
Reincarnated in Birth Of The Demonic Sword

Mc transmigrates into Birth Of The Demonic Sword and had hundreds of years prep before main events starts. There will be minor multiverse but it is fully explained with reasonable explanation. Also he can only manifest a kind of spirit clone of himself to go to multiverse, his real body can't leave Birth Of The Demonic Sword verse. He only goes multiverse for a chaoter or two so he can get and bring other characters to be with him. Ps this fic is Harem so begone thy Anti-Harem Sect individuals! For I have abandoned the Anti-Harem Sect (ompy this once) so that I may become a true "man of culture"!!!

Knight_Riku · Book&Literature
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40 Chs

Chapter 25: Ice vs Fire


1 vs 1 battle (Rank 5 Solid) 

<Snowy Region>

[Forossa vs Utra Nation]

Lunar Queen Ranni vs Second Prince


Tallon pov:

The battle I was most excited to watch was of Ranni against Second Prince.

Sure I watched the other battles, even Jade's fight, but this was going to be a real battle against two equals.

Ranni had long since mastered the spells and magic of the Elden Ring verse, and even learnt to incorporate the Fragment of the Rune of Death she aquired long ago, for the Night of Black Knives, into the arsenal of abilities she can use.

Ranni was truly worthy of being an Empyreon candidate, who was one of only 3 to exist that could have succeeded Queen Marika as the next God, should the need have arisen.

And there has only ever been five known Empyreons, and four of those five Empyreons belong to Forossa as of now.

Those five are:

Queen Marika, the Eternal

The Gloam-Eyed Queen (Melina)

Lunar Princess Ranni (now Lunar Queen Ranni)

Miquella, the Unalloyed

Malenia, the Severed/Blade of Miquella

The Gloam-Eyed Queen was Marika's rival Empyreon, before she became the God of the Elden Ring verse, but was killed by Maliketh on Marika's orders which allowed Marika to become the God and vessel of the Elden Ring, much like how I am now since the depowered Elden Ring is iside of my body allowing me to gain complete control over all its seperate and unique Individualities/laws of reality which is governs for myself.

And then on the opposing side that will face off against Ranni, one of the four Empyreons and additionally, Lunar Queen of Forossa.

That opponent is Second Prince.

Second Prince is an oddity. He is a Creation of King Elbas' experiments, more accurately he is the second experiment while the first one failed.

King Elbas created a crystal or something that simulated artificial life to be his heir, but Second Prince referred to himself as Second Prince when King Elbas tried calling him First Prince in title.

Second Prince explained his reason quickly by referring to the first failed experiment as First Prince while he is Second Prince.

Confusing and not confusing at the same time...doesn't really matter, its irrelevant to me, 

Second Prince is almost a perfect mimicry of King Elbas, they even have the same Individuality, that being [Curiosity]

Because of that, King Elbas had put limitations and restrictions on Second Prince so that he wouldn't surpass King Elbas himself in the Cultivation journey.

And now both Ranni and Second Prince will be facing off against one another. This will be an exciting match to watch.

Even that fart, King Elbas, is here to watch personally, well since I and my mother Lilith are both here that can't be ignored.

Second Prince is the strongest out of all of the Royal Family, Elbas thinks I'm going to interfere again like I did with Noah and Blaidd's battle.

Second Prince was already present and had been here since the beginning. King Elbas didn't want to lose to a "traitor" like me and more than likely had Second Prince arrive with his entourage.

Honestly, I didn't expect it nor did I care. This was just a matter of Pride of the Royal Family, whereas Ranni would be arriving shortly.

She was preparing a special spell which she will use on Second Prince.

From what i could determine from viewing over some of her research notes on "Breath" and spell creation, she was still able to use the principle of the Rune of Death fragment she still possessed.

You see, the Rune of Death was initially stolen by Maliketh, but now that Ranni had long since studied it, she can create an infinite number of Rune of Death Fragments that are not as potent as the actual Destined Death Rune I possess, but was still powerful enough to embody the principle and the Metaphysical "Law" of Death to a degree.

This new sell she made wouldn't kill the target, not yet anyway since it was still in its half completed state, would help cripple her opponent.

I guess I'll see what it is she was doing experimenting with all those magical beast corpses in the upcoming fight.

