
Reincarnated in Another World, Saga of Two Heroes

It all began with a needle of light that pierced the heavens. It tore the veil and dazed the darkness. It streaked across the Elder Darkness until it struck a shell, and light unlike before poured forth. —--------------------------------------------------- Ravian is one of a kind, born to a world of fantasy from a father not of that world, and raised alongside siblings who were nothing like him. He was content however and his father had prepared for him a great future, as he did with all his siblings. But the transgressing light struck on that fateful day, and Ravian vanished, taken to another world just as his father once had. Sigmund is an orphan born to the modern world, a young adult living on his own for years since he left the orphanage without adoption. His life was largely uneventful and somewhat empty, with only friends and no one to call family. It was finally that, on an uneventful day, a force dragged him away, to another world. Both Ravian and Sigmund awakened in a world of fantasy, separated from one another at first. To Ravian, it was a familiar but strange world. With so much in common, yet just as many differences to note. To Sigmund, it was a strange but familiar world. Like the fantastical stories conjured by the creative minds of man, but made real. Finding one another as strangers in this new world, Ravian and Sigmund banded together in a world of magic and dragons that knew neither of them, or at least not at first. Secrets are uncovered and destinies are written, here is the story of Ravian and Sigmund, two strangers in another world. —--------------------------------------------------- Release Rate: Daily • Bursts of New Chapters may be published according to author's mood. —--------------------------------------------------- * Art on the Cover is mine, made it on Canva :D Disclaimer: For those who don't notice, it's an original fantasy novel and so it is unrelated to any event of the real world.

The_Open_Sky · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Just a Nightly Stroll

As the evening shadows began to lengthen, the trio found themselves gathered around Valerie's sturdy wooden table. The table, worn smooth by years of use, was set with simple earthenware dishes and utensils. The room itself was bathed in the warm, inviting glow of a hearth fire, casting dancing shadows on the walls. The air was filled with the comforting scent of burning wood and the tantalizing aroma of cooking food, creating a cozy and welcoming atmosphere.

Ravian and Sigmund were seated across from each other, a single chair separating them. The two men, so different in their origins and experiences, were now sharing a meal in a humble village home. The silence between them was comfortable, filled with the soft crackling of the fire and the occasional clink of wooden utensils against plates.

From the adjacent kitchen, Valerie emerged, her arms laden with dishes. The scent of cooked venison wafted through the room, mingling with the earthy aroma of root vegetables. She placed the dishes on the table, revealing a hearty meal of village deer, cooked to perfection and accompanied by a medley of locally sourced vegetables. The food was simple, yet prepared with care and skill, a testament to Valerie's abilities as a cook.

Following the main course, Valerie returned with three bowls filled with clear water. She demonstrated the purpose by washing her hands in her own bowl, the water rippling with the disturbance. Ravian, ever the observant guest, took the cue and followed suit, his movements graceful and deliberate. Sigmund, still adjusting to the customs of this new world, mirrored their actions, noting the similarity to washing your hands before eating back at home.

As they began to eat, Sigmund noticed the absence of forks. Instead, they used a knife or their hands to partake in the meal. Ravian seemed more familiar with this method, handling his food with an ease that suggested he had done this before, albeit not frequently. Sigmund found himself watching Ravian, trying to mimic his movements, a sense of curiosity mingling with his initial awkwardness.

His movements were fluid and precise, a stark contrast to Sigmund's hesitant attempts. Ravian's golden eyes flickered towards Sigmund, catching the latter's gaze on him. A subtle smile tugged at the corners of his lips, an unspoken acknowledgment of Sigmund's silent observation. 

Valerie, embodying the village's warm hospitality, kept the conversation flowing with her outgoing nature. Ravian, though more reserved, matched her pace with his polite and engaging responses. Sigmund, still grappling with the shock of his sudden displacement, contributed to the conversation in his own way, asking more about the world without revealing his earthling origins.

As the final morsels of the meal were savored and the conversation began to wind down, Ravian rose from his seat, his golden eyes meeting Valerie's. "Valerie," he began, "I must insist on assisting you with the dishes. It would be quite improper of me to enjoy your hospitality without contributing in some way."

Valerie blinked in surprise, taken aback by his offer. She was not accustomed to guests offering to help with chores, especially not someone who carried himself with the grace and dignity of a noble. "Well, that's a first," she chuckled, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Never had a guest offer to do the dishes before. But if you're sure, Ravian, I won't say no to a helping hand."

"My pleasure, Valerie," Ravian responded, his voice smooth as silk, a charming smile playing on his lips. He moved to the kitchen area, rolling up the sleeves of his attire, revealing more of the strong, toned muscles of his arms.

