
Reincarnated In Berserk

After a tragic incident, a devoted fan of the Berserk series finds himself unexpectedly transported by a God into the world of Berserk, specifically, into the body and memories of a young Corkus. With knowledge of the events to come and the characters he once admired, he embarks on a mission to alter the course of Corku's life and the fate of the Band of the Hawk.

constantine17 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Beyond the Surface: Unraveling Kerlic's Past

While they were walking inside the forest, Kerlic asked Corkus a question that caught him off guard. "Corkus, what do you think is the most essential thing to survive in the wild?"


'Where did that come from?' Corkus thought, surprised by the sudden question.


"I would have to say locating a water source, building shelter, and creating a fire to keep you warm."




"That's a good answer. Most people would say that's the most essential part, but they are mistaken.



The most essential thing is knowledge. How can you build a shelter or create a fire without the knowledge to do so?


 Survival in the wild requires not just physical abilities, but also mental preparedness and knowledge.


 Knowing how to locate edible plants, identify dangerous animals, and navigate through unfamiliar terrain can make all the difference," Kerlic explained.


As they continued their journey through the forest, Corkus felt a newfound sense of purpose. Their conversation sparked a thirst for knowledge within him, and he was determined to learn as much as he could.



'Learning more in general doesn't sound bad. I was engrossed in my training, so I can survive that I didn't see that perspective,' Corkus thought.


"Crokus, don't try to learn every piece of knowledge that books can offer you because that's meaningless," Kerlic advised. 


"I believe that knowledge should be practical and have a purpose. For me, the ultimate aim of knowledge is to contribute to the well-being and flourishing of individuals and society.


Knowledge should be applied to solve real-world problems, promote virtue, and enhance human happiness. So if you want to have a huge amount of knowledge, that is fine, but if that knowledge doesn't have a practical use and can't help you solve your everyday problems, it is useless," Kerlic said with a sophisticated tone.


"Why are you telling me all of this?" Corkus asked, confused.


"Corkus, I share this perspective with you because I believe in the importance of knowledge that serves a purpose.


From what I have observed, it appears that you have a lot on your mind, and it might lead to problems. Imagine spending your time learning something that doesn't pay off in the end, wasting your time," Kerlic explained.




"How do you know about philosophy?", Corkus asked.




"In the army that I was serving in, there was a man who was a philosopher but, for financial reasons, joined the army. I was curious about philosophy in general, so I asked him to teach me, and here I am." He replied with a hint of nostalgia in his eyes.




"Well, enough about that. Now that you have a general idea of what I was telling you, it's time to teach about survival.





For the water source, we have the lake, and for shelter, we are going to build a small tent. Usually, you should find a cave or create a small shelter from leaves and branches, but that's not needed for us right now because we aren't going to spend much time here anyway".



Then both of them started building the tent.



"Now what should we do?" Corkus asked.




"We need to create a fire, so try to find branches. I am going to gather stones, so the fire can't spread to the rest of the forest. Don't go too far, and be careful".



"Alright, I will be careful, don't worry," Corkus responded.



After a while, he came up with the branches.



"I am back," Corkus said.



"Leave the branches on the floor, now watch me how to create fire.



This method is very popular. It uses flint and steel. It involves striking a piece of steel against a flint rock to produce sparks. These sparks are directed onto some tinder, which is a dry, fibrous material that catches fire easily. The sparks ignite the tinder, and with careful blowing and nurturing, a fire can be established". Kerlic said.



With a snap, the fire began to take hold, warming the surrounding area.




"And that's it, now I am going to cook the food I bought, so while that is getting prepared, I have a question to ask you. Why are you training so hard? What's the point of pushing yourself to your limits?"

He asked 



Corkus thought for a while and then responded.



"It's because the world is cruel. We have been in a war for the past 90 years or more, and as a commoner, I can't do much. Most of us live a life of pain and misery, while the rich live a life of comfort. I just want to become stronger, so I can survive and change that cruel fate. Moreover, after we finish our training, I am going to travel and wander as a mercenary". He said.



After hearing Corkus's response, Kerlic signed.



Well, you have a good reason, and you are speaking the truth. I don't think I can change your opinion, but at least now that I know your reason, I can help you take a step further toward your goals.




"Thanks, Kerlic It means a lot to me. Kerlic, why did you come to this town?" He asked with a hint of curiosity.




After hearing the question, Kerlic's face took on a horrified expression, his eyes became bloodshot, and he started shivering. Then he looked at Corkus and said:




"It's only fair to tell you. It all began with a mission that my men and I received. One of our scouts had informed us of a Tudor camp a few kilometers away. Our goal was to investigate it. We completed the mission, and then we started our journey back toward the base to provide them with the information we had.




( Kerlics Pov)






As I and the squad of soldiers ventured deeper into the dense, shadowy woods, we couldn't shake the ominous feeling that something terrible had befallen our camp. Whispers of fear passed between us, but duty demanded that we press on. The moon filtered through the thick canopy above, casting eerie patterns on the forest floor.


"Keep your guard up, men," I, barked. "We don't know what we might find."


As we approached the clearing, the scent of death hung heavy in the air. The once lively sounds of a bustling camp were replaced by an eerie silence. The soldiers spread out cautiously, their weapons at the ready. Among the ruins of tents and abandoned supplies, they discovered the lifeless bodies of their fallen comrades, their eyes wide with horror.