Some time passed by and eventually myself, Lilith and King Elbas could sense a two individuals far beyond the range of the other's senses rapidly approaching us.

Myself and Lilith knew who this specific 'signature' belonged to, and it doesn't take a genius to know either.

Just then Ranni appeared in range of view riding atop of Glintstone Dragon Adula.

The Wyvern landed beside us and Ranni dismounted by floating down of Adula's back.

"You took a while longer than I thought you would." I commented as she gave a nod of greeting to her mother Rennala.

If they weren't being viewed by everyone, they would have given a hug to each other instead.

"Apologies, I was modifying my staff with the Primordial Ice and that 'other type of Ice' you gave me a while back. Its not perfect but will be more than sufficient for now. I'll need your help in separating the two Ice materials from the staff so I can perfect it properly later."

(A/n Imagine Staff of Magnus with Rennala magic staff design. I couldn't find anything good after 40 min searching artwork. Ps, if u don't know what Staff of Magnus is, then u r not a true fantasy nerd. Its literally the number 1 strongest magic staff to exist in any and all fiction works period (lorewise though).)

"You managed to merge them Ranni?" Rennala asked with wide eyes full of pride and joy.

"Yes, Tallon let me use a Mimicry of the Elden Ring to help use as a catalyst to sublimant other components in the fusion process..."

While mother and daughter discussed on the success of Ranni over the difficulties of their experiment they had worked on in recent months, Lilith and Jade stood next to me to inquire more on the topic.

<So what's this 'other type of Ice' she said? I know the Primordial Ice from territory Eleum Loyce was built on, but not other 'Ice'.> Jade asked in her mind, knowing that I had used Telepathy to link our minds so we could communicate in secret, because of Ranni's discretion of not using the actual name of the 'unknown Ice'.

<Remember when the New Continent fell from Immortal Lands?> I asked.

<The God of the Shandal Empire intervened and stopped New Continent from destroying Old mitigated shockwave effects somewhat.>

<Have any idea what method he used to do that?>

<Wait! You mean that Ice is-> Jade exclaimed but was cut off mid way.

<The God of the Empire used pillars Ice to stop it.> Lilith finished what Jade would have said by giving the answer.

<Yep, 7 that Ice is the Empire God's of 7th Rank. The problem is, this isn't a natural substance, its like an artificial Elemental material generated through will and soul individual in question when casting spells or techniques. They are born with aptitude, restricted to element at birth, can be overcome some ways, but main principle birth Manifestation their soul. It essentially what represents them best. artificially he anyone else uses "Breath" manipulates it create technique spell reality. That's why was hard for two work Ice. Since they needed understand God on Spiritual level manipulate Rank>

<You realise what you are saying right?!> Lilith explained as her eyes were wide, ready to pop out of her skull.

<What? 7 Manipulating Reality and the Soul was a casual feat from where Ranni Forossa originates from. That ability to manipulate two is sealed because it principle of that other universe, not this universe. Only desire will person needed achieve same efforts in world. That's what an Individuality is, when one becomes Rank being God, Conceptual Law can shape universe on greater scale.>

<You're going to give me a headache.> Lilith couldn't take in the sudden suprise explanation. It seems I never told her, and the sudden information had upturned everything she had known about the Cultivation journey she had been on for hundreds of years in a matter of moments.


"Anyway, enough about the shocking revelation, shouldn't the match start soon. The other side will get impatient and cause problems for us." Jade said out loud, catching the attention of Ranni and Rennala.

"They're unable to do anything because of the pact the leaders of the Five Factions made." Rennala stated as her and Ranni approached us.

"I agree, but they will cause problems for us. They've done it to me plenty of times over insignificant matters just to get back at me. It had been annoying to deal with in the past." I replied, remembering how even when I became a Rank 5 Heroic cultivator in the Utra Nation, the Nobles and specifically the Royal Family hated the times I indirectly pissed them off and they always tried causing problems for me to deal with.

I turned to face Ranni and she nodded her head without needing to say another word before departing and heading down to the battle found to face off against the impatient Second Prince.

<Who do you think will win?> I head the unexpected voice of Rennala in my head.

I'm suprised she was able to copy my Spell, Ranni hasn't been able to do it yet. The concept of the version of Telepathy I use is much different than this world since I created it myself.

