
Reincarnated in an Omegaverse World

A common girl lover of the genre Yaoi or BL known as Boys Lovers Love between boys, dies electrocuted after finishing reading her favorite manhwa. When she wakes up the first thing she realizes is that her mother and father are two men, after analyzing the situation she realizes that she has been reincarnated in an Omegaverse world where they are known or called as Alphas, Omegas and Betas. There she is called by one name which is Ameri, she can't be happier as her dream was always to see live and direct a romance between men. " God thank you for giving me this new opportunity I will make the most of it! " "Of course... Like every BL fan I'm going to see couples emerge live! " But as you know not everything is perfect.... —Ameri promises that you will write to me every day. —Of course, Dan! We are friends "For an Alpha it's adorable." So, the years passed and Ameri entered a new school where she met new people. —My name is Cecilia... I'm an Alpha. —Hi... I'm Lisandro... I'm this girl's watcher. But the biggest surprise for her will be later... when she finds out what world she's really in. She thought her whole life would be normal watching Boys Lovers couples...until she met Liam and that's when she realized she was inside the manhwa BL Omegaverse "This is not love this is obsession". "This couldn't be better." He thought happily... But there was a little problem in that story.... And that was the possessive Alpha named Rhett, who was so obsessed with Liam to the point of locking him in a room and never letting him out, yet Liam had already become his best friend. In order for this Alpha not to hurt his best friend and be able to lead a quiet life, Ameri creates a plan so that when this Alpha shows up, the first thing she will do is train him so she can give him to her handsome Liam when he is submissive and enjoy his cute college love, but not the toxic love that was in the original story. —Lucky we're in the same classes Liam. —Yeah, I'm glad to have someone I know around. "As expected from the main character he is so adorable, now that I remember this is where the Alpha meets the Omega, as a fan I don't plan on missing this moment." —What are you doing Ameri? -—I thought I saw Lysander in the distance," she replied as she tried to smile with her hand behind her neck. "Where the hell is that Alpha supposed to show up at this point? Although sometimes things don't always go as one plans or one thinks.... —I found you! —Huh? Huh?! "What's this Alpha doing hugging me and not Liam?" "Now that I realize it…It's Dan!". Ameri was very surprised, she couldn't believe she knew the other main character from the beginning. However, she didn't let that get to her and said to herself. "It's time to enjoy their beautiful romance live and direct!". —Ameri will make a group with me —Your boy you are wrong, she will do it with me. "What's the point of this, they're supposed to fall in love so I can enjoy their beautiful love story!". —I don't know why that Omega is so attached to you; I don't like it. —Don't call him that, Liam is my friend too.... Suddenly Ameri's body started acting a little strange, making her legs shake and her cheeks blush. "No way...I'm not supposed...to be Omega." —Dan, I need you to... —Ameri... you smell so good... It wasn't supposed to end like this! I want my BL omegaverse story! Will Ameri be able to get the BL story she wants so badly?

Estef_1012 · Teen
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24 Chs

Chapter 13

I was lying in bed, a little shaken by the fever that was keeping me from breathing calmly.

"I really thought it would go away after a while, but apparently it didn't."

—It seems that his fever has increased.

Alicia answered looking at the thermometer, while my parents watched with worried faces.


My mother uttered in a voice full of concern.

—Don't worry Eli, leave everything to me...I'll take care of little Ameri.

spoke Alicia with a comforting voice.

—Easy, Ameri... You'll be better off with this.

From her briefcase she took out a syringe and a bottle, I couldn't tell what exactly it was because the fever didn't allow me to read, it made me see things a little blurry.

"I hope so, this really hurts a lot."

I had never been sick like this before... I wouldn't know how to describe this pain... The only description that came to my mind was like I had a huge rock trying to crush my head.

I know it's an exaggerated description... But that's how I really feel...

—I have to know... What gender... I am...

I was trying to pronounce with the little strength I had left...

—Don't worry about that now sweetheart... Like you aunt I'll take care of that...

—thank you...

After Alicia gave me the injection I felt sleepy and my eyes began to close little by little. The last thing I heard was my father talking to Alicia.

—Are you sure it will work?

—Of course... When she wakes up, she'll be much better.

Then I didn't manage to hear another word... I felt so calm with myself, it was as if peace and tranquility were taking over my body.

"Wait a minute...don't tell me that...I died because of this fever! no, no, no! This can't be! I haven't seen many BL couples yet!"

Suddenly I heard voices getting closer and closer....

"Now that..."

I said with a sad face TnT

"God if it's you, please take me back to where I was! I feel so happy in the world you brought me!"

Suddenly I saw two people in a room a bit dark... You couldn't see them clearly, but I did manage to hear what they were saying.

I clearly heard the books fall to the floor and from what little I managed to see I could tell it was someone cornering another person

"Uhm... I feel like I've seen this before."

I put my hand on my chin in thought.

—Let go of me, you're hurting me!

Said a man's voice as he struggled.