Sigmund, observing the exchange from the corner of his eye, couldn't help but feel a sense of amusement. He was still grappling with the reality of his situation, but the sight of Ravian, a man who carried an air of nobility about him, offering to do the dishes was a welcome distraction. It was a small, mundane moment, but it served as a reminder that even in the most extraordinary circumstances, life had a way of grounding you in the simplest of ways.

In the humble confines of Valerie's kitchen, Ravian and Valerie stood side by side, the remnants of their shared meal awaiting their attention. The kitchen, lit by the soft glow of a single oil lamp, was filled with the sound of water being poured into a large wooden basin. Ravian, rolling up the sleeves of his attire once again, revealed his strong forearms, the muscles subtly flexing as he prepared to tackle the task at hand. Valerie, on the other hand, busied herself with gathering the dishes.

Ravian, with a flick of his wrist, summoned a small violet orb of magic, its ethereal glow casting an otherworldly light in the room. He manipulated the orb, directing it towards the basin of water. The orb, upon contact with the water, began to emit a soft hum, causing the water to ripple and froth, devouring the leftovers by magic as he scrubbed the dishes with cloth with both hands.

Valerie watched in awe, her eyes wide with fascination as she observed the spectacle. It was very convenient of him to have such a spell at hand.

As the last of the dishes were cleaned, Ravian and Valerie worked in a comfortable silence, the only sounds being the occasional clink of dishes and the soft hum of Ravian's magic. The ethereal glow of the orb reflected in Ravian's golden eyes, casting an enchanting light that made him seem even more otherworldly. The sight was mesmerizing, and Valerie found herself stealing glances at him.

With the task completed, Ravian dispelled the orb, the ethereal light fading away to leave only the soft glow of the oil lamp. The ethereal glow that had filled the room gradually faded, leaving only the soft, warm light of the oil lamp flickering in the quiet kitchen. The sudden absence of the orb's hum left a silence that was filled by the soft crackling of the lamp and the distant sounds of the village settling for the night.

He turned to Valerie, his golden eyes meeting hers. "Thank you for the meal, Valerie. It was truly delightful," he said, his voice carrying genuine appreciation that warmed her heart.

As the evening wore on, Sigmund, still weary from the day's events, excused himself to retire upstairs. The soft creaking of the wooden stairs echoed in the quiet room, marking his ascent. The house fell into a comfortable silence, the only sounds being the occasional crackle of the fire and the distant hoot of an owl. It was then that Ravian, who had been quietly observing the flickering flames in the hearth, turned to Valerie.

"Valerie," Ravian began. He rose from his seat, making his way towards the door. His golden eyes, now dim in the low light of the room, met hers with a gentle firmness. "I find myself in need of a long walk tonight. Please, do not concern yourself with waiting. I assure you, I will return to my room unaided."

Valerie, ever the gracious host, quickly offered him an oil lamp, her eyes reflecting the warm glow of the fire. "It's dark out there, Ravian. You might need this," she said, her voice carrying the distinct cadence of her village dialect. But Ravian, with a polite shake of his head, declined her offer. "I appreciate your concern, Valerie, but I've taken enough nightly strolls myself." he replied, flashing a soft, reassuring smile.

Valerie looked at him for a moment, her eyes searching into his own. Then, with a resigned sigh, she nodded, placing the lamp back on the table. "Well, if you say so, Ravian. Just be careful out there, alright?" she said, her voice carrying a note of worry. "There's been wolf attacks in the nearby villages."

Ravian inclined his head in acknowledgement, a warm smile gracing his features. "Indeed, I shall, Valerie. A pleasant evening to you!" 

His voice echoed softly as he gently shut the door behind him, stepping out into the cool night. His parting smile silently conveyed his promise of a safe return. As he moved away from the dwelling, the soft glow of the interior lights gradually faded, extinguished one by one as Valerie retired the oil lamps and retreated into the comfort of the night's rest.

As Ravian stepped into the forest beyond the village, the world around him was bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight, casting long, dancing shadows that played hide and seek with the underbrush. played hide and seek with the underbrush. Towering trees stood as silent guardians, their leaves whispering ancient tales to the gentle night breeze. The forest floor, a patchwork quilt of fallen leaves and brittle twigs, crunched under his boots, their crisp sounds punctuating the tranquil silence of the night. 

His golden eyes, now glowing dimly in the dark, scanned the surroundings, taking in the details of the landscape. The intricate patterns of the bark, the rustling leaves, the distant silhouette of a deer, all were captured in his keen gaze. The absence of villagers in the vicinity was welcome, allowing him the freedom to fully immerse himself in the nocturnal landscape. 