Instead of asking Rennala how she was able to copy my version of Telepathy, I responded to her inquiry.

<You doubt your daughter will win?< p>

<Being my daughter has nothing to do with favoritism. My...Husband was a great warrior and even I myself doubted would win after our first meeting on the battlefield. It stalemate, if battle had continued, think would've died.>

She isn't wrong about that. Radagon was created by Marika as her counterpart parallel self. Thereby making Radagon equal in power to Marika herself, whom was a God. I do think Marika made Radagon weaker than herself, she isn't a fool to create a sentient male counterpart of herself at full power just to stave of some curse that would have turned her hair red.

<So what is the reason you ask?>

<It's 5 fairly obvious. You yourself know. Her opponent isn't weak, that is for sure. If the whole concept of Cultivation Ranks didn't exist and everyone was equal in power, much like two them are now Rank Solid beings, then I would say Second Prince could be as strong was.>

<That's assuming everyone in this world was of the same rank, like previous one you all came from, correct.>

<Yes. Though Ranni had long since surpassed me in power by our old world standards.>

<Hm...you're not wrong to doubt. Honestly, I don't know who will win. That's why am here. To intervene if necessary stop an "accidental" killing blow from Second Prince.>

<If that line of thought ever crosses his mind for an instant! I will personally make the Royal Family Utra Nation learn exactly how became Queen Liurina and Master Raya Lucaria!>


As the fight was almost about to begin, I sensed another familiar presence approach from behind.

"Looks like I made it a little late to wish my sister luck, unfortunate indeed." Said the deep voice of a red haired man with a curly beard.

"Rykard! I didn't think you would be coming in person?" Rennala asked her son.

"My wife Tanith had came from Forossa and took charge of the Recusants I brought to the New Continent, while she had established a council to manage the affairs of Mt.Gelmir and Volcano Manor in both of our absence. Since I was now free of responsibilities, I was able to come in person." He replied to his mother.

"Ranni will be delighted to see that her brother was able to come in person." I spoke aloud, and in with my omnidirectional sense, I could tell Ranni heard my voice but didn't turn around to react.

Rykard turned to face me and gave a courteous bow.

"Lord Tallon, a pleasure to see you once again. I wouldn't be missing this in the world if I didn't have good cause."

"There's no need for honorifics amongst family. Besides, the other party can't hear our words very well because of a barrier I put up to mix the words spoken."

"I apologize, but I must refuse. I still remember feeling Destined Death about to claim my life at that time had you not stepped between me and my would-be-killer. I will be eternally in you debt for that."

"Maliketh was an enemy not a single one of us could have handled alone, even then we could barely hold our own without being harmed by Destined Death, if that had happened. No trace of our being would have remained. We all worked together and did our parts in that battle."


"Please, there's no need to continue. Let's watch Ranni's battle. It's about to begin."

Rykard wanted to say something, but eventually decided to take a seat in one of the reserves we had, as we waited for the battle to begin.


Second Prince and Ranni both approached a distance away from each other, and chose to give their introductions.

"Second Prince of the Elbas Royal Family." Second Prince declared proudly as he got the first introduction off before Ranni.

"Lunar Queen Ranni of Forossa, Current Master of the Academy of Raya Lucaria, Princess of the Carian Royal Family, and Heir to the house of Caria." Ranni stated all with a polite smile.

Second Prince squinted his eyes and released a low grunt of annoyance of which only myself, Lilith and a king Elbas heard.

The two waited in silence for the beginning of the match.



"Begin!" The announcer from the Papral Nation shouted of to the side.

Ranni immediately took action before Second Prince could react to the sudden spell.

In a battle between mages, it's vital to see what the other mage opponent will do before casting a spell.

Second Prince was completely caught of guard by the boldness of his opponent to take the initiative to strike first.

Ranni didn't use a strong spell, but it will cause a bit of damage nonetheless and can still reduce a boulder into pieces.

She waved her left hand and sent out a wind spell that went in a Arc like a boomerang.

Second Prince didn't do anything as he sensed the attack wasn't as harmful as he could perceive and he was right as the spell impacted his body but didn't leave even a cut on the back of his hand, which he blocked it with.

