
Reincarnated In a TRASH NOVEL

It's hard for even me to believe but when I woke up one day I was inside a novel that I liked the least. [THE TALES OF 99 SOLES] which was renamed as [THE TRASH NOVEL] by us readers. [THE TALES OF 99 SOLES] was one of the worst novels that every reader in the world would read. Oh and I am an exception. And you would know that exception in next chapter anyway so let me continue . [THE TALES OF 99 SOLES] shot for «THE TRASH NOVEL» ok it's not short but maan it's popular that way. So in this novel...... there is really nothing to say as there is nothing like one main character in this novel. The story goes on having 99 main characters who were the heroes of the world reborn in the same world after thousand years. Hummm as I said the author had a unique story but we can't get his trashed writing style. But the problem now is "I am inside a character that appears only two times in the novel till I have read. So I am just a damn weak man!!"

DOUBLE_V · Fantasy
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16 Chs

5. Get Ready

"AAHHH!!! Am gonna die!!" I shouted in pain, as every part of my body started hurting like hell.

Don't worry you did not miss any fight. its just-

"AAKK!!" I shouted again as other box fell right on my head!!

"Are you alright Robin?!" Dain shouted from outside of wagon who was driving it.

"You are asking me if I am alright after packing the whole wagon with these big boxes?? And what's with that speed!!?" I shouted rubbing my head.

Ye, it's been atleast two hours since we started our journey and since then a box fell from the above shelves once atleast five minutes. The huge boxes below started sliding inside the wagon bumping on to my legs which nearly broke.

"It's a merchant's wagon, not a luxury carriage 'YOUNG MASTER'." Dain said in a loud voice so I could hear the last part clearly.

"Don't call me that!!" I shouted angrily.

I slowly opened the front window that was beside Dain to get some cool breeze.

"Anyway, what are you planning to do going to the temple of [THE GODDESS OF WAR]?" He asked me with a serious tone and face.

"Awaken ofcourse!!" I shouted to hide my nervousness.

"Sigh.... I know you wouldn't do anything this dangerous without your reasons." Dain shooked his head.

"...."i didn't know how to respond.

"The weather is so nice today!!" I shouted changing the topic.

"Yeah, we sure are luckey to have a nice weather while passing through this beautiful forest." Dain said looking at the beautiful trees all around the path.

"Yeah." I said.

The galloping sound of the horses, the sounds of birds chipping, this beautiful scenery.... If I was alive back in that world would I have seen this?

"You know it's too dangerous to go there right?" Dain said without looking my way.

"Yeah! The more the risk the more the power." I shouted.

As I said the more the risk the more the better.

The temple of the [GODDESS OF WAR] is also popular in the #TRASH NOVEL# but in a wrong way.

The {GODDESS OF WAR} is one of the strongest gods in this world. Even the {GOD OF DEATH} was afraid of her.

She is said to be even as  powerfull as the gods of [SPACE], [TIME]....

As far as I know [GODDESSES OF WAR] is one of the greatest fears in today's society of this world.

[THE GODDESS OF WAR] temple is also said to have the most difficult /TEST/ to awaken.

"Man how much time it's gonna take till we reach the temple?" I asked Dain as it was already noon and i was hungry.

"If you were hungry you should have bought some food." 

"??!" Damn!!! I forgot the food in that carriage. I hit my head with my hand. As fast I realised my mood drooped.

I looked around the wagon if I could get something but I can't see anything except wooden boxes filled with some kind of portions.

"So are there some portions that can make me feel less hungry?!" I asked Dain with cat eyes.

"Even if you make that face, unfortunately there is nothing like that-- And even if u drink that liquid you would die as it's a high concentrated position!!" He shouted from halfway as he noticed me taking out a good looking bottle with pink liquid.

"BRUH" saying that I sat on the box that I sat on before.

"What are you going to do with dangerous poison?" I asked him doubtfully.

"Don't you know that high quality medicine is made by diluting dangerous poision?" He explain- more like mocked me.

"Ooho, so where did you get this dangerous poison?" I asked him again.

"I extracted them from some poisonous plants that were growing in a village beside your estate." 

"Oh! So that's why you came to meet me as you had work nearby!" I shouted as i understood the story.

"Yeah." Dain said nodding his head.

Anyway if he was not here I would have been good for dead.

Normally as far as I read in the novel a villan whose name is something I forgot goes into the temple and gets awakened.

But it's nothing to fear as it would occur in a chapter greater than 200.

So I have a hint of how the test is gonna be.

But that's nothing to feel happy about as the details of that moment was like sh*t. 

