
Reincarnated In a TRASH NOVEL

It's hard for even me to believe but when I woke up one day I was inside a novel that I liked the least. [THE TALES OF 99 SOLES] which was renamed as [THE TRASH NOVEL] by us readers. [THE TALES OF 99 SOLES] was one of the worst novels that every reader in the world would read. Oh and I am an exception. And you would know that exception in next chapter anyway so let me continue . [THE TALES OF 99 SOLES] shot for «THE TRASH NOVEL» ok it's not short but maan it's popular that way. So in this novel...... there is really nothing to say as there is nothing like one main character in this novel. The story goes on having 99 main characters who were the heroes of the world reborn in the same world after thousand years. Hummm as I said the author had a unique story but we can't get his trashed writing style. But the problem now is "I am inside a character that appears only two times in the novel till I have read. So I am just a damn weak man!!"

DOUBLE_V · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

15. Unexpected Encounters

"Let's follow them!" Dain pointed at someone.

"…" I staired at him "It's no time to follow a girl." Saying that I turned towards the chair.

"AAAHHH" suddenly Dain grabbed my shirt and started dragging me.

"Sigh… So, what happened?" I asked him while trying to stuff my blazer inner pocket with the coin bag.

"So, I was suspecting them from the start as they were having weird expression during the auction. So, I stayed there to see what they are going to do." I nodded while walking fast to keep up with Dain.

"What happened then?" I asked curiously.

"As I thought they were not here to auction as they only bought some cheap object. And as the auction started, when someone bid their item which was just some more amount than the first bid, they declared that the item as sold before anyone could react." I nodded as he explained.

"They just wanted to give that item to the person they wanted. I think they are planning to do something with that item." Dain said seriously.

So, we followed two people who Dain was suspecting from the start. The two people were wearing long coats and were always checking their surroundings to see if there are anyone noticing them. Because of that Dain and I were in full alert and hid somewhere or the other as they passed through the dark streets.

To our surprise they suddenly went into a store. "What do we do now??!" I whispered to Dain.

"Huss, wait." Saying that Dain ran towards the store.

"Huh?" Suddenly Dain got surprised. "What happened?" I ran towards him.

As I ran towards him Dain was looking inside the shop with a shock.

"??!" to my surprise there was only one person who seems to be the oner of the shop inside the shop. It seems to be a fireworks shop.

What was that?!! Where are they??

"Ummm… did anyone came to your shop just now?" Dain asked the shop keeper politely.

"Umhum" the shopkeeper nodded as no.

Disappointed I and Dain came out of the shop.

"They definitely went inside the shop. But how?" Dain was confused.

"Yes, it's as if they vanished right before they entered the shop." I who was more confused than Dain whispered. Damn! I don't want to stick my nose in anything dangerous!!

With our confused thoughts we started walking back towards the auction house.

"Let me sit here a while…" saying that Dain collapsed on a chair.

"Oh, you are back!" "??" Oh it was the auction manager who was walking towards us.

"Where did you two vanish?" she asked us seriously.

"Um.. sorry it was something was something urgent. So, we have to go, but now we are back so don't worry." I replied to her. Man, I am nervous…

"Oh you guys are here?!! Where did you go? I thought that you left us without paying the fee now apologis-" An angry guard started walking towards us shouting at us but he stopped shouting as soon as soon as he noticed the manager glaring seriously at him.

"Ah! Yes!! Sorry that I forgot about the fee payment." Saying that I took out the bag of gold that I just got from my pocket.

"It's not about the fee payment!! But we need a party!" as soon as the manager declared everyone that were present started shouting.

"Umm I would like to give you a party but I have an urgent matter to do outside…" as soon as I said that the mood suddenly changed. But a party cost more than the fee and I need money!!

"… But I can give you something instead of a party!!" saying that I ran outside towards our wagon.

Yes!! I did a good by storing some of the fruits here. I packed some of the fruits into another bag and ran towards the auction house again.

"You all can have these!" shouting that I gave it to the manager.

"Huh? Are you sure? A fruit costs a gold you know?" she asked me doubtfully.

I nodded as an answer. "I mean we would not have made that much money if you didn't help us".

"Then we will gladly accept it!"

"Um.. I have a question." A lady who looks like a worker asked me.


