
Reincarnated in a world war III

Leo, an adult programmer, died by saving a young girl and her mother from a truck- kun,but then he’s been Reincarnated into a different world as a orphans, everyone want to kill him why? he has no idea,the only things he knows about in this world is that he was the one who created it and intends to do other world “sightseeing tours”? Lets go on an adventure together!!!!

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I'm working on my day off to meet the deadline of an incredible project.

I'm a programmer working at a company in collaboration with electronic art inc that develops smartphone games, and PC games

Even for a company, they don't usually assign one person to take care of two projects or more at once. However,

"A young senior programmer disappeared on us on the verge of the delivery deadline, leaving multiple bugs and spec changes behind! Damn it!"

"Leo,you can update and fix the bug right"

"Boss,I can't am still inputting and filling in all the classes"

"What,you are abandoning your responsibility and the reason why I paid you"

There are only two programmers in this company with its high turnover rate, Kim the senior and me. Of course the company refused to post an urgent filling, and I ended up having to take care of not only my project, but also Kim the senior

"Alright, done with inputting and filling in all the Classes, now I just need to get auto-document generate documentations and relation diagrams from the source code, then I can start the bug hunting for real."

I stretch a bit and crack my neck.

"Looking around, practically all the seats are filled here.The person sitting next to me, a debugging subcontractor, is muttering something while working on his assignment, but no one is paying him any heed. No one has any time to do so. All designers and planners around me continue to work silently with dead fish eyes"

"When I came back to my workspace after getting a cup of my tenth coffee today, my PC was already done with its job, displaying documents needed for debugging."

"Still, I really can't get fired up working without documentations like this"

Guess there's no point in complaining to Kim - the senior,who was thrown into real world work without any Out time. There were four programmers when i joined four year ago, but now there's only me, is this company going to be alright I wonder.

Leo, we've got a new claim from our client, they said WW II was too hard for beginners,what do you think."

This damn dude almost blurted out Leo.

"We've been in the same team for half a year already, stop getting it wrong!"

When I turn around, the director who doubles as a planner, Mr. Slingshot is walking here with his usual troubled look.

He looks triumphantly joyful somewhat even though we're getting a new problem here.

"Why does this company have so many workers anyway".

WW II is the abbreviation of WORLD WAR II,it is the PC game we're working hard on. It's an normal strategy game with a bit of additional social functions.

"Didn't they tell us to keep the difficulty high as possible because they were afraid their main target base wouldn't play it if it's was an easy game?"

"That's right, the current difficulty level they wanted now was decided upon after several meetings with the client. Those wastes of time were really a waste huh. Blah."

"Can't we just add back the canceled functions we came up with initially, the [search],the [fire arrows chains],We can give rewards like a rare title or something to those who don't use it until the end so those who are good won't use it themselves, how about it?"

"We've got no more time, let's go with that~ Then, Leo, go for it."

Mr. Slingshot said it casually calmly as usual.

"Hold it right there. I'm currently busy debugging the game, go get the OK from our client first. We don't have time to fix it if they reject the idea after we put it in."hurry up"

"OK. I'm gonna give 'em a call now."

Mr. Slingshot went into the parking area with his phone in one hand

Afterward, I continued working while muttering to myself.

Along the way, Mr. Slingshot gave the go ahead sign, and I deceived my hunger with some junk food as the night deepened.

I corrected a few mistakes that Kim - the senior left behind until almost midnight and then left the rest to the debug team.

Oh right, what was the name again? We always call it with RPG right? I can't seem to recall the official name. Oh right, it's [WORLD WAR II]. It's easy to mix up with [WORLD WAR I],This is the part one, so no one played it anymore. That reminds me, the code name was WW II in the specification document. Later on, [WW I] lost the it's fans so they decided to make a part two, so it's not really confusing now.

While working on correcting WW II also deal with new bug reports from the debug team.... Another all nighter huh.

The works continued on until early in the next morning, and I miraculously managed to deliver the RPG client program.

Of course, there's still some bugs remaining, but we have this trump card called,

[Update Patches]

with web distributed games, so no worries there. I can hear the users booing already, so i corrected and sent out update patches to WW II users and I took my first sleep in 45 hours under my desk.