—No! Until you understand that you and I are meant to be together!

—You're wrong... It's not like that.

He replied in a broken voice

"I don't know what's going on... but one thing I'm sure of, it's two men! I repeat, it's two men gentlemen! Until finally something exciting happens! This is a great gift from God! Forever grateful to you!"

I clasped my hands together in prayer, grateful for making myself listen to such a scene.

This was like being at a VIP concert where only you are the only spectator, but instead of a concert it would be a scene with a BL couple in it Kya!

—why don't you want to understand! I love you... Lia

"Lia... Lia... Lia... That name rings a bell."

After repeating that name several times in my mind I reacted

"Now I remember this is one of the scenes from the manhwa I had read before I died This couldn't be better!"

Not only had I finished reading it, but now I was watching it live and direct... As I wiped the drool coming out of my mouth I continued to watch the scene of this beautiful couple

"I must not waste any second"

Pretty soon the scene that seemed hard to watch cleared up a bit making me see what this beautiful couple were doing.

"Damn! It would be nice to have some snacks for company to go along with this beautiful scene!"


Moaned the Omega character


"Gentlemen a kiss! A freaking intense kiss! Kya!"

I shouted like all euphoric

"Yes! Yes! This is what I fucking meant! Come on...! Come on! Show me that beautiful scene that follows!" and you know what scene I mean....

I clearly felt how the adrenaline was running through my body... I watched as the Alpha was clutching the Omega's body to his, I felt like my eyes were about to pop out from the excitement....

"Yes! Come on baby! Do it! Do it!"


I shouted excitedly with my arms in the air without realizing that I had already woken up.


When I heard my name I opened my eyes and realized I was in my room....

"No...! No, no! It was all a dream! Don't play with my feelings like that!"

I thought already sitting on my bed and a bit discouraged.


—Dan! What are you doing...?

When he wanted to complete the sentence, I was already wrapped in his arms

—I'm glad you are well....

He pronounced with a broken voice, When I felt his warm embrace I couldn't help but apologize.

—I'm sorry if I made you worry

I replied as I responded to his hug.

—But shouldn't you be at school?

—classes are already over...

He said as he pulled away from me

—Hey? Wait a minute, what time is it?

—6 pm

My mouth dropped open when I heard the answer to the time.

—This must be a lie! I couldn't have slept all day!

I screamed in shock.

"What kind of medicine did this crazy Alicia give me!"

After such a strong reaction, I heard footsteps running towards me.


shouted my mother and father at the same time as they entered my room pushing the door hard.

—Mom... Hello

I answered trying to smile, my mother approached me to hold my hands.

—Are you feeling dizzy? Are you nauseous?

I asked worried

—I'm sorry... I'm asking you too many questions...

—It's ok mom... I don't feel anything you asked me about, I'm fine... I'm feeling better than ever.

Seeing that I answered her with a smile... She hugged me tightly

—I was so worried about you, honey....

He said with a broken voice...

—Now we are more reassured that you are awake....

Said my father who joined in the hug pulling Dan with him as well.

—Let's be clear, I only allow it because you are my daughter's friend.....

"Dad is not good at expressing his feelings."

Smile at the thought.

—You know... I'm happy to be hugged by you guys, but... You crush me.

Hearing what I said they immediately let go of me.

—I'm sorry honey it was the emotion.....

smiled my mother

—What about Aunt Alicia?

I asked looking to the sides

—At least someone asked about me

Answered Alicia who appeared all disheveled and exhausted.

—Are you all right?

—Yes, sweetheart, it's nothing...

She answered as she stood in front of me to check on me.

—Well, everything is fine?

—Are you sure?

Said my mother with a sinister look

—Yes, Eli... I'm very sure.

—What happened while I was sleeping?

I asked in a low voice

—Alicia didn't mention that the medicine she injected you with had a side effect.

Dan answered

—And how do you know that?

—Because when I came to bring you your homework, your mom was shaking your aunt like a stuffed animal..." Dan answered as he remembered.

—Why didn't you mention the side effects before?

—I thought it wasn't that important....

—You're Dr. Alicia!

—Don't worry... She'll wake up soon...

—If my daughter doesn't wake up... I will despise you all my life...

—And this time I wasn't the one who argued with her.

Said my father

"I never saw my mom so upset, since I came here I always saw him very smiling and kind".

I thought while I tried not to laugh when I saw the scene that Alicia was making so that my mother would forgive her... So much so that my stomach started to rumble.

—apparently I'm hungry heh...

I said while scratching my cheek.

—Now I'll bring you your food

My father answered caressing my head and then he left the room.

—Just stay in bed honey, you need to rest as much as possible.

Said my mother who followed my father and with an Alice hanging from her waist behind him.

—Eli... I already said I was sorry....

Seeing such a scene Dan and I looked at each other then laughed at how childish Alicia looked.

"Even though I slept too long... At least I managed to have a beautiful dream."

"Please God let it happen again!"