"Why did you give the guests a bowl of fruit slices whoever increased the bid price?" she asked me nervously.

"Hehe that's called promotion. When someone tries something good then they really want it. This is called marketing from where I come from."

"Oo." Everyone nodded as I explained.

"All right then! We will be going now!!" Shouting that I grabbed Dain's collar and ran towards the exit.

"It was nice meeting you, see you later!!" the manager and the crew gave us a send-off.

"So where are we going now?" Dain asked with a straight face as soon as I released his collar.

"Huff… huff… huff" it was getting suffocating as there were many people, I have to get some breath it's too much for me to deal with so many people.

"Robin!! Don't die!!!" this idiot started shouting seeing me is this state.

"Bruh, don't mock me!" I shouted tho I can't lift a finger.

"So, what's our next destination?" he asked me again.

"Its already late so I think we will rest somewhere."

"Where?" he said with a straight face. I can imagine what he is thinking like "lets just came somewhere, hotels are too costly." saying that I stuff the coin bag deeper into my pocket.

I don't blame him. Since I who would normally spend too much money for just artworks now need complete a debt which is bigger than a mountain.

"I know a friend here. Let's go to her house." Hehe now I look like a god to him.


"Coming!" shouting that she opened the door.




Haa I know the answer of this silence…

"Why did you guys come here?" Monica shouted. Yep, that's right. We are back to Monica's house.

"You were the one who said 'You can come anytime!'" I shouted.

"But I said that to you guys literally today!" she shouted as I closed my ears.

"Huh? Is today not included in 'anytime'?"


"You can stay in this pent house for today."

"It was 'For as long as you want'! that's what your father said!"

"Umm… sorry for my rude friend's behaviour." Dain apologised politely. Ofcourse he was the one who convinced Monica's father for us to stay here. Anyway, I can get a free hotel for these few days.

"Now why are you apologising?!" I shouted at Dain.

"Don't you want to eat dinner? Don't forget that we are staying at her home." Dain faked a smile at me which was rather scary.

"EEKK ok." I backed off as he was scary.

"Don't worry I'll bring you the dinner here." Monica showed a thumbs up to Dain.


"So, when it comes to food you can't talk huh?" Dain smirked seeing me.

"Bruh, think whatever you want!" I folded my hands to look more serious.

I mean I need more energy to fight something that can destroy this city in less than a day. I better prepare these people too.

Since I don't really know about the system of days they count here and as I am still far from the chapter one of that damn [TRASH NOVEL] I have to be on high alert for these two days.

"What are you so seriously thinking while we are just chatting about our dog?" Monica questioned me.

"Don't tell me that you are planning to kidnap the dog?!!" Dain slammed my back laughing like a thundering cloud.

"So, are you a kidnapper now? Or maybe it's called dognapping!" Monica joined him.

"Now that you remind me. Kidnapping is a good idea too!" I shouted.



Dain and Monica were too shocked to open their mouth.

"I will just kidnap someone rich and ask her father for the money I want!! Hehehahaha" I laughter as villainously as I can seeing Monica.

"As if." She said that on my face with a straight face.

"Ok, ok enough of these jokes! Now let's eat dinner!" Dain shouted to break our fight.


"What? What are you seeing me like that?" Dain was confused seeing my face.

"We she still didn't get us our dinner. She is a tyrant leaving her guests hungry!!!" I shouted on the top of my lungs.

Dain realised that we were not outside camping.

"Idiot!! Sigh… wait I'll bring you food." Realising that she can't argue with me she went back to bring us food.

After a minute or so sent us dinner.

"So, what are you planning to do here?" Dain asked while eating.

"MUf MUUFFFMMUFFF MUFFFMFF" I struggled as my mouth was stuffed with food.



"Bastard!! I remained silent so that you can repeat what you said just now after eating!!" saying that he throwed his spoon at me while I managed to dodge it.

"Keep calm and just see what I am gonna do." I said with the most stylish pose I can make.


"Give me back my spoon!" Dain shouted.

"No!! why did you throw it on me!!" I shouted at him.

"If you don't give then I'll throw your spoon too!!"

"Alright ill give you spoon if you accept my condition."

"Condition? What condition?" Dain tilted his head slightly in confusion.

"Give me that sweet in your plate an I'll give you your spoon" I winked at him.