
The Ancient and Unknowable

Once we were done with that, the fairies introduced themselves, and I told them my name. Their names and appearances all follow the flower theme, and Rose is their queen. Rose explained that a couple of the fairies saw me with the amazons shortly after the amazons found me, yesterday. Apparently, they were spying on us the whole time. After we went to sleep, the fairies gathered and made a plan to "rescue" me.

"Early in the morning, I had a couple fairies distract the one on who was awake, and then a couple more fairies flew in to grab you." Rose explained, boastfully.

Apparently, fairies can fly. I don't see any wings, so I guess it's magic or something. That also explains their size, I guess they are adapted to flight.

"Say, do you have any clothes I could wear?" I was feeling especially awkward about my involuntary nudity among a larger crowd.

"Yes! I have just the thing." said the fairy named Tulip. She ran off to go get something.

"So, uh, where do fairies come from?" I asked.

"Who knows." replied Rose.

"You don't know?"

"We've all been around as long as I can remember," said Rose.

Sounds like the fairies are very old or something. Fairies are very mysterious beings.

"Let's play a game," said Rose.

This suggestion received a chorus of approval from the other fairies. The fairies have been all smiles this whole time, but now they seem more excited.

"Sure, what game do you want to play?"

"Do you know any games?"

She's really putting me on the spot here. Most games I know require equipment.

At that point, Tulip returned, holding something. She said "arms up", I complied, and she slipped something over my head.

I looked down to see that I was wearing a poofy, frilly, flower dress. The fairies were really staring now, some with mouths agape. I heard a few squeals and some whispering.

Okay, I'm pretty sure this is worse than being naked. I took off the dress and handed it back to Tulip.

"Sorry, I'd rather not wear that." I said, hearing a few disappointed 'awes' from the fairies.

My quest for clothing remains incomplete.

Emily and Enna finally reached their destination, an enormous tree.

"Hey, you rotten fairies! Give us back our husband!" Emily shouted upward.

"I think I heard shouting." I said, turning to Rose.

"What? I didn't hear anything." said Rose while glancing over at Lily. "I know, how about a bath. You are a little dirty."

Rose took my arm and guided me away from the source of the shouting.

Okay. That's sort of creepy. I've been going with the flow like I'm in a dream since I arrived in this world, but now I feel like I may be in real danger. The cuteness and smiles have been giving me uncanny valley vibes this whole time. The more I think of it, the more it seems like a horror story twist is coming, and I'm walking right into it like a classic horror story sap.