
Chapter 6. The first enemy and the new ally

Admiral Z and Franz engaged in a lively conversation, exchanging tales of their past and sharing their aspirations for the future. Franz, with his charismatic demeanor, unveiled the true extent of his power and his burning desire to reshape the world.

Franz: "Admiral, mark my words, I'm about to shake up this world like a blender on steroids! I won't settle for the status quo. I want to obliterate the New World, that rotten system favoring the strong and suppressing the weak. I envision a realm where pirates are intrepid adventurers, the embodiment of freedom, and where the Marines personify genuine justice."

Admiral Z, overwhelmed by Franz's power and conviction, looked at him in awe. He recognized the potential for monumental change that Franz possessed.

Admiral Z: "Franz, your power and conviction are truly extraordinary. I wholeheartedly believe in your mission to reshape the world. I want to accompany you on this journey, witnessing firsthand the transformation you'll bring about. I will stand shoulder to shoulder with you, through life-or-death situations, and together, we'll forge the future you envision."

Franz: "Thank you, Admiral. I know that united, we can move mountains. We'll fight for justice, empowering the weak and oppressed, and pave the way for a brighter future in this world."

With a firm handshake, Admiral Z and Franz solidified their alliance. The force of Franz's power and his unyielding charisma had won over Admiral Z, establishing him as a crucial figure in this momentous undertaking. Franz had joined a cause far greater than himself, one that had the potential to reshape the world.

As the Neo Marines ventured across the vast expanse of the Grand Line, an unexpected encounter awaited them. The notorious pirate, Shiki "the Golden Lion," sprung an ambush on their ship, capitalizing on the perfect moment to strike. Caught off guard, the trio and Admiral Z sprang into action, determined to defend themselves. The battle commenced, and tension thickened in the air.

Franz, Johnny, and Yosako swiftly assessed the situation, reacting to the barrage of massive rocks and land fragments hurtling towards them. Johnny flexed his bulging muscles, taking his position at the forefront, conjuring a thunderous shockwave with a resounding punch that shattered the boulders into minuscule fragments before they could reach the ship. Simultaneously, Yosako unsheathed his sword, his movements becoming a blur as he deftly cleaved through the falling debris with astonishing precision.

The scene pulsated with an electric intensity as Shiki, the Golden Lion, materialized before the formidable trio and Admiral Z. A menacing grin adorned Shiki's face, eager to test his might against the newly honed warriors. He raised his hand, lifting a colossal chunk of rock comparable to a small house, and hurled it towards their ship. Without hesitation, Franz sprang into action, dashing towards the descending mass. With a powerful punch, he sent it hurtling back towards Shiki. The pirate deftly swung his sword, slicing the rock in half, but before he could react, Franz was already upon him. Launching a series of rapid strikes, Franz relentlessly pummeled Shiki, who roared in pain and fury. In response, Shiki swung his sword with reckless abandon, but the rapidity of Franz's movements proved too much for him to handle. Overwhelmed, Shiki tumbled across the deck of his ship.

Johnny, seizing the opportunity, propelled himself towards Shiki with a mighty kick. Despite Shiki grasping his leg, Johnny's foot had already been imbued with Haki. The force behind his kick sent Shiki hurtling backward, crashing into the mast of his vessel. Johnny grinned confidently, advancing to finish the job. He unleashed a torrent of blows, each surpassing the previous one in strength. Yet, Shiki, unyielding in his resolve, retaliated with savage intensity.

Meanwhile, Yosako brandished his twin swords, executing movements of unparalleled velocity. His blades blurred as he struck at Shiki from every conceivable angle. The pirate, compelled to defend himself, parried blow after blow. However, Yosako's true strength lay in his incredible speed, rendering Shiki incapable of matching his agility. Darting in and out with surgical precision, Yosako relentlessly assailed the pirate.

Admiral Z stood mesmerized by the battle's unfolding spectacle. He marveled at the immense power, astonishing speed, and unparalleled skill displayed by the trio. They embodied the very essence of formidable combatants. Yet, Shiki proved to be no pushover. A formidable force on par with the pirate king, Gold D. Roger, Shiki matched their strength and speed blow for blow. The fight escalated into a brutal exchange, each participant exchanging punishing strikes.

