and assist me in detaining Maliketh.

Ranni, Rennala, Miquella and I had all used our own magic to create chains to bind the Shadowbound Beast of Marika.

As he was restrained, Malenia swiftly took action as the last individual that passed a sword and immediately severed Maliketh's right arm that wielded Destined Death from his body.

I summoned a 6-Tailed Light attribute Kitsune (Fox) Magical Beast to go and seize Destined Death.

The Kitsune used its mouth to pick up the Black Blade and immediately ran to a far distance from all of us, primarily Maliketh.

After removing the greatest threat to us, the Dragons Fortissax and Lansseax both landed and used their immense weight and combined strength to pin and hold Maliketh to the ground.

The rest of us released our hold on Maliketh and our Magical chains dispelled.

After a while of struggling, Maliketh realised he had been beaten yet we didn't intend to kill him, as such he calmed down to the point where I can finally converse with him.

"What do you want? You have bested me, have you not? Be done with it." Maliketh spoke as he was still pinned and restrained by the twin Dragons.

"Yes, but I want your help."

"Help?" He asked, confused by my reply.

"Yes. Marika betrayed you-" I said but Maliketh's beastial voice overpowered my own.

"Lies! She'd never-"

"She did! She has planned this from the very beginning! You were always meant to be a pawn in her scheme! She used you to seal the Rune of Death away and sent the Tarnished from the Lands Between along with Godfrey. Later she married Radagon and the Shattered the Elden Ring! Her plan is for the Tarnished to return to the Lands Between and eventually become Elden Lord and slay the Beast of the Greater Will within the Erdtree! To do that the Tarnished would need to come after you and take Destined Death by killing you in the process so the Erdtree can burn properly allowing them to enter the Erdtree and claim the Elden Ring!"

Maliketh's eyes widened in shock and horror as he slowly began to put two and two together.

In the secret dialogue of the game, if the player does Gurranq's questline to give Deathroot to help restore his mind. Maliketh would eventually figure out on his own that Marika had betrayed him and just as I had said, everything would come to pass.

Seeing that Maliketh's loyalty to Marika wavered, his eyes suddenly widened greatly and the pupils dilated.

I immediately used the potion in my hand and poured it down his throat.

Fortissax used one of his hands to close Maliketh's mouth shut preventing him from spitting out its contents.

After a few moments of resistance, his body had finally gone limb.

The empowered Seluvis' potion which Miquella, Ranni and I helped create had worked on Maliketh.

I needed to convince Maliketh to betray his loyalty to Marika.

Thanks to this, the "Order 66" inside of all Shadowbound Beasts such as Maliketh and Blaidd had activated forcing his utter loyalty to the Greater Will to achieve his hidden and true purpose.

During this brief moment as the Greater Will's "Order 66" was taking effect, I used Seluvis' potion to counteract that and take control of Maliketh myself.

"We've won." I announced, moments later before anyone else can say anything.

The Black Blade off in the distance and Maliketh's body began to release a dark red energy which slowly moved towards one another.

The dark red energy slowly formed a Crucifixion Cross like shape, this was the manifestation of Destined Death outside of a Vessel.

Under the watch of everyone present, I approached the Rune of Death and touched it as dark red flames entered my body.

I became aware of the Rune of Death's power and raised my hands channeling it's power.

Back in Lyndell, the Erdtree had suddenly been engulfed in Crimson flames that burned the Erdtree causing it to die rapidly.

And as such, the Seal of Order that Radagon had placed which prevented entry from all from the outside had been dispelled.


After the battle with Maliketh, Ranni and I had been present as the giant blacksmith and war counsler to Ranni, Iji had imbued Maliketh's Black Balde with a smaller portion of the Rune of Death as I wielded it's full power personally.

After everyone had recovered and the Mind Controlled Maliketh had his arm regrown and healed thanks to Ranni's Great Rune of the Unborn, aka the Rune of Rebirth, we made our way to the Erdtree.

The proceeding battle with Radagon was far easier, especially since Maliketh was created to be Marika's Shadowbound Beast.

This meant he had the hidden "order 66" responsibility to kill and eliminate Marika should she show any disloyal tendencies or actions that went against the Golden Order and the Greater Will.

Unfortunately for the Greater Will and Radagon, I had mind controlled Maliketh and now with the combined efforts of all of us.

