

"This fucking shit of a body!"

I cursed under my breath as my punch barely had any effect on Ron.

<God Of Fate takes out popcorn as she interestingly watches the event.>

The frustration and anger at this shity body surged within me, but I had to suppress it for now.

"This little bitch! How dare you try to hit me?"

Ron's face twisted with a mix of surprise and anger.

My lips curled up revealing a smirk despite my disappointment. "Oh, come on, Big Brother. You are always so quick to use fists, but can't you take a little punch yourself?"


He growled, his ego hurt and charged at me, swinging his sword recklessly and abandon.

"You talk a lot for a pussy... Let's see how much you talk now?"

Instead of fear, I couldn't help but found amusement in his reaction.

"He's truly the epitome of arrogance."

I muttered as my grin spread even more. It was clear my taunts were getting under his skin.

As he swung his sword. My heightened senses, thanks to the "Observer" trait, allowed me to see his movements with crystal clarity.

However, my body's limitations were evident, as I struggle to dodge his attacks.


The blade swung just inches away from my face but I still managed to keep the smug face on.

"I heard that third brother was quite talented in swordplay. But seeing it with my own eyes, I don't think the rumours are true."

He was strong but his anger and arrogance made him predictable.

As Ron continued his assault, I focused on my "Observer" trait to its fullest. I analyzed his attacks, searching for patterns and weaknesses.

With each dodge, my movement became more fluid and calculated. I could feel the rhythm of the battle, the ebb and flow of his attacks, and the openings he unwittingly revealed.

Despite my efforts, Ron's attacks were relentless, and my body was starting to show signs of strain, even though the attacks weren't connecting properly.

Each blow felt like a sledgehammer. The strain on my muscle and bones was becoming more evident with every passing second, making it increasingly challenging to withstand his relentless attacks.

But as he swung his sword down with another furious strike, I saw an opportunity.

With a burst of energy, I sidestepped his attack and delivered a well-timed counterpunch to his guts.

"Ugh!" Ron grunted, doubling over the pain. My punch had found its mark, exploiting the opening his reckless attack and left.

"Still think you're invincible?" I taunted, trying to buy some time to catch my breath.

Ron's face turned beet red with a mix of anger and humiliation. "I'll crush you, you little brat!"

The room seemed to have away as Ron's rage-filled voice echoed around us. He infused his blade with aura, making it crackle with energy. "Prepare to meet your end, Zephyr!"

He charged at me with even more intensity, his blade aimed to strike me down.

My body screamed at me to move, but I was already at my limit. I couldn't evade this attack, not with my body's current state.

"Young Master!" Elisha called out, her voice filled with panic and concern. She rushed towards me trying to reach me in time to protect me from Ron's deadly attack.

But everything around me seemed to slow down as my "Observer" trait activated once again. Time seemed to stretch, and I could see every detail with crystal clarity.

I saw arrogance in Ron's eyes, the malicious grin on his face, and a deadly aura pulsating around his blade.

As Elisha tried to catch me, her movement almost frozen in time, her outstretched hand just inches away from me.

<God Of Fate jumps off her seat in disbelievement saying how's this possible?>

At that moment, everything became clear. I knew what I had to do.

With a calm that contrasted the chaos around me, I took a step back, just as Ron's blade whizzed past me. His attack was missed by a hair's breadth, and the rush of wind from the swing brushed against my cheek.

Time seemed to catch up, and everything resumed its normal speed. Ron stumbled forward, off balance from his powerful attack.

I stood there, unharmed, with a newfound sense of composure attack.

I stood there, unharmed, with a newfound sense of composure. My heart was still pounding, but I refused to let fear overtake me.

"You missed, big brother," I taunted, my voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through my veins.

Ron's eyes widened in disbelief. "How...?"

I couldn't help but smirk. "You talk big, Ron, but in the end, you're just all talk and no substance."

As Ron tried to process what had just happened, Elisha finally reached me, her hands trembling as she held me protectively.

"Are you alright, young master?" she asked, worry etched on her face.

I nodded, giving her a reassuring smile. "I'm fine, Elisha. Don't worry about me."

My gaze returned to Ron, who was seething with rage and embarrassment. He refused to accept that he had failed to strike me down.

"H-how dare you?!!" His pride shattered, Ron could only glare at me, unable to come up with a retort.

"Enough Ron!"

A cold voice interrupted the tense atmosphere. A figure clad in an elegant, dress stood at the doorway, emanating an aura of power and authority.

"M-master, what are you doing here?"

Ron shuttered, seeing the man in front of him.

The figure remained composed, his expression unreadable. He exuded an aura of authority that demanded respect.

The man didn't respond immediately, instead, he simply stared at me with a piercing gaze, as if trying to discern something hidden beneath the surface.

"Come with me," the man finally spoke, his voice cold and authoritative. He gestured for Ron to follow him.

"But master...."

Ron tried to say something but he was met with the man's cold eyes.

Ron hesitated for a moment, then swallowed his pride and complied, reluctantly sheathing his sword and trailing behind the man in the black robe.

As they left the room, the man's eyes met mine again briefly, and I felt a shiver run down my spine.

There was something eerie about his presence, something that I couldn't quite put into words.

Elisha and I were left alone in the room, and the tension that had filled the air began to dissipate.

my body suddenly felt weak, and I collapsed to the ground, gasping for breath. The strain of the battle had taken its toll, and I could barely move.

Elisha rushed to my side, concern etched all over her face. "Young master, are you alright? What happened?"

"I... I don't know," I managed to say between breaths. "I just feel... drained."

Honestly, I was glad that the man took Ron away or else, I would have been done for.

"Elisha," I said, my voice a little shaky, "thank you for trying to protect me."

She turned to me, concern still etched on her face. "Young master, are you really alright? That attack could have been fatal."

"I'm fine, Elisha," I assured her, managing a weak smile. "I'm tougher than I look, you know."

Her eyes softened with relief, but she still looked worried. "You shouldn't have to endure all this, young master. It's not fair to you."

I reached out and patted her hand reassuringly. "It's alright, Elisha. I'll be okay."

With that said, numerous message popped up in front of me.

<God Of Fate is enjoying you fight.>

<God Of Fate cheers for you as she eats her popcorn.>

<God Of Fate's eyes popped out in disbelievement saying how's this possible?>

<God Of Fate expresses her enjoyment, saying that it had been a long time since she saw a talented young lad.>

"What the hell she talking about?"

<God of Fate shooks her head says you're hopeless, she says to check you system.>

Meanwhile, The Mystrious man was walling down the hallway, followed by Ron.

The man could not help but his encounter with Zephyr.

'No matter how many times I look at it... How was he able to defeat a Aura Desciple rank, while he isn't even at beginner rank in mana properly?'

And with that body of his, it's impossible for him to be trained in martial art.

And his eyes... His eyes are totally different from the last time we met. They were mature, calculative and calm unlike the innocent, frightened and weak.'

The man's thoughts were filled with questions, but a moment later a smile crossed his feature.

"Strange.... Indeed quite strange."

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