
Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

In the grungy back-alleys of Meteor City, where chaos is order and danger is as common as air, a peculiar baby is found by Feitan, a teenage delinquent with a flair for violence and a suspiciously stylish cloak. This isn't just any baby, though. Oh no! This little one is Haruto, the reincarnation of Meruem, the terrifyingly powerful King of the Chimera Ants, now reborn into the messy world of humanity. As it turns out, having a past life as a hyper-intelligent, super-powered ant king doesn't grant you any exemptions from diaper changes or terrible twos. Haruto, now an infant with an already apparent air of majesty and an oddly intense gaze, becomes the unlikely little brother of the unsociable Feitan. With Meteor City as their chaotic playground, the mismatched pair navigates the ups and downs of brotherhood - including squabbles over candy theft, unexpected life lessons, and the occasional Nen-powered brawl. Soon enough, they are joined by Phinx, a boisterous fighter with strength and ambition in equal measure, and Canary, a young, no-nonsense girl with a mean right hook. As Haruto grows older, his kingly traits shine brighter, albeit coated with the cheeky charm of a child. Slowly, fragments of his past life as Meruem trickle in, and he starts aiming for greatness - because why settle for a backyard kingdom when you can aspire for the world? Prepare for a roller-coaster of laughs, squabbles, heartwarming brotherly moments, and just a dash of existential crisis as Haruto, Feitan, and their motley crew tackle life in Meteor City head-on, always reaching for the stars... and maybe the occasional ice cream truck. This fanfiction combines humor, brotherhood, and the trials of growing up in Meteor City, providing an entertaining exploration of familiar characters in a fresh setting. With Haruto's kingly personality and the eccentricities of his newfound family, the stage is set for a journey full of laughter, growth, and meteoric ambition. -- You have been warned!!! Slow-paced storytelling: The novel focuses on slice-of-life events, so you should be prepared for a leisurely narrative with a slower progression of major plot points. Memory retrieval: Haruto's memories from his past life(Meruem) will gradually resurface over time. If you prefer a story with immediate recollection or rapid development, this may not be the right fit. Harem elements: The novel incorporates a harem dynamic, with Haruto attracting the romantic interest of multiple characters. While this adds to the romantic subplot, some readers may have personal preferences or find it off-putting. I am thinking of 5 or so Harem members and not Gotta Catch 'em All. Limited action and battles in early chapters: While there will be battles and action sequences, the focus of the story lies more on character development and interpersonal relationships. Readers seeking intense combat scenarios or continuous action may need to adjust their expectations.

IWriteFanfic · Anime & Comics
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122 Chs

Zeno Zoldyck

The grandeur of the audience room was familiar, yet subtly different. Haruto was seated on his throne, his council spread out before him. Their faces were masks of calm, a collective show of strength in the face of danger. The power emanating from them was palpable, an impressive display of control, each holding their Nen under tight reign. There was an unwavering solidarity among them, a unity that was all the more significant in front of a potential adversary.

Only one seemed to vary from the shared tranquility. A young woman, her aura projecting a violent storm of emotions. Her eyes were those of a fierce predator, focused intently on Illumi, unblinking. A whirlwind of energy swirled around her, tenebrous and violent, a raw display of her readiness to strike. Looking at her, Illumi felt an inexplicable unease, akin to peering into a chasm, dark and infinitely deep. It was as if her very existence was an epitome of a quiet, deadly storm.

"Welcome, Mr. Assasin," Haruto's voice resounded throughout the room, breaking the silence. His demeanor was composed, his aura exuding a sense of majesty that, despite its subtlety, was impossible to ignore.

Illumi studied Haruto, his icy gaze unwavering. Haruto's poise was commendable, he mused. There was a certain quality to him that demanded respect, and Illumi found himself begrudgingly acknowledging it.

"Your hospitality is surprising," Illumi commented, his voice a monotone. He didn't show any signs of being impressed or intimidated by the formidable group in front of him.

Canary, the girl who had glared at him earlier, let out a cold, humorless laugh, her eyes never leaving Illumi. "Your audacity is what's surprising," she shot back, her voice as sharp as shards of ice.

