
Reincarnated as ???

Bagelly · Fantasy
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8 Chs

in the dark

"This. Is. so. boring." I said whining. I had been sitting on a ledge of a building staring off into nothingness waiting for something to happen. My ears had gotten much better as I had gotten the fenx bloodline but still there was nothing. Just nothing. A scream resounded in my sensitive ears before jumping up and running towards the noise. A woman was pushed up against a corner in an alley as she was being robbed. I quickly jumped down excitedly as I walked towards them. "Well well what do we have here?" I said cooly.

"What do you want!" One of the men sneered he was a lizard man at around middle aged while his friend was also one but red. i jumped forward transforming into my fenx form. My body turned black as suddenly a large wolf towered above them. One of them threw a knife in fear. The knife soared towards me at such a speed I wouldn't have thought possible. 'What?' i said in surprise. Is this how I was going to die? Suddenly something inside me buzzed as the blue patterns on my body buzzed and flickered. The knife veered off course and hit the ground at my feet. I jumped forward biting the head off the first one and slapping the second one with my tail. A crunching sound was heard as my tail broke through his rib cage killing him instantly. I quickly absorbed the two and turned back into a human.

<Bloodlines absorbed>

<Red lizard man (76%)>

<lizard man (92%)>

<Draconic Human (20%)>

<Fire Dragon (3%)>

<Other <~1%>

<New bloodline unlocked>

<Red lizard man (76%) 1/2>

<lizard man (92%) 1/2>

<Draconic Human (20%) 1/3>

<Fire Dragon (3%) 1/3>

'And there's two' I said to myself. what just happened though? I felt a buzzing near my chest and the trajectory of the knife changed. Is this.. divine power? I still couldn't quite grasp what just happened so I let it go for now. I walked out of the alley and took a deep breath. It was quite strange to kill someone because everything just kind of feels wrong about it. Is what I did wrong? No. They were going to hurt that woman right? I was just cleaning up the streets! Even after thinking about it there was still some discontent in my heart. What happened to me? Why do I feel so normal killing someone? I walked through the streets of the city wondering what to do next. Obviously I wasn't going to go around killing anyone I want. That would create mass mayhem and it would be harder and harder the farther I go.

if I wanted to go down that path I would first have to join the underworld as that is the only relatively 'safe' if you were to call it that place for criminals in this city. Though before I do that I need to figure out a money and housing situation since currently im homeless. a thought popped into my mind. What if I had a job that including killing people? It would both generate me money as well as make me stronger since I can just absorb their bloodline after I kill them! Though that would first include figuring out what job includes that. If I became an assassin I could do that but there are both many rules and its incredibly hard to become a top assassin since there is so much training involved. Ugh I should stop thinking about this im getting a headache already. I found a nearby bench to lay down on and fell asleep.

(A/N im on a hiatus rn so might not update for awhile.)