
Reincarnated In A State Of Jeopardy

After dying in a car crash, Michael gets reincarnated into another world as a baby. Everything seems fine until he turns 6 years old. He dies and is randomly in someone else’s body. What could this mean?

RowenisRowen · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The Kingdom Of Eldor

The day arrived, and there was a knock of the door. Eva opened the door and there she was. The Magic Teacher. The Magic Teacher walked into his house. She was an older woman with a kind face and gentle voice. Anthony felt a bit nervous, but the Magic Teacher immediately put him at ease.

Mrs. Lillian: "Hello, Anthony. I'm Mrs. Lillian, and I'm here to teach you magic I suppose?"

Anthony: "Hi, Mrs. Lillian, and yes that's right, I'll be the one being taught magic!"

Mrs. Lillian: "Alright then, let's get started."

Mrs. Lillian led Anthony to a small room in the back of the house, where she had set up a table with several books and a few tools.

Mrs. Lillian: "Before we start with the magic, we need to learn about the basics of the universe. Do you know what magic is, Anthony?"

Anthony: "Magic is...um, using spells to create things, right?"

Mrs. Lillian smiled.

Mrs. Lillian: "That's one way of looking at it. Magic is the manipulation of energy to create a desired effect. This can be done through incantations, gestures, and even thoughts."

Anthony listened intently as Mrs. Lillian explained the different types of magic and the principles behind each one. He had never thought of magic in such a scientific way before.

Mrs. Lillian: "Now, let's try a simple spell. Repeat after me: 'Ignis.'"

Anthony: "Ignis."

Suddenly, a small flame appeared in his hand. Anthony gasped in amazement.

Anthony: "I did it! I used magic!"

Mrs. Lillian smiled proudly.

Mrs. Lillian: "Well done, Anthony. Now let's try something a bit more advanced."

Over the next year, Anthony spent hours every day learning more about magic. He studied the properties of different elements, practiced wand movements, and recited countless spells. Mrs. Lillian was an excellent teacher, patient and kind, and Anthony felt grateful to have her guidance.

One day, Mrs. Lillian asked Anthony to try a complex spell she had been working on for years. It involved summoning a spirit from another realm, and it required a great deal of concentration and skill. Anthony was nervous but excited.

Anthony: "What do I do?"

Mrs. Lillian: "First, you need to clear your mind. Focus on the spirit you want to summon. Then, recite this incantation and wave your wand in a circular motion."

Mrs. Lillian recited the incantation, and Anthony memorized it carefully. He took a deep breath and focused his mind on the spirit he wanted to summon.

Anthony: "Nemosummonus!"

He waved his wand in a circular motion, and a gust of wind filled the room. Suddenly, a shape materialized in front of him. It was a glowing figure with wings and a long, flowing robe. Anthony gasped in amazement.

Mrs. Lillian: "Well done, Anthony. You've summoned a spirit from another realm."

Anthony felt a sense of pride and accomplishment. He had never thought he could do something so advanced.

Meanwhile in the time, he wasn't learning magic, he was being taught more about swordsmanship. And by the time he turned 7, he was off for a adventure.

One day, Jonathan comes to Anthony with an exciting proposition.

Jonathan: "Anthony, I have a surprise for you. We are going on an adventure!"

Anthony's eyes widen in excitement.

Anthony: "Really? Where are we going?"

Jonathan: "We are going to the Kingdom of Eldor. There is a powerful wizard there who is said to be able to grant wishes."

Anthony: "Wow, that sounds amazing! When are we leaving?"

Jonathan: "Tomorrow morning. Pack your things, we have a long journey ahead of us."

Anthony spends the night packing his bag, making sure to bring all of his magic supplies with him.

The next morning, he and his father set off on their journey as Eva and Ms. Lillian wove goodbye. They traveled for weeks, through forests and over mountains, until they finally arrived at the Kingdom of Eldor.

As they entered the city, Anthony couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. The buildings were made of white stone and glittered in the sun. The people were dressed in colorful robes and carried wands at their sides.

Jonathan led Anthony to a tall tower in the center of the city. They climbed the stairs to the top, where they found a room with a single door.

Jonathan: "This is it, Anthony. The wizard's chamber."

He knocked on the door, and a deep voice answered from within.

Voice: "Who seeks an audience with the wizard of Eldor?"

Jonathan: "I am Jonathan, and this is my son, Anthony. We have come seeking your help."

The door creaked open, revealing an old man with a long white beard and a staff in his hand.

Wizard: "I am the wizard of Eldor. What is it that you seek?"

Jonathan: "We seek a wish, great wizard. Is it true that you can grant them?"

Wizard: "It is true, but I warn you, wishes can be dangerous. They often come with unintended consequences."

Jonathan: "We understand the risks, but we are willing to take them. Please, grant us our wish."

The wizard sighed.

Wizard: "Very well. What is it that you wish for?"

Jonathan: "I wish for my son Anthony to be strong enough to go to school."

The wizard raised his staff and closed his eyes.

Wizard: "As you wish, so shall it be."

Suddenly, Anthony feels a sharp object pierce through his chest. Anthony looks down at his chest and sees a arrow.

Anthony: "Ah?"


Anthony falls on the floor, vomiting blood up as Jonathan runs to Anthony.



Anthony with his last breaths was going to tell Jonathan something, but then…Jonathan got pierced with the same kind of arrow that pierced Anthony.

Anthony: …d…..a…-

Anthony had stopped breathing…..Anthony had died.

...............when Anthony opened his eyes, he was no longer in the wizard's chamber. He was lying in a field of grass, and he felt strange. He sat up paranoid and confused, but then he remembered what had happened to him and Jonathan


Suddenly, he heard a voice behind him.

Voice: "You're in trouble, little boy, and your dad won't protect you."

Anthony turned around and saw a group of boys standing behind him. They were dressed in rags and looked dirty and angry.

Anthony was crying and had a messed up voice.

Anthony: "Wh-who a-are yo-you? Wha-what d-do y-you wa-want?"

Boy: "We want your money, little boy. Give it to us now, or we'll hurt you."

Anthony felt a surge of fear in his chest. He had never been in a situation like this before.

Anthony: "I don't have any money. Please, leave me alone."

Boy: "Don't lie to us, boy. We know you're rich. You're wearing expensive clothes."

Anthony looked down and realized that he was wearing a dress made of silk, with pearls sewn into the hem.

Anthony: "I don't know how I got these clothes. Please, believe me."

The boys laughed.

Boy: "We don't believe you, but we'll let you go this time. But if we see you again, we won't be so kind."

Anthony watched as the boys walked away, feeling relieved but confused and scared. What had happened to him? Is his father okay? And most importantly, who was he now?


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