"Which country hired you?" Haruto's question cut through the thick silence like a knife, his eyes fixed on Illumi with an unyielding intensity.

Illumi didn't falter under Haruto's probing gaze. Instead, he quirked an eyebrow, a hint of amusement playing on his lips. "How about this: you answer one of my questions, and I'll answer yours," he offered.

Laughter burst from Feitan, sudden and sharp. His sardonic smile stretched across his face, his crimson eyes glinting dangerously in the dimly lit room. "You think you're in a position to demand anything?" His tone was mocking, a cruel edge to his laughter echoing around the room.

Illumi's gaze slid to Feitan, his face as impassive as ever. "I can leave anytime I want, so I believe yes," he stated, his tone steady. His response seemed to hang heavily in the room, almost daring anyone to challenge it.

Haruto leaned back in his throne, a quiet confidence radiating from him. He locked his gaze with Illumi's, a spark of defiant audacity dancing in his eyes. "Your backer will not be able to extract you before your head leaves your body," he threatened nonchalantly, his gaze sliding towards the window. "Don't you think?"

For the first time since entering the room, Illumi's icy composure shattered. Shock etched across his face, swiftly followed by a flicker of fear. His gaze swung towards the window where, hidden in the shadows, was none other than his grandfather, Zeno Zoldyck. The aging assassin, renowned for his decades of experience, was an enigma - how could this young ruler have found him?

Before Illumi could digest this revelation, Zeno appeared by his side as if materialized out of thin air. The room fell silent as Zeno's gaze swept over them, finally landing on Koshiro. "Koshiro," he greeted, his voice echoing around the room.

"Zeno," Koshiro responded, his voice steady despite the surprise twisting his features.

Zeno turned to Haruto, intrigue sparking in his eyes. He simply inclined his head in a silent greeting, "King Haruto."

Haruto's response was simple, a nod of acknowledgment, his gaze never straying from the elder Zoldyck.

Haruto's gaze grew glacial, his eyes narrowing at the elder Zoldyck as if piecing together the fragments of a forgotten memory. "You," he spat out the word like a venomous accusation, "Your aura irritates me." A peculiar discomfort crawled beneath his skin, an unspoken agitation for this man he'd never met before. An inexplicable urge welled within him – to eradicate the source of his discomfort, to keep... her? safe. The question mark hovering over 'her' seemed to blur his thoughts. Why was there a sudden image of a woman, like a fading illusion, etching itself in his mind?

"How did you find me?" Zeno asked. His question resonated in the tense air. Years of unblemished experience, of being the hunter, not the hunted, momentarily tainted.

Unfazed by the stoic assassin's question, Haruto flicked a dismissive glance his way. "Who hired you?" He parried Zeno's question with his own, a note of casual boredom lacing his words.

"Kakin," Zeno conceded, his tone accepting of Haruto's silent assertion of dominance. The single word hovered ominously in the room, the implications of an entire nation's machinations weaving a new thread into their conflict.

"And their demand?" Haruto probed, his gaze still resting on the horizon beyond the window.

But Zeno was not one to relinquish control entirely. "My question first," he retorted, raising an expectant eyebrow at Haruto.

With an air of nonchalance, Haruto leaned back on his throne, the slightest of smiles playing on his lips. "You were in my En," he declared.

The revelation was so unexpected it could have tipped the world off its axis. Silent gasps of disbelief echoed around the room. Unbelievable. Impossible. But, they couldn't refute the truth. Even Illumi, the seasoned assassin, who was tens of meters away when Koshiro intercepted him, was within Haruto's En. And Zeno, whose presence was unbeknownst to them all. Just how vast was Haruto's sphere of perception?

Haruto's unrelenting gaze remained fastened on the elder Zoldyck, his question hanging in the air like a dangerous precipice. "What was their demand?" he asked again.

Zeno's voice cut through the tension that gripped the room like a vice. "To ensure that the Meteor Kingdom is no longer a threat to Kakin."


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