
Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

In the grungy back-alleys of Meteor City, where chaos is order and danger is as common as air, a peculiar baby is found by Feitan, a teenage delinquent with a flair for violence and a suspiciously stylish cloak. This isn't just any baby, though. Oh no! This little one is Haruto, the reincarnation of Meruem, the terrifyingly powerful King of the Chimera Ants, now reborn into the messy world of humanity. As it turns out, having a past life as a hyper-intelligent, super-powered ant king doesn't grant you any exemptions from diaper changes or terrible twos. Haruto, now an infant with an already apparent air of majesty and an oddly intense gaze, becomes the unlikely little brother of the unsociable Feitan. With Meteor City as their chaotic playground, the mismatched pair navigates the ups and downs of brotherhood - including squabbles over candy theft, unexpected life lessons, and the occasional Nen-powered brawl. Soon enough, they are joined by Phinx, a boisterous fighter with strength and ambition in equal measure, and Canary, a young, no-nonsense girl with a mean right hook. As Haruto grows older, his kingly traits shine brighter, albeit coated with the cheeky charm of a child. Slowly, fragments of his past life as Meruem trickle in, and he starts aiming for greatness - because why settle for a backyard kingdom when you can aspire for the world? Prepare for a roller-coaster of laughs, squabbles, heartwarming brotherly moments, and just a dash of existential crisis as Haruto, Feitan, and their motley crew tackle life in Meteor City head-on, always reaching for the stars... and maybe the occasional ice cream truck. This fanfiction combines humor, brotherhood, and the trials of growing up in Meteor City, providing an entertaining exploration of familiar characters in a fresh setting. With Haruto's kingly personality and the eccentricities of his newfound family, the stage is set for a journey full of laughter, growth, and meteoric ambition. -- You have been warned!!! Slow-paced storytelling: The novel focuses on slice-of-life events, so you should be prepared for a leisurely narrative with a slower progression of major plot points. Memory retrieval: Haruto's memories from his past life(Meruem) will gradually resurface over time. If you prefer a story with immediate recollection or rapid development, this may not be the right fit. Harem elements: The novel incorporates a harem dynamic, with Haruto attracting the romantic interest of multiple characters. While this adds to the romantic subplot, some readers may have personal preferences or find it off-putting. I am thinking of 5 or so Harem members and not Gotta Catch 'em All. Limited action and battles in early chapters: While there will be battles and action sequences, the focus of the story lies more on character development and interpersonal relationships. Readers seeking intense combat scenarios or continuous action may need to adjust their expectations.

IWriteFanfic · Anime & Comics
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122 Chs


While Haruto and his entourage were airborne, returning to the Meteor Kingdom, Shalnark found himself in a different sort of high-pressure environment. He was in the central command room of Meteor Kingdom's broadcasting facility, overseeing the live stream of the Hunter Exam. The operation was groundbreaking, a blend of their state-of-the-art technology and refined Nen techniques.

"Server load is at 92%," one technician called out.

"Route more traffic to auxiliary servers 5 and 6," Shalnark directed, his eyes scanning multiple screens that displayed analytics, server statuses, and the ongoing Hunter Exam itself. His demeanor was calm, a steady hand amid a whirlwind of activity.

Another team member chimed in, "Feedback from international audiences is pouring in. They're astonished by the difficulty of our Hunter Exam."

"Good. Make sure to note all significant social media hashtags and discussions. We'll analyze them later for public sentiment," Shalnark ordered, without looking away from his screens.

His phone buzzed. A message displayed: "Haruto and team are en route back to Meteor Kingdom."

Shalnark read the message but didn't react. He was too absorbed in his current mission, which was, in its own way, as important as any diplomatic venture. He understood the stakes. This broadcast was not just about entertainment; it was a declaration to the world about Meteor Kingdom's power, capabilities, and untapped potential.

As the Hunter Exam reached its final stage, the viewer count soared even higher. "We just broke the global streaming record," a technician announced, almost in disbelief.