Feeling the cool night air on his skin, Ravian stretched his arms, his muscles flexing under the fabric of his clothes. A small smile played on his lips, the taste of the night air, a blend of damp earth and wildflowers, was invigorating. Then, with a sudden burst of energy, he propelled himself forward.

His body moved with a fluid grace, his speed increasing with each stride. His hair billowed behind him, caught in the wind created by his own speed. The forest came alive around him, responding to his presence, as he dashed through the underbrush, his cape billowing behind him like a dark specter.

In a blink, Ravian's speed escalated, quickly surpassing the velocity of a cheetah in full sprint. His body became a blur, a dark streak that cut through the forest with a force that would shatter most speed limits. The wind whipped past him, a symphony of rustling leaves and whistling air that sang in his ears. His heart pounded in his chest, the rhythm matching the exhilarating tempo of his run. 

His golden eyes were alight with a fierce joy, the thrill of the chase, the freedom of the run, all culminating in a heady rush of adrenaline. Without breaking stride, Ravian launched himself off a cliff, his body arcing gracefully through the air before landing with the softest of thuds. The impact was negligible, his supernatural strength absorbing the force with ease. 

He then began to leap from tree to tree, his movements fluid and precise, like a dancer performing a well-rehearsed routine. He was grateful for his retained strength, his body responding to his commands with the same vigor and agility as always.

Eventually, his run brought him to a clearing, where the light of the full moon bathed the landscape in a silver glow. He paused, looking up at the celestial body with a smile of pure contentment. 

Raising his right hand and putting most of its fingers together, he traced a symbol from his forehead, a gesture of gratitude for the strength and speed he possessed. "Thank you," he murmured, his voice barely more than a whisper carried away by the night breeze. Then, with a final glance at the moon, he was off again, his body a dark blur against the moonlit landscape as he dashed towards a nearby mountain, ready to begin his daily exercise in earnest.

Despite the vast distance separating him from his home, Ravian was not one to neglect his daily regimen. It served as a grounding ritual, a tether to his routine in a world that was anything but routine. The physical exertion provided a welcome distraction, a way to channel the energy that would otherwise be consumed by the gnawing uncertainty of his situation.

After all, it was far more productive to focus on the present, rather than dwell on the daunting prospect of potentially never being able to return home. He can get to try and solving that later, after the night dissolves whatever tension is within.

Finding a secluded spot, far enough that the faint glow of the village lights was but a distant speck, Ravian paused. The cool night air brushed against his skin, carrying with it the earthy scent of the forest. The tranquility of the place was soothing, the silence broken only by the occasional rustle of leaves or the distant hoot of an owl.

With a deep breath, he began to shed his outer garments. His high-collared cape was the first to go. With a fluid grace, he unfastened his cape, the dark fabric billowing in the night breeze before he carefully folded it and set it aside upon a rock.

He then proceeded to remove his black outfit, revealing the full extent of his toned physique. His muscles rippled under his skin, each movement accentuating the strength and power that lay beneath. He took a moment, closing his eyes as he inhaled the crisp night air, letting it fill his lungs before exhaling slowly. He stretched his arms, the sinewy muscles of his biceps flexing as he began his warm-up.

With his warm-up complete, Ravian moved on to the next phase of his routine. His eyes fell on a cluster of boulders nearby, their rough surfaces gleaming under the moonlight. With a fluid grace that belied his strength, he launched himself into a handstand, his body forming a perfect line against the backdrop of the night sky. Then, with a precision that was almost surgical, he began to lift the boulders, his muscles flexing under the strain.

After a series of strenuous exercises and a few hours, Ravian paused, his golden eyes scanning the surrounding forest. The night was alive with the sounds of nocturnal creatures, their calls echoing through the trees. His heightened senses could detect the faint rustle of leaves, the soft padding of paws against the forest floor, the rapid heartbeat of prey. He could smell the musky scent of deer, the earthy aroma of boars, the faint trace of rabbits. The forest was teeming with life, a veritable feast waiting to be hunted.

With a swift, fluid movement, Ravian donned his outfit and cape, the fabric clinging to his toned form. He moved like a shadow, his steps silent as he disappeared into the undergrowth. His golden eyes glowed in the darkness, the only indication of his presence as he stalked his prey. His movements were swift and precise, each step calculated to bring him closer to his target.

As the sun began to peek over the horizon, painting the sky in hues of pink and orange, Ravian emerged from the forest. His arms were laden with the fruits of his hunt, the bodies of deer, boars, and rabbits slung over his shoulder. He moved with ease despite the weight, his supernatural strength evident in his effortless stride.

He dropped his bounty with a soft thud on the veranda of Valerie's house, the assortment of creatures a testament to his successful hunt. As the first rays of sunlight touched his skin, he knocked on the door, awaiting Valerie.