He was initially suprised that she could use a second element since the reports said that she was of the water attribute.

In this world it isn't impossible to recreate the other elements, one just needs to understand the principle behind each element.

Fortunately, all of which Tallon remembered from reading the original story and about King Elbas's explanations in his notes to Noah.

Only a handful of individuals in the original story could use more than one element, but Tallon had long since learned how to achieve sufficient mastery of the elements to recreate each and every single one, despite him being of the water attribute. Thus, he shared that knowledge those closest to him and those of sufficient power. 

After Ranni's spell was blocked by Second Prince, instead of having the desired outcome to force a retreat out of caution, she casted another spell. This time one she learned from Miquella.

A cascade of magical purple mist was directed towards Second Prince, who in turn actively retreated out of range of the purple mist.

Had Second Prince breathed in the purple mist of magic, he would have been weakened mentally, and that would weaken his ability to cast spells and its overall Potency.

The Purple Mist was created by Miquella while as his alternative persona of St.Trina who had displayed the power to induce sleep and could manipulate the dreams of others.

Ranni immediately casted two more spells to followup.

The sleep mist was meant as a distraction and a "cloud cover" of sorts, while her real offensive attack was concealed.

She casted a Death/Necromancy related spell, [Ancient Rancorcall], dozens of blackflame-like ghost heads rose from the tip of her staff and chased after Second Prince as homing projectiles.

Ranni's second spell was an original version of [Tibia's Summons].

A group of 8 ghostly phantoms, which appeared as Armoured Knights wielding weapons with red glowing flames, emerged from around Second Prince and struck him!

Second Prince had reacted to [Ancient Rancorcall] and dispelled it by Summoning a large serpant of flames, using droplets of his own blood to create them and fuel his spells. The flame serpant tanked the [Ancient Rancorcall] in his stead and was immediately destroyed.

Meanwhile, he had failed to react to the second ghost knight's attack after he dodged the first.

The attack had been infused with the Law of Death from the Rune of Death fragment, severely wounding Second Prince, who in his pain and anger grabbed the third Knights blade from the hilt and performed a 360 degrees spin, decapitating 5 Knights at once before they could react.

Upon the third knight's death, the weapon in his hand vannished into Nothingness. Ignoring this, he raised his hand and 3 pillars of flames sprouted beneath the last 3 knights, destroying them in an instant.

Feeling an odd sensation, he looked upwards and saw many large balls of fire split apart into numerous smaller ones which further split up into even more!

He immediately summoned 4 large fire serpants, 1 encircled and covered his body like a protective dome from Ranni's own fire storm, while the other 3 Snakes made of fire chased after her and went onto the offensive.

Ranni used the same boomerang Wind spell she had used initially, but this time with far greater power as she channeled more "Breath" into the spell.

As she flyed away from the spot she was in to evade the flame serpants, the wind boomerang curved in the air to hit one of the serpents in the side of the head, which it still had yet to do.

As Rannibwas retreating, she used the signature spellbof the Carian Royal Family, [Carian Phalanx] a spell that creates multiple blades of magic that floats around the caster. The 5 magical Swords that floated around her flew out to strike one of the serpents while she used [Carian Piercer] to summon a greatsword made of magic, or in this case/world, a Greatsword of condensed raw "Breath" to pierce the head of the lead fire snake while the second was killed by her [Carian Phalanx]'s blades.

As for the 3rd Snake, the wind spell she casted earlier struck it in the side of the head just as its mouth was wide open ready to devour her as she stayed in place, motionless and calm.

Ranni turned to face Second Prince who had thought to ambush Ranni with a wave of flames, she countered him by casting a blizzard of ice that surrounded her.

The wall of flames collided with her blizzard wall while she killed the 4th snake that had previously protected Second Prince from the rain of fire, with a singular Spear of ice to the head.

The 3rd snake had regained its posture but was immediately impaled by numerous ice spikes which rose from the ground to kill it.

Second Prince created a Javelin of Flames with a larger amount of blood to fuel the creation of his spell, he hurled it towards Ranni, but yet again she countered it by first touching her body with her left hand, coating herself in a thin see-through membrane, while also raising her staff in her right hand to create a greatsword of magic ("Breath") and struck the javelin of flames with it.