Tallon, the Frost Monarch - Godrick, Mohg's Great Rune, Destined Death (Rune of Death)

Tallon's Blood Companions

Malenia, the Severed (aka Blade of Miquella) - Malenia's Great Rune

Miquella, the Annaloyed - Morgott's Great Rune

Ranni, Lunar Princess - Great Rune of the Unborn

Gintstone Dragon Adula - Ranni's Oath-sworn Dragon

Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon- Radahn's Great Rune

Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy - Rykard's Great Rune

Maliketh, the Black Blade - partial Destined Death (Rune of Death)

Ancient Dragon Fortissax

Ancient Dragon Lansseax

We had all effortlessly defeated Radagon, unlike our battle with Maliketh, he was no longer our opponent but our very own vanguard as he took the offensive in the battle while we all supported him.

As for the Elden Beast, because I gave everyone a small fragment of the Rune of Death, we were able to kill the Elden Beast with less trouble and fear than that of when we fought Maliketh, because one cut from Maliketh's blade at that time would have instantly killed us.

But Radagon being the other half of Marika and the Elden Beast, which both are God's, were able to tank multiple Blows of the Rune of Death.

But it wasn't enough to save them.

And that is when we came face-to-face with Marika's broken body which contained the Elden Ring itself.

Ironic, Marika Shattered the Elden Ring while Radagon fought for control over their shared body in order to Repair the Elden Ring but failed since Marika had won.

But now I will be the one to discard it.

Standing before the Elden Ring, everyone stood far behind me as the watched on.

I turned around and signalled Ranni to come forwards and join me.

She was partially confused but didn't hesitate.

"What is the matter?" Ranni asked, confused at why I was delaying the inevitable.

"What am I now? Am I Elden Lord?" I asked her specifically and the others caught on, especially Rennala who smirked in the background.

"Yes, isn't that obvious. We all chose to follow you and acknowledge you as such."

"*sigh* You can really be a handful my apprentice. Every Lord cannot rule alone upon the throne..."

I didn't continue my words as I waited for Ranni to realise what I meant, which she did.

Because of her Doll body, she is unable to visibly express great emotions, but her silence and following words was all I needed to know her answer.

"What do you- you can't mean?!"

"I do, even in my original world I was pursued to by many who wanted to form political marriages. But none gave me a gift I truly appreciated."

I kneeled down on my knee and took out the Dark Moon Ring which I had in my possession.

"B-but this! How?! I thought I'd lost it long ago!" Ranni blurted out in shock when she saw the ring.

Ranni absolutely trusted me so the thought of me stealing the ring hadn't even crossed her mind, instead she thought I had found it.

Years ago, when Ranni had destroyed her Empyreon Body and possessed this Doll body, she had lost this ring.

The Ring depicted a leaden full moon, symbolic of Ranni's cold oath.

The ring belonged to Ranni and is supposed to be given by Ranni to her consort.

Ranni is an Empyrean, meaning her consort would by rights earn the title of lord.

I wanted to prove myself to be of higher reputation and standing than even she was, as such I chose to propose now, upon becoming Elden Lord.

As for how I have the ring, I had lied to Ranni she had lost it with the intention of proposing to her.

I can't have her give me everything after all, I am a gentlemen first and foremost, even if I wasn't while on Earth. A man is still a Mam and i have the pride of one to uphold.

"Lunar Princess, Ranni. I offer this ring to you in exchange for your hand in Marriage upon our departure from this world to the next. To begin anew and to usher in a new age. One of adventure, freedom and trubulations we would face and ivercome together as family, and with the people we will rule and lead together. I vow to spend every moment I can with you, to learn together, to love together, to defend you with my life, for my devotion and loyalty is as true as the ring I give to you now. What say you, would you be my wife, my Queen."






A bit cringy but I tried combining various marriage vows from fiction into one to make it unique.

Also what version of Ranni do you guys want her real body to be? Tallon can create anything while in the Elden Ring verse since the Elden Ring itself can control and manipulate Reality.

Image 1 - Ranni's current Doll Body (will become real body) that Tallon made for her

Image 2 - Ranni's orignal Empyreon body with red hair

Image 3 - anything of your choice, I already have one here for Hinata.

Also all of u were saying u can't see mc face picture.

I'll post it here again.

Image - Face appearance.

Image - average clothing, non battle looks.

Image - Armour.