
Reincarnated in Birth Of The Demonic Sword

Mc transmigrates into Birth Of The Demonic Sword and had hundreds of years prep before main events starts. There will be minor multiverse but it is fully explained with reasonable explanation. Also he can only manifest a kind of spirit clone of himself to go to multiverse, his real body can't leave Birth Of The Demonic Sword verse. He only goes multiverse for a chaoter or two so he can get and bring other characters to be with him. Ps this fic is Harem so begone thy Anti-Harem Sect individuals! For I have abandoned the Anti-Harem Sect (ompy this once) so that I may become a true "man of culture"!!!

Knight_Riku · Book&Literature
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40 Chs

Chapter 13: Shosti Inheritance

Over the entrance of the inheritance ground, the known one near Mossgrove city.<* >

Eight cultivators stood in the air where Tallon Luminous himself was closer to the ground.

Ian Udye, Thomas Balvan, Fred Muwlos, Meredith Ramgett, Kent Shosti were all from different noble families.

Meanwhile Cecil and Thaddeus were from the Royals side.

Tallon had been the one to take charge as to not waste time having someone like Lady Edna trying to force open the seperate Dimension of the inheritance.

Originally Cecil would have called for Lady Edna's help in opening the inheritance since he himself didn't have that kind of power, but I did so I told him I'd be the one to do the work.

Now he owed me a small favour since I stood to gain nothing from all this unlike the others, hence he needed to give me something as a "Thank you".

It had only taken a few dozen minutes compared to Lady Edna who would have taken hours to open the inheritance.

"The defenses are down. The will is all that remains inside." I said as I saw Cecil approaching me before bowing to me and saying words of praise.

"To think you could achieve such a feat in such a short time, Eccentric Thunder had a Rank 6 Dantian while being specialised in Formations. Your Prowess is truly awesome inspiring Frost Monarch."

"It was no issue. Let us not waste time then, Eccentric Thunder is probably watching us as we speak." I warned them before heading off towards the open tar in the land where the inheritance was.

"I'll lead the way." Kent Shosti said as he quickly caught up with me trying to save face.

Kent took the vanguard position, it was his family's domain after all, he couldn't let anyone guiding him inside the inheritance ground that they have guarded for hundreds of years.<* >

However, what everyone failed to kotoce is that I had secretly made a [Shadow Copy] and sent it elsewhere in a certain direction while the [Shadow Copy] used his detection abilities to find a certain young girl not far away from the Inheritance ground.

The group of Eight entered the pit and found themselves in a green plain with an orange sky. <* >

Standing on the plain, there was an old cultivator that wore an extremely large hat and a luxurious orange robe.<* >

Eccentric Thunder had appeared as soon as the cultivators entered his dimension!<* >

"You must be senior Eccentric's will, it is an honor to finally meet you after so many years."

Kent bowed toward Eccentric's figure but the others in his group didn't follow his example, they didn't have any special relationship with him while the Shosti family had built its wealth on that separate dimension.<* >

Eccentric snorted and opened his mouth to speak.<* >

"It is fun seeing some intruders speaking of honor, have you come for the resources of my dimension? Ha! I will destroy them before handing them to you."

The runes that composed the dimension began to flicker and emitted an ominous noise, it seemed that Eccentric was ready to detonate the entire dimension.<* >

It was at that moment that Thomas flew in front of Kent and bowed toward eccentric, pleading him in a loud voice.<* >

"Lord Eccentric Thunder please wait! We have come to investigate a matter concerning the opening of the inheritance ground five years ago. The entire group of cultivators from my family has vanished and there is no trace of it! I wonder if you could tell us what has happened back then."

Eccentric fell deep in thought.<* >

He knew exactly to what event he was referring to but he was somewhat conflicted about showing it.<* >

'That kid is not my disciple but he still provided me with an heir. I also have to buy some time for June to safely escape the area of the dimension. I'm sorry kid, my disciple has the priority.'<* >

Eccentric sighed, even as a will he still maintained his human gestures.<* >

"I can provide that but you have to close the dimension afterward, I'm still looking for an heir."


Cecil answered immediately and Eccentric sighed again before making an ample gesture with his right arm.<* >

The runes on the terrain shone and some faint images appeared.<* >

They pictured a group of soldiers in red armor that was silently encircling a suffering youth with his eyes closed.<* >

That was the moment when Noah had just come out of the second layer and was enduring the transmission of the Demonic form spell!<* >

The imagine then moved and showed to the cultivators the battle that followed that event.<* >

There was also the sound of their voices, Thomas couldn't help but knit his brows hearing Noah's conversation with Lena.<* >

Then, Noah used the Demonic form for the first time and completely overwhelmed the heirs of the Balvan family, taking all the corpses in his space-ring and leaving in a certain direction.<* >

A moment of silence followed the end of the images, the cultivators were still surprised by what they had seen.<* >

Not only the complete Demonic form was clearly powerful but also its wielder couldn't be underestimated.<* >

After all, Noah was only fifteen during that battle and he was already extremely proficient in combat, some of the nobles couldn't help but internally shake their heads seeing such a talent being forced to rebel against his own family.<* >

"I hope you would forgive my frankness, Lord Thomas."