The explosion of the javelin colliding with the greatsword hadn't effected Ranni at all, the only thing that occurred was Ranni's membrane she casted on herself had disappeared off her body with a loud and audible glass shattering sound.

Ramni didn't stop and had already raised her staff yet again to create another greatsword of "Breath" but this time it was made of Spectral Frost while particles of ice radiated of the phantom frost blade.

This was [Adula's Moonblade] a spell of the dragon Glintstone Adula she had defeated and subdued long ago.

When she swung the blade, contrary to Second Prince's expectations, a Arc of Frost was generated from the swing kf the greatsword of frost and flew directly towards him!

He created a blade of flames and mimicked Ranni's previous spells by generating flames that covered his entire body similar to Noah's [Demonic Form] spell, while the flame sword he now held was used to counter the Arc of Frost.

The same result happened with him as it did with Ranni, an explosion of Frost occurred while the flame aura on his body protected him from the resulting explosion.

When he faced Ranni again he had barely been able to dodge a bolt of red crackling lighting, while a second one immediately followed after the first as he yet again evaded the suprose attack.

Looking to face his opponent, he saw that her fingertips had just dispersed some of that same red lightning.

Seeing that he now had a chance to go on the offensive, he didn't waste the chance to create an unstable fire orb in his hand which he hurled in Ranni's direction like a ball.

As it flew in the aur it split apart into numerous balls of flames similar to Ranni's own fire rain spell from before.

Ranni waved her hand which conjured a wave of ice that dispersed the many orbs of flames.

Second Prince didn't let up his offensive and summoned 5 large flame serpents, larger than before, all of which charged towards Ranni at full speed.

She went back to retreat, but was unable to keep out of their range, fortunately she was still able to counter their attacks.


All 5 Flame serpents bodies glowed more vibrantly than before, it was then that she realised that they were going to explode, before she could react and properly protect herself, then had all exploded simultaneously.

Everyone waited with bated breath as the smoke of the resulting explosion dispersed on its own.

As the smoke cleared, the body of a gravely injured Ranni was all the spectators could see on the ground, as she struggled to move off of her back.

"RANNI!" Rennala screamed out in shock and horror.

Second Prince looked up to see Rennala screaming out in anger as she rose up from her seat and was about to rush to Ranni's side.

No sound was transmitted to the two contestants in order to have a fair match with no outside intervention or distractions via assisting the participants in the battle.

That was why Rennala's rage filled voice didn't reach Second Prince as he smiled in delight. However, sound on the inside can be transmitted to the outside, which is how the announcer started the battle, before he left the area of effect of the one-way anti-sound spell.

"Don't worry, I don't intend to harm her any further since this battle is won and this region now belongs to the Royal Family." Second Prince spoke arrogantly from within the barrier.

Rykard was seen holding back Rennala from going to Ranni's side and from personally killing Second Prince.

Second Prince, knowing that King Elbas would protect him, turned to look at the once imposing Frost Monarch as...

Contrary to his expectations of the Frost Monarch panicking over Ranni's injured state, he remained motionless in his throne with...disinterest?

The one that is identified as Jade Luminous, his sister was shouting at him and pointing at Ranni. Clearly having enough of his nonchalant attitude, she moved away from him to go to Ranni's side but her arm was grabbed by him just as she turned away from him.

Jade stopped resisting after a moment and he looked at Second Prince before waving his hand in the air, creating letters made of frost that formed a sentence for both Second Prince and King Elbas with his entourage to read.

//You say the match is over? Is it? Look again//

Perplexed at his words, Second Prince turned to face Ranni's injured body, only to see her smile at him and pointing in his direction, before the entire body crumbled into shards of Ice.

He immediately had a bad feeling and turned to look behind him and saw the moon?

A miniature Dark Moon was manifested by Ranni in her signature defining spell [Ranni's Dark Moon] which had a long casting time of roughly 4 to 7 seconds, and for any mage caster, this is a death sentence.

Second Prince transformed his body into flames and was able to gain increased speed in his semi-coporeal flame form to evade whatever attack Ranni was preparing.

The miniature dark moon the size of a person shot out, at first it was slow but rapidly increased in speed.

He was curious about the nature of this spell and what it would do since he can easily dodge it.

