

Raymond_Hall · Anime & Comics
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Part 9 Iron man I part IV

-Laura POV-

"Jarvis?" "Yes, Mam?"

"How Long did I sleep?" " Approx.. Five hours based on vital scans."

"You can do that?" "Yes, as Mr. Stark didn't want to be watched while he had 'guest' over."

"Huh, and where is Tony?" "Down in the workshop mam, he said to come down after you order clothes."

"Of course he did, in that case just order some Black, purple and red clothes. All tight fit please." "Naturally, in what quantity mam?" "80,15, 5 percent in that order." "Order Placed and will be delivered tomorrow." "Thanks Jarvis, workshop?" "Follow the lights, mam."

As I walk into the workshop I see Tony fly into the ceiling. "HAHAHA!" I laugh really hard. "Well at least someone is enjoying it." (Tony) "If you wish others to enjoy it sir, shall I post the video on the internet?" (Jarvis) "*Sighs* No thank you. But you can start set 12 calculations. Laura come over here while Jarvis is doing that. Time to get answers." (Tony)

After a series of somewhat invasive test (twice) Tony had this to say. "If these test are accurate and they are but shouldn't be, you have Vibranium (Vbm) bones!" "Shouldn't be?" "I say that because the only Vbm is Captains America's shield, which was lost with him and the spare prototype I have in lockup." "So did they steal it from you?" "No, even if they did the amount wouldn't've been anywhere near enough...so where did it come from? Do you know who they were/are?" "Cant say for sure but some of them said 'Hail Hydra' before I Killed them." "HYDRA! They were supposed to be dead!" "Could they have been lying?" "Doubtful but nonzero, but I believe you and them, they had no reason to lie." "Either way I need someone to bounce Ideas off of for Mk II." "Okay but while I help you with ideas I will train you in Close Quarters Combat (CQC), because you wont always have the suit." "Fine, lets work."

This Mk II is slightly more advanced then the original after asking Tony how how will he be able to fly without Ice build up and oxygen loss. I also mentioned that he should have a night or stealth mode just in case. And of course he just happened to make the additions in a few days because why not! Stupid smart people!

That is not even what is making me mad, because not only did he do that but he also made me a hero suit and a VI named Overwatch (because apparently he is a gamer and is funding a lot of games). My Suit is Primarily Black and Purple, contains jump jets in the shoes that charge on kinetic power, a visor and wrist attachments for Overwatch (O.W.), Lots of pockets for extra stuff in the future as well as high calorie bars and hyper hydration fluid. He made all of these at the same time! I both love and hate the guy now. While I was remembering all this Tony says this " Now all we need is Hero names 'I was thinking Rocketman and Kat'." "No and Never. How about Ironman and for mine X-23. Because it will be a big middle finger to the people that made me." "What about mine it isn't even accurate as its a Titanium-Gold Al.." "Yes but it is catchy and that is your style." " I am Great arnt I!" "I said Catc..." " Amazing?" "Catch" "Absolutely Perfect?" "*Sigh* Drop me in NY before you head east?" "Sure and I didn't hear a no."

DAY ONE as a (former assassin turned) super hero in New York, Thankfully I know a great place to start Hells Kitchen, this will be fun! Or rather that is what I thought however reality proved to be very different then I thought. "O.W. anything?" "No, I am currently scanning all channels but nothing is coming up." "In Hells Kitchen!?" "In New York, Mam." I am speechless at this no crime in NY on my first day as a Hero I cant let Tony find out ( i will just claim to be so good that I instantly stopped all crime yup that'll work....not). Naturally Tony found out the next day and was laughing saying He is now the first super hero as I didn't do anything.

I stayed at the Tower (Stark Tower) so I decide to head out during the day and as it turns out crime also happens in the day.... which I shouldn't be happy about. But yay. I just stopped a few mugging and helped people in a fire, didn't know the suit was fireproof but that's nice. As I was walking around looking/waiting for more I saw/heard on a TV "Financier Leland Owlsley being Investigated for Human trafficking's and other crimes find out more later from the Daily Bugle." I don't recognize the name but with hair that looks like a crescent moon he is 70-80% a super villain, time to go collect some intel.

So as it turns out the FBI has very poor Security around Owlsley's home.... well poor to me. They didn't even notice the hidden entrances, which means 99% chance of Super Villain. Oooo Vent! and no security either, honestly vents shouldn't be able to fit people but not my problem. I am crawling through the vents I over hear "I d... ...know! Yes I will find them! No I don't care what Shaw says I am safe Here, I am right under their noses and they cant even tell!" I think to myself Shaw That Is A Name I Know, if it is the Shaw I know I.E. Sebastian Shaw of the Hellfire club, which would fit based on Owlsey's profile of rich and connected as well as the crimes he is being investigated for then I am most likely correct. "Even If they do Find it dear Emma they wont be able to get here without the gifts we have." (BINGO! I think) on the other side of the phone I hear a bored sounding voice say "Remind me again dear what is your gift?" Owsley replies as he turns around I notice his eyes look glazed over... so someone is removing competition, works for me. "Why Dear I told you before I can manipulate the mass of anything I touch, you know this." "Ah yes, how forgetful." I think I have heard enough I leave a minicam here and head back out I need to ask Tony for some thing and perhaps some advice.