Meredith spoke, turning her head toward the patriarch of the Balvan family before continuing her phrase.<* >

"How could you not suspect him from the beginning? He is clearly one of the strongest youths of the country."

Thomas showed a complex expression at that question and coughed a couple of times before he was able to give an answer.<* >

"I didn't even know that he had a space-ring."



The conversation progressed between Eccentric Thunder and the others until it eventually escalated to the point where the others had grown greedy.

Thinking that they all could take the treasures contained within the Shosti Inheritance, Eccentric Thunder activated the Formations and Runes of the seperate Dimension causing the entire inheritance to detonate in an explosion that caused the entire inheritance ground to crack and shake.

Pillars of orange fire shot out in the sky in the spots where the entrances to the dimension were.<* >

There were nine entrances in total but they were replaced by nine fiery pillars.<* >

June, the young girl who had a storage ring containing all the contents of the Shosti Inheritance and was Eccentric Thunder's heir, turned due to the commotion that was happening behind her.

She was in a murky swamp, at tens of kilometers from the Shosti's domain.<* >

'Master destroyed the separate dimension, it seems that the invaders were strong.'<* >

She had learned all the defensive protocols of that place, she could immediately link the orange pillars to the destruction of the dimension.<* >

'All of Master's wealth is with me and he even left me some of his lessons in the form of runes, he was already prepared for a similar situation. I should just go back to the mansion, I have a lot to study.'<* >

"Where do you think you are going Eccentric Thunder's Heir?"

June was completely shocked, she hadn't expected the intruders to be able to find her this quickly!

June turned around and saw a individual clad in Dark blue robes with some scales of some Magical Beast while donning a strange mask that had a set of antlers protruding from them upwards.

The Frost Monarch?!

June knew who he was as his father had ensured she learned all the important individuals from theist prominent Noble families as to not offend them.

The Ballor family was only a small sized noble family after all.

Additionally, June admired the Frost Monarch because of all the rumours she had heard of him.

She herself was obsessed with battles and the Frost Monarch was the strongest Cultivator that showed an equal obsession to battle as she did as he had actively held tournaments and battled numerous Magical Beasts of a stage higher than his Cultivation Rank at the same time while displaying the fight to the public as entertainment.

June didn't think a Spear suited her at first but after seeing how the Frost Monarch fought with his twinblade and numerous other weapons of similar quality, she had attempted to copy and create a way of fighting similar to him.

Even Vance, or Noah as i had rmfound out his true name in the last year, had admired the Frost Monarch and analysed his fighting style.

Vance said that the Frost Monarch primarily uses defensive styles or parrying to deflect attacks away or redirect them to his opponent.

He also utilises a offensive style that focuses on absolute lethality, while the third style of fighting was a mix between the two and even had spells in it like a "Jack-of-all-trades" style of fighting as Vance had said.

But right now he was standing before her as a potential enemy!

"M-my Lord! Why have you sought me out if I may ask?" I stammered out as I quickly took a knee before him showing that I truly respect and honor him with no intention of fleeing.

"I had came here with the others to Eccentric Thunder's Inheritance to take back something that once belonged to me, but was stolen by him. I care not for the rest of the treasures from the Inheritance which you have in that Space Ring of yours. Once I have what I came for I will leave, if it is not in the Space Ring, then I will still leave as it simply being a waste of my time." The Frost Monarch said as he use Breath to Telekineticly pull the Space Ring of my finger as I didn't resist.

There was nothing I could do even if he wanted to take the entirely of the Space Ring's contents that had the entire Inheritance Master gave me!

I could only grit my teeth as I silently cursed my misfortune but prayed in my heart that he stayed true to his word.

Minutes passed by as he simply stared at the Space Ring in silence.

Eventually, he took something out of the Space Ring, it was a scroll I recognised that contained the True Thunder Body Refinement Method.


I yelled in my head, I still needed that, it was the most valuable item in the entire Inheritance of Eccentric Thunder!

The Frost Monarch looked in my direction and I quickly turned my gaze to the floor to avert my eyes from his form.

Moments later I heard him scoff before two things fell in front of me on the floor.

The Space Ring and the Scroll for the True Thunder Body Refinement Method?

I looked up to see him out of confusion and shock at why he gave them back to me, only to realise a identical scroll in his hand.

"You can keep this copy I made of the Body Refinement Method for you to keep while I take back the original. He stile my research notes on the Body Refinement Method and used it to complete and create the perfected version. I'm well aware of how much value this has for you which is why I'm being generous. Our oaths will cross again June Ballor, who knows...you might meet Noah Balvan one day if you continue down this path through that which drives you."

The Frost Monarch said before he took out an item that materialised in thin air.

"Here, a gift. A Rank 5 Keiser Rune. I've already have another one in my possession. Think of this as an investment for the future." He said as he turned to leave.