Ultimately, Franz emerged victorious. Withstanding the full brunt of Shiki's attacks, he employed his robust physique as a shield against the onslaught. Emitting a thunderous roar, Franz launched himself at Shiki, his fist pulsating with tremendous power. The punch collided with a deafening crash, triggering shockwaves that reverberated throughout the island. Shiki hurtled through the air, crashing through the walls of a nearby fortress. The island quaked, its ground cracking and splitting beneath their feet.

In the aftermath, the trio stood triumphant, with Shiki lying unconscious on the ground, defeated. However, victory came at a steep price. The island lay in ruins, its inhabitants left displaced and destitute. Worse still, prisoners had been ensnared by Shiki. Determined to right these wrongs, the trio embarked on a mission to rescue the captives, leaving Admiral Z behind.

Deep within the recesses of Shiki's ship, Franz discovered the prisoners' whereabouts. Bursting into the room, he swiftly incapacitated the guards, only to be taken aback by a familiar face. Nojiko, battered and bruised, stood before him, alive. Franz scooped her up into his arms, hastening their retreat towards the ship.

As they sailed away from the ravaged island, the weight of their victory settled upon the trio. They had emerged triumphant, but the toll had been significant. Franz, Johnny, and Yosako had showcased their true power, but they had also witnessed firsthand the destruction that unfettered might could unleash. Acutely aware of this responsibility, they vowed to exercise restraint, ensuring their strength did not inadvertently harm innocent lives.

Following the battle, the trio and Admiral Z reconvened on the ship, discussing their hard-fought victory. Amidst their conversation, Nojiko silently observed from a corner of the vessel, her gaze fixed upon them.

Curious, Franz pointed toward Nojiko and inquired, "Who's that?"

Admiral Z responded, "That's Nojiko, Nami's sister. She was captured by Shiki and his crew."

Franz approached Nojiko, asking, "Are you alright?"

Nojiko nodded, tears shimmering in her eyes. "Thank you for saving me," she expressed, her voice trembling with gratitude, "but I need your help."

Franz regarded her intently. "What do you need?"

"I want to join the Neo Marines," she declared firmly. "I want to aid in the fight against these pirates who have taken everything from us."

Agreeing with her conviction, Franz nodded. "I understand how you feel. We'll bring you with us, but first, we must ensure you're trained and strong enough to face the challenges ahead."

Nojiko smiled gratefully, and Franz turned to the rest of the group. "Today, we've gained a new comrade, and I believe she possesses the potential to become a remarkable warrior."

The group concurred with nods of agreement, setting forth on their journey with Nojiko at their side.

As they continued their voyage, Franz and Nojiko grew closer, the bonds of camaraderie strengthening. Nojiko shared more about her past with Franz, recounting the loss of their mother to a debilitating illness and the devastation inflicted upon their village by pirates. Franz sensed the anguish and fury resonating in her voice, recognizing her resilience and unwavering determination.

Over the ensuing weeks, Franz and the group devoted themselves to training Nojiko in the art of combat, imparting knowledge on swordsmanship and Haki. Franz observed the unyielding resolve in Nojiko's eyes and witnessed her rapid progress as she absorbed their teachings.

Amidst their training sessions, they confronted numerous pirate adversaries. Bolstered by Nojiko's contribution, they dispatched their foes with unparalleled efficiency. Franz took immense pride in her advancement, recognizing the invaluable asset she had become.

Finally, after months of arduous training and perilous encounters, they arrived at their destination—the treacherous Grand Line.

Navigating the hazardous waters, they encountered a multitude of perils. However, aided by Franz's leadership and the unwavering support of the group, they triumphed over every obstacle. Confronting sea monsters, formidable pirates, and even a rogue Marine squadron, they emerged victorious each time.

Throughout their journey, Nojiko proved herself an indispensable member of the team, fighting with unwavering skill and determination. Franz witnessed her transformation into a resolute and formidable warrior, ready to confront any challenge that lay before them.

One day, as they sailed toward a perilous island, Nojiko approached Franz. "I want to express my gratitude for everything you've done for me," she said earnestly. "I wouldn't have made it this far without you."

Franz smiled warmly at her. "There's no need to thank me," he replied. "We are all in this together."

Nojiko nodded, and for a moment, they stood side by side in silence, gazing out at the boundless expanse of the sea.