

She was a fool for love. Giving up her career and even her life for the sake of a scumbag. In the end , he died because of her. This time, since the heavens have given her a second chance, she will make good use of it! She will become the best wife for her Mr Lu! Mr Lu stared at his wife who was smiling at him. "Hubby, I love you!" She declared. Mr Lu rubbes his nose in shock. His wife seems to have changed over night. But he loves it! COVER IS FROM PINTEREST

jennakim · Urban
Not enough ratings
163 Chs

What Is This?

Yes. I am the person that Ran Ran loves! No matter what you said to her last night, she doesn't love you! She didn't want to get married to you in the first place! You forced her to get married to you!"

Lu Beichen really believed this. Li Ran loves him. He is the person that Li Ran loves the most in this world. She is even ready to give up her family for him

This bastard Lu Sichen must have said something to him that made her change her attitude to him overnight!

Lu Sichen suddenly laughed. Even though he was laughing, there wasn't the slightest hint of laughter in his eyes.

"Ran Ran? Li Ran is now your aunt! You have the guts to stand here and tell me that my wife is in love with you. Tell me Lu Beichen, is it that your life has been too good lately and you are courting death now?" Lu Sichen said.

He can ignore Lu Beichen antics as long as it doesn't cause much trouble for. He can just treat it as a child prancing about and seeking attention.

But, his bottom line is Li Ran! He won't let anyone touch it!

"Why? You dare to do it and you don't dare to admit it?! Li Ran was my girlfriend and yet you stole her away from me! Does it give you a sense of acheivement when you marry a woman who isn't yours?" Lu Beichen asked.

He wasn't just trying to annoy Lu Sichen now. His emotions were at all time high. He felt that Lu Sichen has always been stealing things away from him since he was young.

If his parents weren't dead, the person in charge of the Lu Group in the future will be be! But Lu Sichen stole that away from him! Now he has also taken Li Ran away for him.

"Last night you drugged my wine. Isn't it because you approve of our relationship and you want us to get together really quick? Why are you complaining in front of me right now?" Lu Sichen asked . He would be an idoit if he did not know that Lu Beichen was trying to rile him up on purpose.

He was angry yes, because he knows that it iss true that Li Ran does love Lu Beichen. But he isn't going to give Lu Beichen the satisfaction of seeing him lose his temper.

As Lu Sichen had expected, Lu Beichen's face went dark.

It wasn't as if Lu Sichen did not know the reason Lu Beichen drugged him.

He knew for sure that he won't be able to hold himself back and that he would sleep with Li Ran. Lu Beichen probably thought that Li Ran will hate him even more and stay away from him after he "raped" her. After all, Li Ran is a girl who has a lot of self respect.

Heck, even he was expecting Li Ran to kick him and hit him when they woke up this morning. He was expecting her to kick him out of the room and throw a tantrum after what he did to her yesterday night. But she didn't do any of that.

She acted as if it was only natural that they slept together after they were married. She even put in an effort to please his parents earlier today. He did not know what happened to Li Ran but he absolutely loved this change in her!

He just hoped that it would last!

Lu Beichen looked at Lu Sichen with his eyes red. Li Ran was supposed to hate Lu Sichen after what he did last night! How come she decided to spend her live with him after spending just one night with him?! Is he really that good?

"I don't know what you told Li Ran but you are wrong if you think that you will be able to keep her by your side like this! What do you think Li Ran will do when she finds out the real reason you approached her?" Lu Beichen asked.

He smirked and walked past Lu Sichen making sure that his shoulders brushed past his provocatively as he walked away.

Lu Sichen wasn't thinking about Lu Beichen's provocation anymore. Instead he was thinking about the last words he said.

"What will Li Ran do when she finds out the reason he approached her in the first place? Will she really do everything and anything to leave him?"

He admits that his intention wasn't pure when he first started following Li Ran...but he really did fall in love with her along the way. That's the truth.

Li Ran....he can't afford to lose her in this life. He can lose everything else in this life but not his wife Li Ran!


Lu Sichen walked into his bedroom. As soon as he opened the door, the bathroom door was opened. Li Ran stepped out of the bathroom wearing a thin nightgown. The weather was hot these days so her night gown wasn't conservative at all. It only had a thin strap and didn't even cover her knees.

She had just taken a bath so her skin was flushed. There was a pink hue to her face. Li Ran's skin was so white that it looked like a freshly peeled egg. Lu Sichen felt like water was going to come out of her skin if he applied a little bit of pressure in pinching her.

Lu Sichen's Adam apple rolled. The events of last night came flooding back to his mind. He could not help but remember how the petite woman felt under him last night.

He could feel a particular part of his body stiffening.

Lu Sichen stepped into the room dazed. He knocked over Li Dan's school bag that was placed on a table as he walked by.

All the contents spilled on the floor. Lu Sichen bent down to pick it up.

As he returned the contents of the school bag into it, he saw a medicine wrap.

He picked it up. Lu Sichen's eyes darkened when he saw what it was. He rasied it up and showed Li Ran.

"What is this?" He asked her.