Seeing as this was my only chance while he was still in a good mood, even if it killed me my obsession and desire for battles needed to be sated with what I would ask, or I fear I would only hamper my growth if I didn't ask him now.

"My Lord! My I ask a question?!"

I called out as I remained kneeled on the ground looking at the floor with the three items still laying there.

I could see his feet turn to face me though not fully all the way.

He made a low grunting sound which I took as the signal to speak.

"My Lord, I greatly admire you and have heard and seen many of your public battles! I humbly ask for what is your advice for me to match your Prowess while using the Spear!"

He remained silent for a few moments before humming, another sound of something materialising was heard and a pristine book was dropped on the ground.

"I had created all of my battle styles based of many things I had come across and been inspired by. I developed three styles to honor those past memories, the Sword God, Water God and North God styles. While my personal style of combat is more specialised around movements and techniques skin to water, taught to me by a Blind Swordsman with a Floating Sword, that onece defeated a God of unparalleled strength you could never even begin to fathom, and his apprentice who now serves me as a loyal subordinate. The style I developed from his teachings and named as the 'Dance of Water' is opposite to how you would fight. I suggest you study what I inscribed in this book, it focuses on the Sword God Style while borrowing some elements from the North God style that utilises spells and abnormal techniques. Considering that you are a battle maniac while allowing you to use your Lighting element more often as an offensive or defensive ability, the North God style serves for that very purpose. Try making a battle style of your own. If you are wondering, Noah Balvan's combat style is more akin to the North God style while using the offensive traits of the Sword God Style."

After hearing his long speech and the great deal of wisdom he had bestowed upon me I saw his feet vanish into blue particles.

I looked up only to see that he was now gone.

I took the things He had given me and stored them in my Space Ring before I began to walk off in the direction of the Ballor mansion.

This encounter had certainly been a frightening and beneficial one.

It was long after that when June returned home only to find out that publicly Noah was revealed, declared and became criminal, the information about his past was revealed as his crimes.

The Balvan family actively cooperated with the Royal family to create a complete profile of Noah.<* >

In just a few days after the destruction of Eccentric' inheritance ground, Noah became widely known throughout the nation.<* >

His picture was affixed near the criminals' board of the Capital and a bounty was set.<* >

However, no one was able to find him and many began to think that he had completely abandoned the nation.<* >

Meanwhile, Forossa had been growing more and more powerful as time went on.

Using the True Thunder Body Refinement Method, Tallon had given it to Godwyn, Fortissax and Lansseax alongw with all those within Forossa that had a Lighting Attribute to use and become stronger, alomgw with anyone else in his territory that possessed the Lighting Attribute.

In addition, the inhabitants of Forossa had been getting more and more stronger as the cultivated without rest.

Meanwhile, ny Black Knife Assasins had infiltrated the Papral and Utra Nations, especially the sects under Ravaging Demon operating in the Papral Nation with the secret goal to usurp control of the sects under Ravaging Demon and the various Noble families of the Nations over to his side.

Years passed and The Hive, a secret criminal organisation that the Rank 6 Chasing Demon leads, has come out and publicly declared that the Archipelago as an independent Nation.

That meant that Noah Balvan has joined The Hive, completed and seized Divine Demon's Inheritance and gave it to the Hive to strengthen them, made a deal with Chasing Demon and became the Divine Prince in status.

Tallon didn't get involved with wasting resources to aid in the battle against the Archipelago as he focused more on strengthening Forossa for what is to come.

And it had...

A Piece of the Immortal Lands, where the Gods of Rank 7 and above resides, had fallen to the Mortal Lands.

And the best part is that Forossa was close to it.

But the best news is to come, having devoured many Rank 6 and Rank 5 Magical Beast Dantians and Bodies as well as those belonging to Humans of Rank 5, at least those that won't be missed or recognised as KIA, it had helped progress my Cultivation level to new heights and allowed me to breakthrough!

I had become a Rank 6-Gaseous Cultivator at long last!

And just in time as well!

"Here is where the fun begins!"

I said as an army of Rank 5 and Rank 4 Cultivators of Forossa hovered in the air behind me as we were the first to arrive here before any other Faction.


Interesting note to Elden Ring players.

Two things.

One, did you know that after killing the Baleful Shadow for Ranni in her questline and getting married to her at the Moonlight Altar where she killed her Two Fingers by giving the Dark Moon Ring, you can actually return to the top of Ranni's Rise tower and a new Site of Grace will appear. You will have the option to talk to "Miniture Ranni" (hand size doll) again at this grace. Talking to her here and she will tell you additional dialogue about what the Age of Stars game ending is and what she intends to do.

Two, you may have noticed it, but the Baleful Shadow is a Red Phantom in the form of Blaidd while his weapon has the power of Destined Death on it. This also shows more proof that Blaidd may have been the only one that could have been a threat to Ranni since Destined Death can kill a Demigod permanently and Blaidd was specifically made to have a higher resistance to magic damage because he was made for Ranni and to kill her if necessary cause of "Order 66". Maliketh also has an 80% Holy damage absorption to counter Marika (+Radagon) who is primarily a Holy Damage attacker.