"What in the world could have done this?" one soldier murmured, barely able to conceal his fear.

"We found some people, sir, but they are dead," another soldier said.


"It doesn't matter, tell me your findings". I said.




"We found Private Haynes, His body lay against a broken tree, his once vibrant eyes now glazed over in death. A deep gash ran across his chest, and his armor was stained with dried blood. His right arm was twisted at an unnatural angle, indicating a fierce struggle.


We also found Sergeant Smith. His once imposing figure is now hunched on the ground, life extinguished from his eyes. His armor was riddled with slashes and puncture wounds, evidence of a merciless assailant. A deep wound on his neck suggested a swift and fatal strike".



"Anything else"? I asked. I would rather not spend more time here, something felt wrong.



"Yes sir! We found the corpses of Corporal Matthew and Private Morgan.



Corporal Matthew's body was found near the campfire as if he had fought to protect it until the very end. His face bore an expression of defiance, but his injuries were severe. A gaping wound in his abdomen told of a brutal strike, and his blood-stained hands clutched a broken sword.

Private Morgan's body was found Half-hidden behind a toppled tent, his body showed signs of a desperate struggle.

His limbs were contorted, indicating a struggle to escape his attacker's grasp. A deep gash across his forehead recommended a lethal blow that ended his life".



"Something is very wrong, what might have done this?" Private Wanders asked.



"It's very difficult to be an animal, we didn't find any tracks." I interpreted, 



"What about Lieutenant Turner, The squad's leader?" A random soldier asked, fear evident in his voice.



 "He was found laying near the camp's back as if he had tried to rally his men against the impending doom. His once proud armor was marred by deep claw marks, and his sword, now broken, lay discarded by his side. His eyes were wide open, frozen in shock and disbelief" a soldier next to him said.

Suddenly, the silence was broken by the sobbing of a woman, her cries were heard throughout the camp.


 Immediately, Our eyes then fell upon the sound. A lone figure stood amidst the carnage, her tattered clothes and disheveled hair telling of the horrors she had witnessed. She looked at us with hollow eyes and a haunting expression on her face. The squad's medic, Private Andrew, took a cautious step forward.


"Ma'am, are you hurt?" He asked, trying to appear non-threatening.


The woman's lips quivered, and she spoke in a soft, trembling voice. "They came out of the shadows. Horrors beyond imagination."


As I and the rest of the soldiers gathered around her, our sympathies ignited, but we couldn't let our guards down. We had witnessed the unimaginable throughout the kingdom of Midland, and the war had been unkind letting us witness many horrible things.


Suddenly, the woman's body started convulsing, her limbs contorting unnaturally. The squad took an instinctive step back, but before we could react, her form began to shift and warp, her face contorting into a grotesque mask. Then the woman let out an otherworldly scream.



Her piercing scream echoed through the dark, silent night, sending shivers down our spines. It was a blood-curdling "Aaaah!" that revealed the sheer terror we at that moment felt as we faced the unknown horror.



As her body transformed into a powerful monster, gasps of horror escaped the soldiers' lips. The monster's eyes glowed with malevolence as she unleashed her wrath upon us.


"Prepare yourselves, men! I shouted, my voice quivering with a mix of fear and determination.


The monster's newfound power was staggering. Her limbs elongated, and dark, twisted appendages lashed out at the soldiers. Panic and desperation consumed us as we fought for our lives. Swords clashed with monstrous strength, and arrows were shot, but the monster seemed unstoppable.


"Fall back! Fall back!" I yelled, realizing the futility of our efforts.


But escape was not that simple. The monster's agility was astounding, and she swiftly closed the gap between us, snaring the soldiers with her grotesque appendages. One by one, they fell under her onslaught, their courage and will to fight crushed beneath the weight of her malevolent power.


As our squad dwindled, only I remained, my heart pounding in my chest. Fear and grief overwhelmed me, but the will to survive burned fiercely within. Gathering all my remaining strength, I managed to break free from the monster's grasp and retreated with a newfound resolve.


In the face of unimaginable horror, I fled deeper into the woods, the haunting laughter of the monster echoing in my ears.


"Hehehe, where do you think you are going? No one can escape! Run as long as you can in the end, I will catch you," the monster said, obviously playing with me, as for her, I was just an ant.




When I heard that monster speaking, I ran as fast as my legs would carry me.


Then I stumbled upon a small crevice hidden beneath the underbrush. Desperation consumed me, and I squeezed into the tight space, praying that the monster wouldn't find me.







As the minutes turned into hours, the sounds of the monster slowly faded away, leaving a haunting silence in the woods. Fear still gripped me, but I knew I had to gather my wits. Gathering what strength I had left, I emerged from the crevice and began my journey back into civilization.


(Pov ends)


"Of course, I reported it, but nobody believed me, so because of what I witnessed, I left the army and came here. I started drinking and continued to do so for 10 years.



After meeting you and seeing your resolve, little by little, I stopped drinking altogether and took my job seriously. So I would like to thank you," Kelric said with a grin.






"It's nothing, eventually, you decided to change I didn't do anything," Corkus answered.




"For me, the case is different anyway. I am going to sleep. See you tomorrow, Corkus," Kerlic said and went to sleep.



"Goodnight, I am going to keep guard for a few hours," Corkus said.

'What happened to Kerlic was crazy! I never expected something like that. I feel bad for him that monster should be an apostle who knows it might be the one that killed corkus in the manga and anime' he thought while sighing.