
Reincarnated in Against the Gods

MC dies in the real-world and gets reincarnated in Against the Gods. He lives life as he wishes to his heart's content. Join his journey as he explores the ATG Universe. --------------------------------------------------------- The characters are not mine. I just made an alternative story using the same characters. I don't own the original characters. The Cover photo I found is cool so I kept it. If you want me to remove, I will kindly do so. My works doesn't intend to hurt someone. Just created it for entertainment. All have different opinions. They are diverse. I don't mind negative reviews as long as I can correct them. My purpose for writing this fanfic is to develop my writing skills and raise my thinking level. That's it. ------------------------------ Anyone if interested can join my P atreon at https://www.patreon.com/charan56

Charan56 · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Meeting with Goddess

(??? POV)

"Where am I? What is this place?" A soul asks itself. As far as the eyes can see it is currently in an endless white space with no other presence.

(After some unknown time)

"It seems I'm now dead. Lucky me, I was really bored in my previous world! Now, what will happen to me here? Will I go to heaven/hell? Neither is a good place for me".

The lonely soul then starts recalling its memories spent on the Earth.

"My name is Sandeep and I was a normal kid with average talent. No more No less. I spent a lot of time to study and only study! So that I could become a good Doctor and make my parents happy.

All-day the same routine boring life! I spent most of my time either at school or at home. I was not at all interested neither in making friends nor playing outdoor games. All I do is fight with my eternal foe, the BOOKS!

So you may think I am a bibliophile. But I am not. As staying at home got boring and boring I started surfing the internet and found out about Anime and Manga.

In our locality, they are not at many people who appreciate it. If someone watches anime, they think that you are still a kid and have not yet developed. What kind of logic is that? Cartoons so kids? I got nothing to do with them. So I always, disregarding those kinds of uneasy stares from neighbors continue to do what I want.

"Slowly my life started changing. My opinion about several things changed and I became a huge fan of Anime.

Later I also started reading manga and Light novels like High School DxD, One Punch Man, Against the Gods, My Wife is a Beautiful CEO, etc., and they are really awesome. I thought all is going well. Then the COVID-19 pandemic started. Many people across the world died due to it. They implemented Lockdown and all the economy has been crushed to pieces.

One day I got tested and received the negative report.

I thought there is no problem but why did I get its symptoms and slowly I lost my conscious and now I'm dead? Did they make any mistake in my report? What about my family? Did they get it too? How will I face them in the near future?

Aaah! What about my career of becoming a Doctor? I wanted to become a doctor but became a patient. SHIT! Why is my luck so bad?

Wait, who am I saying all these things to? Have I gone insane staying here for a long time? It seems so..."

(Soul POV)

While I was contemplating these things suddenly ripples started occurring in my surroundings. Earlier which was white now turned golden in color. I was amazed to see the changes taking place.

A figure appeared in front of me. She has blonde hair up to her waist, shining smooth skin with green eyes and a gentle smile. At a glance, she looks like a goddess.

She speaks in a very sweet voice with a somewhat surprised expression "Interesting... Human, you have a lot of good karma in your possession."

I was dumbfounded by what the goddess said. What karma? Is the goddess mistaken about something? So I thought about asking her respectfully.

"My dear goddess! It seems you mistook me for someone else. As long as I remember I did not do any good deed to gain any sort of good karma and also not at all eligible to get any sort of special attention from you."

Goddess answers me in a very friendly manner "If I am not mistaken, you gained good karma from your death."

I was wondering about what goddess was saying so I ask her in a polite way "Goddess! Can you please explain what you said earlier? I really cannot understand..."

"I mean from your body, special antibodies are obtained which later managed to help in making vaccines which saved a lot of lives around the world. That is the reason you gained a lot of good karma and about your family, they feel proud of you."

I really did not expect this outcome. Now I have no other regrets left in my previous world. I can now rest easy.

"If that is what the goddess says then I will believe it. Now, what is going to happen to me, goddess?"

Goddess ponders for a moment and says "Now you have two options. Either to go to heaven or reincarnate in any other world different from your current world. So what do you choose?"

I answer without any delay with a resolute face "I wish to reincarnate"

"Hmm… Quite bold; Do you wish to reincarnate in any your fantasy world's?"

I was shocked by hearing what the goddess said. So I ask her excitedly "R-really? Can I really enter in any of one fantasy world I desire?"

"You can, because they are of course real and are with slight modifications. In your world, authors get some glimpses about the future occurrences that take place in respective universes.

For example, in Against the Gods, there might be the destruction of Blue Pole Star if not taken any proper preventive measures."

Hearing all that the Goddess had to say, I was astonished that all the light novels which I read are real and have respective universes. I immediately said

"Goddess, then with your benevolent heart, can you reincarnate me in ATG."

Goddess asks me "Why ATG in particular, can you not choose any other?"

I say "Because if you said is real, then it is the ideal place for me to gain a lot of experience and make new friends and likewise I can take some remedies to save the ATG Universe from going extinct."

"Good, it can be done without any problem. You are quite lucky because the position of the protagonist soul is still not yet chosen. The future of ATG is now in your hands, so handle it well! And enjoy to your fullest, okay?"

I nod happily "Goddess, Thank you, I am lucky that you consider to grant me my wish to reincarnate in ATG. Am I going to be an ordinary citizen there or are you giving me any extra skills to survive?"

Goddess hearing what I just said replies "If I send you there without any proper preparations, then you are going to return here in a short time. And it is quite boring. So, I am going to impart a little bit of knowledge of ATG Universe in you, that helps you in your aim, so I am giving you some extra benefits as your good karma is quite large in quantity."

I thanked the Goddess and am about to ask her name but was sucked in some kind of portal.

Goddess chuckles "Interesting boy... Let's meet again"

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