The miniature dark moon impacted with the ground where Second Prince last was and exploded in turn.

The resulting explosion didn't harm Second Prince since he was outside of its area of effect, but unexpectedly he fell to the ground, it was then he realised that his body was fully corporeal once again.

'But I didn't cancel the spell?'

He thought to himself confused as to what just happened.

"Confused by what happened to you just now?" The voice of Ranni sounded out from behind him.

He looked back to see Ranni was slowly approaching him with her guard down.

As she was walking towards him, she conjured a Frost variant of [Carian Phalanx] called [Frozen Phalanx].

Second Prince casted another spell...but nothing happened?!

He can't use his spells, we'll he could but he felt them so weakened that he couldn't even manifest the spell itself into reality!

He immediately opened his storage Ring and took out a elegant sword fit for royalty which had a firey aura to it.

The Swords shot out towards him and he scoffed at her, how could he not parry all of these blades?

Spells were just one means of offense, he was still proficient enough with a blade to contend with her still.

One Frost blade shot out, he easily deflected the first one.

"Want to know what I did? You can't use your spells because of my Spell just now. While giving explanations like this to future enemies and to the general public is a poor choice, I feel like just this once I will explain since there is no way to counter it."

She raised her staff in the air and weird bluish-green glowing symbols appeared on the floor beneath her.

"The spell I casted before can cancel out all spells within the area of effect, as for how large that is or what it entails, I won't reveal. It is more symbolic rather than to be used as an actual spell since there has never been a need to have ever used it. I only used it now so everyone will know what the Carian Royal family represents; of Mystery, of Fear, and of Power. "

The second blade shot out, followed by the third and final frozen sword.

Just as Second Prince was going to parry the approaching 2nd sword, he felt a painful suction force deep within his body, almost like something was being ripped out from him!

It felt like his soul was being pulled out, but instead it targeted his Dabtian instead!

He resisted the pulling force on his Dantian but that brief moment of distraction and the breaking of his posture had thrown him off balance.

He clumsily swung his blade, unremitting of a Prince, which felt heavier than building sized magical beasts and barely parried the second frozen blade of [Frozen Phalanx] but failed to block the third one as it deeply pierced his righ shoulder as he grit his teeth to bear through the pain to maintain what little pride and dignity he had left from being so utterly defeated.

He weakly raised his head to gaze at the one that had defeated him.

His eyes went wide in horror as she was jot yet done with him as she was preparing to use another spell one that she was charging up.

It was too late to say anything as Ranni released the spell [Comet Azur] and a constant beam of energy shot out towards Second Prince.

The glowing smyblos beneath Ranni was [Terra Magica]. Terra Magica spell creates a spherical zone that increases the magic potency and casting while the user is within the area if effect of the spell. This spell is more commonly used at the Academy of Raya Lucaria to help students to bolster their magic potency to the level of a true Sorcerer for a time.

And Ranni had used what once was a forbidden spell that was shunned and rejected by the philosophy of the Carian Royal Family, thanks to the persuasion of Tallon, had just been used on a weakened Second Prince while under the effects of [Terra Magica].

The end result being a unconscious Second Prince whose clothes and body was in a terrible state.

The pride the Elbas Family once had with it's powerful lineage was just destroyed in a single battle on this day.


Sorry for my absence and delay, becauseof that u het this 5600 word Chapter.

I lost my ssd hard drive for my ps5 and lost 30 platinum worth of trophies as a result, so I kinda ended up saying "Fuck it! Speedrun strats!" And proeeded to speedrun 22 our of 30 games in less than 25 days and git 22 platinums + 100% for all DLC trophies...cause I'm the GOAT 🐐 👑 

Ps. Do u guys have any freaking idea how hard it is to complete the "Challenge Accepted" trophy in Borderlands 2? It's harder than the grind for the Covenant items in Dark Souls 3, and u need those to get the Platinum trophy, especially Freaking Darkmoon Covenant Rank 3!!!!! If it wasn't for Darkmoon Blade miracle as its reward for getting 3rd Rank in Covenant I would never have even joined it at all and just killed Yorkshire.

Interesting fact, u can still enter the Darkmoon Covenant if u kill her, just pick it up from the place you murdered that sweet dragon lady! You monsters!!!!