
Reincarnated In A Shitty Love Game

Feng slowly backed up to the door, “W—what’s up with you both?” Two tall blond men stalked closer and caged her in the corner, “Aiden, Ethan, you both are too—too close,” A warm palm suddenly gripped her waist and she was dragged onto Ethan’s warm body. “E—Ethan, let go,” she whispered peering into his unwavering green eyes. “I won’t and I never will let go,” he whispered close to her ear, “Feng, my dear Feng you have become so naughty, charming that bastard,” he groaned and nipped her ear. “W—what the hell do you mean!! He is just a friend,” Feng shouted pushing his head away. All of a sudden another pair of hands hugged her from behind, “Really? Then prove it to me,” “Aiden!! Not you too. How the hell can I prove something like that,” Feng shouted glancing back into his shimmering blue eyes. “Simple. Kiss me,” Aiden whispered with a blush. “Yes, kiss the both of us to prove your innocence,” Ethan chimed in with a naughty smirk. Feeling the situation grow dire Feng bit her lips. “BUT I’M YOUR SISTER*” (P.s- they are not siblings or step siblings, she just refers to herself as sister because she is slightly older than them.) (P.P.S- I dont own the cover art. Credit goes to Jyundee  

Lullabybao · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
237 Chs

chapter 205

Bright light.....that was Xia's initial thought as he woke up. He slowly blinked open his tired eyes. Unfamiliar ceiling was what he first noticed. "A different inn?" he softly mumbled as he sat up, supporting his weight. The window next to him was side open, letting in bright sunlight. "When did I lose consciousness though?"

After he dropped off Felia and Farah he swiftly jumped over roof and got to the spot. From his vantage point, all he could see was dust and flames. Xia frowned. He was not able to see Long Aotian anywhere. He was about to jump down when all of a sudden he lost consciousness.

Xia scratched his head, trying to remember more. "Why did I faint like that? Was I drugged?" he sniffed her small red clothes but there was a residual scent on him, only that strong perfume was left behind. "Then, maybe our inn was destroyed in the struggle," he whispered. He slowly woke up, changed his clothes and walked out of the door confidently.