Damn you the author of [THE TRASH NOVEL]!! Now my life is on the line because of your trash writing style!!

Thinking that I hit my head with my hands. Realising that my hands were already hurt and now it burns even more I started shouting.

"If you were with some other person it would have taken you atleast one and half a day to reach there. Be thank full that I am taking you in a shortcut with speed. Just bear with your hunger for now." Dain started looking at me like mad man, seeing my behaviour.

"Shortcut, huh?" Wait!! Now that i think about it "Hey Dain, do you have a copy of a map of our kingdom?"

"Yeah, I'll give one to you later."

"Thanks man!" But now that i think about it, I feel hungry!!

"!!?" I suddenly noticed something I know, as we were passing through the forest.

"STOOOPPPP!!!!" I shouted.

Psshhhh Dain stopped the wagon as fast as he could.

"WHAT IS IT?!! BEASTS?! MONSTERS?!!!" Dain started looking around taking out his sword in terror.

"Wha-? No." I laughed.

I pointed my finger to some juicy looking fruits that were hanging to the beautiful trees.

"I think I don't have to die out of hunger!!" I shouted.

"Damn you!!! I would have died of heartattack because of you!! Idiot!!!" Dain scolded me.

"Hehe" I started rubbing my nose.

"And why are you feeling proud of that!!" Dain shouted again.

"Bruh, chill out man!! And cut some fruits." I said looking at the juicey fruits with my mouth watering.

"Aah!! Ok." He shouted as he can't argue with a hungry child.

After we ate some fruits, we started continuing our journey.

The sun has already set as we reached [RAAIL].

[RAAIL] is one of the oldest places in this world... Or so as I read in that trash novel.

But I didn't know that this village was this old that it had trees growing on old buildings.

I can only see very few people roaming on the roads carrying lamps. They almost looked like ghost in this spooky background.

"As far as I know, the temple is located in the middle of this village." Dain said as we were moving.

"Oh" I answered him with just a small sound as it was too quite.

Everyone Was watching us as the horse galloped. "Gulp" this silence is killing me!!

Now that i think about it, «AGATAS» is quite famous and developed and that goes for other cities with temples but <RAAIL> is seriously terrifying. I didn't think this village is this bad.

So no-one cared about this temple huh?

No wonder a villain got her power.

"We are here!!" As Dain shouted i looked at the direction he was pointing. 

"Seeshhh" suddenly a chill raised from the end of my spine seeing the temple.

The temple was like a structure made in period of #Mohenjo-daro# one of the ancient civilizations also called harappan. But the only difference was that the temple was made of a hard looking black rocks.

Dain stopped the wagon infront of the temple and we slowly got down.

As we were walking towards the entrance of the temple.

"Grasp!!!" A light started coming towards us from inside the temple.

As the light nearer and nearer to us we started panicking. And suddenly-

"What are you lads doing here!?" A horrific voice came out of the temple.

"EEK!!" I shouted.

Slowly the figure started uucovering because of the light of the moon.

"??" It was having legs like a human and hands like a human-- now that i think about it's a human right?

"Oh, it's the Templar!" Dain shouted in my ear as I could see a very very old man came out of the temple.

"Oh! By seeing you I can guess that you are here to take the{TEST}." 

"Yes sir."I nodded to what the old man said.

"It's already night so come here again tomorrow." The old man tried hard so we could hear him. Obviously he looked like he is older than God....

"Ok sir." I replied and we both turned back. We cannot argue with an old man even if it's an urgent matter.

"Wait!!!" We suddenly stopped as soon as we heard a femal voice.

"What!!!?" Dain shouted.

As I soon realised why he shouted, a young girl who covered her face with a hoody was beside Dain wagon with a fired stick in her hand.

"Why are you doing this?? Is this how you welcome someone to this village?!" Dain shouted angrily.

"Oh that looks like my granddaughter." The old man smiled seeing towards her.

"Wha-?" Are they both here to kill us too?

"Grandpa!! If you don't let me take the {TEST} tomorrow am gonna burn your guests wagon!!" She shouted.

"What the..." We both sighed at once.

So this is a fight between a grandpa and his grandfather where we were terribly cornered.

"Let's talk about it at home!! Just leave the wagon!!" Oldman tried to convince her.

"No!! If you allow me then I'll leave it or else I'll fire this wagon!!" The girl shouted angrily and decreasing the gap between the wagon and the fire stick.

"NOOOO!!!!" Dain shouted and started pulling his hair!

Oh no!! Dain is gonna lose it if this continues....


                     TO BE CONTINUED...

Oh no!! Dain is gonna lose it if this continues....and forget that he has to give me a copy of the map!!