Shalnark smiled, acknowledging the moment. "Excellent. Ensure we capture this data. It'll be useful for future initiatives."

The implications of this broadcast were multi-layered. First, Meteor Kingdom was now irrevocably etched in global consciousness. This was important for a nation that had so much to offer, especially in tourism—one of the most direct ways to infuse foreign capital into the local economy.

Second, the rigorous Hunter Exam served as an unwitting advertisement for the kingdom's prowess. "Look at them," Shalnark thought as he watched the candidates navigate the perilous tasks. "They're struggling with tests that hundreds from our kingdom have passed." The world was watching, and they couldn't help but draw the obvious conclusion: Meteor Kingdom was a nation of formidable talents.

Suddenly, the red alarm for server capacity started flashing. "We're at 98% capacity. We may lose the connection if we cross 100%."

"Activate the Nen-infused backup servers. Shift 20% of the load," Shalnark decided immediately, fully aware that Meteor Kingdom's blend of technology and Nen would provide a solution no other nation could even dream of.

As the technicians executed his orders, Shalnark felt a sense of fulfillment. Everything was falling into place. Soon, Haruto would return and hear of their success, and Shalnark knew that their leader would understand its significance—not as a mere technical achievement but as a strategic victory in the invisible wars of perception and influence.

The final moments of the Hunter Exam were broadcast without a hitch, and as the credits rolled, Shalnark finally leaned back in his chair. "Good work, everyone," he said, looking around at his exhausted but satisfied team.

A technician turned to him, "We pulled it off. Think King Haruto will be pleased?"

Shalnark thought for a moment before answering, "He will see it for what it is—an essential step toward manifesting the destiny of Meteor Kingdom. And for that, he'll not just be pleased; he will be ready for what comes next."

One of the technicians, still trying to catch his breath after the frenzy of the last few hours, couldn't help but ask Shalnark, "Why was this broadcast so important? We had a massive viewership, but we didn't accept any advertising offers, and it was free. It seems like we gained nothing but spent tons of resources."

Shalnark leaned forward, making sure to hold the room's attention. "Let me put it this way," he began, "Imagine a stage where every major actor wants to perform. By successfully hosting this Hunter Exam, we've not only built the stage, but we've shown that we own it."

The technician scratched his head, "So it's about showing off our capabilities?"

Shalnark shook his head, "Not just 'showing off.' It's a calculated maneuver in a much bigger game. Today, millions of eyes were on us, evaluating not just the participants but the sheer mastery involved in running the event at this scale. It's soft power; it adds to our reputation without the need for grandstanding. Our silence will scream volumes."

"But why not monetize it then?" another technician chimed in.

"Monetizing would have diluted the message. We're not desperate for financial gain from this event; that's not the resource we're after. We're building a brand, a narrative, an image. When the Meteor Kingdom is discussed in international councils, or when we negotiate trade deals, the underlying perception of our capabilities will shift the balance in our favor. Those are the moments where the real dividends of today's event will pay off."

A young staffer hesitated before asking, "So, it's like a chess game, and this broadcast was just us moving our pawn forward?"

Shalnark smiled, "Not a pawn, more like unveiling our queen. And just like in chess, controlling the board is often more valuable than the pieces you take."

Another question popped up, "But what about the internal viewers? Our citizens also watched the broadcast."

"Ah," Shalnark paused to find the right words, "Our citizens will see this as a display of national pride, a moment of collective achievement. It solidifies the identity of the Meteor Kingdom as a powerful entity, capable of great things. That's a resource far more valuable than any monetary profit."

"You make it sound almost patriotic," a technician observed.

"In a way, it is," Shalnark confirmed, "but it's also an extension of King Haruto's vision. We're not simply looking inward; we're setting the stage for global impact. If you understand the king's ethos, you'll realize he's positioning Meteor Kingdom as a force to be reckoned with."


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