Ah, Laugh all you want at this, artistic slave. Right now,sleep is what is needed

Few hours,later

I finished some additional workloads,and went out to get some food since it's been two weeks I have eaten a good meals ...as I step out of the door,the swelling dark cloud which I was unaware off ..begin to pour


It started to rain.

It was the end of summer, when it starts to turn cold. The icy rain pierced through the clothes that I'd worn for I don't know how many years, mercilessly stealing my body heat away. As I run to meet up the cafe which is about to close due to the heavy thunderous rain

At that time,

A woman and her child a girl, crosses the road to the other side to take shelter under a shade,at that point in time,a light of high intensity shines at the little girl's face blinding her for a few second which makes her drop her pink teddy bear unknowingly

Honey,let's wait here until the rain calms down a bit"

"Mom,my my teddy little finger"

"Forget it,your father will get you a new teddy little finger"

"No,he is my favourite,am not letting him catch a cold"

"I say forget it" the woman yelled

The little girl ain't gonna give up on her teddy little finger,so she slowly and rapidly separates her hand from her mom's and ran towards the teddy bear

""Amelia" the mother cried out

Amelia on the main road,was holding her teddy bear and muttered to it

"My precious little finger,,I saved you,you won't catch a cold"

Hugging the teddy bear

Her mom desperately ran to the Amelia to get her out of there

"Amelia,lets go now"


"Suddenly, in that instant, I realized"

A truck was charging towards the trio at a tremendous speed. Toward the girl,

The driver of the truck was lying prone on the wheel.

Also,,without the headlight on

He was driving in a sleep-deprived state.

And the two still hadn't noticed.


I tried to warn them by yelling, but I haven't used my vocal cords fully for over since my college days of playing soccer and the cold rain and the pain in my ribs by seating all the times and all days long caused them to shrink further; The teeny-weeny, trembling voice I eked out vanished in the rain.

"ice I eked out vanished in the rain.

I must save them. I have to. At the same time, I thought: why do I need to save them?

I had a gut feeling that if I didn't save them, I would regret it five seconds later. I would absolutely regret it if I saw those two people especially the cute little girl getting smashed into a bloody pulp by a truck.

Regret not saving them.

Therefore, I had to save them.I hoped to have some satisfaction.

I didn't want to be left regretting at the very end.

I ran and hobbled along towards them.

My legs were not moving as I wanted,

The broken ribs were pulsing with excruciating pain, hindering my every step.

But I still ran,Ran

I was running.

. I grabbed both of them without any hesitation and used all my strength to pull them back.

when she noticed the truck approaching in front of her eyes

The woman quickly carried the girl.in the process of that,the little girl's saved teddy bear fell again,so she begin to yell and cry,which my strength I pulled myself back to the Teddy ,grabbed and threw it to the side of the woman,with my last strength to save my self,,about to run than i slipped by the watering ground caused by the rain and broke my ankle, trying my best to get out of there almost at the side road.

Just when I had this thought, the truck was already in front of me

I felt a light behind me the moment I got hit by the truck.

the recoil caused me to move forward.

Was that the rumored light of the flashback before death? I couldn't see anything during that short instance. It was just too fast.I was sent flying onto a concrete wall by a truck 50 times heavier than I was.


The air in my lungs was pushed out. My lungs spasmed, demanding air after the hard running.

I couldn't utter a sound. But I wasn't dead yet.am saved,I need to move ...move,my body couldn't listen to me before I get hit again

But once I thought that, the truck appeared in front of my eyes again.

I was flattened like a pepper between the concrete ground and truck.

all I did in this life is work,work and work in my next life I want to take vacation,

" zenith anipa bayhebu la took

"Ixin kav zenith pahaii zaii"

Ha! Hm?

Ping ping ping ping

Ping ping

Doc 1- "Do you know where you are"

Leo - Pipe down,you don't have to shout I muttered but they can't hear me

Doc 2 -"Epabuhia Akunaja taku la took!"

Leo - Huh!,what?

Doc 3 - "Blood pressure dropping"

Doc 2 - "Prepare transfusion"

Doc 1 - Can you hear me

Doc 1 -Do you know your name

Doc 1 - Can you speak

Leo - Huh,am I dying?

Leo - Oh,well,my life was basically over anyways

Leo - I wish I could've lost my virginity

(Fades out)

(Smileme here)

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