
The Tailor

"Who can I speak to about getting some clothes?" I asked Rachel

"Our village has a few tailors." said Rachel

"Okay, I'll have you take me to one of them after I eat." I said, and Rachel nodded in response.

Shortly after that, the elves brought me a wide variety of food, a much more lavish spread than I expected. I should have asked for something simple. 'Whatever the chef recommends' probably got interpreted as 'impress me'.

Then, the fairies insisted on feeding it to me. I knew I would regret that, eventually. The meal took way longer than necessary because of it, but still, it made me smile. The food was great.

After my meal, Rachel took me to see one of the elf tailors. The fairies went off to do their own thing.

We arrived at a home that apparently doubles as a workspace, and went inside.

"This is Tina, our best tailor, your majesty." said Rachel

"Hello Tina, it's nice to meet you." I said

"Greetings your majesty." said Tina, excitedly. "Please tell me you came for clothes! I have always wanted to make clothes for–erm–for one such as your majesty."

"I did. . ." I said as I looked at Rachel.

"Tina is a bit of an eccentric." said Rachel

"Oh pish posh, I merely have a passion for my work." said Tina. "Anyway, the clothes! Rachel, if you don't mind."

Tina waved Rachel away and Rachel excused herself. It kind of feels like she is abandoning me. I have a bad feeling about this.

"I would be delighted to make your majesty some clothes." said Tina "I'm going to make your majesty look so cute–erm–so incredibly regal and dignified."

Oh shit. She's going to dress me up like a school boy, if I let her get her way. She'll have me wearing short shorts and thigh high socks or something like that. I bet she's imagining a very frilly blouse right now.

I was actually thinking I'd go full edge-lord, especially since I don't think anyone would tease me about it in this world. I want something cool.

"So, what kind of clothes would you like?" asked Tina

Tina was clearly imagining something while she looked me up and down. I was looking back at her with suspicion.

"No shorts." I said. "I will have long pants."

Tina gasped. "But your majesty would look amazing in shorts."

Tina looks awfully disappointed. It appears my suspicions were accurate.

"Look, Tina. I am the king of the sacred forest. I need to wear respectable clothes."

"How about I draw up a few designs for your majesty to look at?"

"Good idea."

After that, Tina started drawing. It was even worse than I imagined. One ridiculously cutesy design after another. Rejecting all of her ideas one after another was getting very tiresome. Tina was becoming more and more distraught at each rejection. I need a new strategy.

"Tina, have you heard of juxtaposition?" I asked

Tina gasped loudly. "What a brilliant idea! It's perfect!"

Now we're getting somewhere.

"Here I was trying to enhance his majesty's cuteness with cute clothing." Tina muttered to herself, excitedly. "But, it would highlight and enhance his majesty's cuteness even more if I contrasted it with dashing attire instead."

After that, I approved Tina's next design. It looked great.