
Reincarnated in a family of assassins in Pokemon!?!(hiatus)

Reincarnated by ROB into the world of Pokémon. WAIT what do you mean my family is full of assassins?

Red7o3 · Anime & Comics
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Finally making it back to the house with Sneasel I look at my father with Sneasal on my shoulder and ask "Did I do well enough father?" "You did well boy." he said. After all he can't be to soft on me in front of the others. That would make it look like he's gone soft as the leader of a group of assassins. As a person who's reincarnated I am mature enough to understand why he reacts like that. So I nod and we move on.

When we get back to our house father told me that I would have to visit the new heir of the Nightshade family who was around my age. I don't know there name but I do know that the current heir of Ghost Lily family is a few years older than me and is named Morty. So yea you can imagine my surprise when I heard that. But it kinda makes sense our families our old and have some powerful people so it would be a surprise if we didn't have any influence in the league. I'm excited to meet someone who is "my age" since I'm guessing we're going to have a battle whether through our assassination skills or with our Pokémon I can't wait.

—The Next Day—

Going into the backyard train with Sneasal was interesting because I found out what moves he has. My Sneasal had Quick Attack, Ice Shard, Throat Chop, and Foresight. I found out that Foresight works a bit differently than in the games instead of resetting there evasion stat it allows Sneasal to predict where it's opponent is going to be and helps it have better accuracy for its attacks. But it all depends on Sneasal's speed like the Sharingan from Naruto if he's not fast enough to react to where his opponent is going to be than he will get his ass kicked like Sasuke did when fighting Rock Lee.

Anyways I'm now in front of the head of the Nightshade families house with my father. The person who comes out is KOGA!! Wait he doesn't look as old as he does in the games. Does that mean I might have to fight him! That probably won't end well though. Then I hear the cry of "FATHER!" in the background and see a young girl rush up to Koga. Then Koga says "This is my daughter Janine and she just got her starter like you Manda(MC)."

So yea that just happened. Meet a future gym Leader and the current one in the same day coolios. It would be a lot better if my dad hadn't made me have to battle said future gym leader but it is what it is.

—Battle Time—

"Go Sneasal" Standing across my own starter Sneasal is another Sneasal. Now for readers out there your probably mad because it's not a poison type or some shit. Well you should have read further because standing across my starter is a Hisuian Sneasal. Yea a Poison Fighting type against my Dark Ice type this isn't an uneven fight at all.

I yelled "Sneasal use Quick Attack to close in then use Throat Chop!"

Janine responded "Sneasal close in with your own Quick Attack and use Night Slash."

The two Sneasals clashed and both jumped away and kept clashing with each other After a few more clashes they separated breathing heavily from using powerful dark type moves for so long.

I called to Sneasal "Finish them off with a Ice Shard!"

"Sneasal use Counter!"

"NO SNEASAL!" I yelled

"Sneasal has fainted. Janine is the winner." Koga said.

Dammit my first battle and I lost. I'm the MC I should have won hOW DID I LOSE!

With a strained smile I told Janine "Good match Janine."

Seeing her smug smirk made me boil but she did say "Good match."

So I can't be unsportsmanlike definitely not in front of father and Koga.

And that was my first Pokémon battle in the new world. Fuck I feel disappointed with myself did I think I could just win this easily even after all my training from father? I became arrogant thinking that I would win my battles because I got reborn. I tell myself as I clenched my fists "Next time I'll definitely win." As I walked back into the house gripping Sneasals poke ball in disappointment.