
Reincarnated as Uraume in the heian era

Rin, a seventeen-year-old girl with a troubled past, finds herself reincarnated in the Heian era of the Jujutsu Kaisen universe as Uarume with her cursed techniquee. Can Rin survive the Heian era and encounter Ryomen Sukuna, enduring the fate of being a chef, and still manage to meet both the strongest sorcerer in history and the strongest in the modern day without succumbing to their immense power? “Domain expansion: Seas of the Crystal Forest” As the domain "Seas of the Crystal Forest" formed around Sukuna, he casually activated his "Hollow Wicker Basket" with a flick of one of his lower pairs of hands forming the hand sing, a smirk of complete disdain playing on his lips. "I'm curious to see how you plan to escape from me," he taunted, his voice laced with confident challenge, while his other pair of arms remained poised, ready for any move. #No yuri (death for all of the yuri lovers) This fic might get too dark for some of you, so please feel free to leave if cockroaches scare you ps: I don't own Jujutsu kaisen, obviously, nor do i own anything else mentioned or referenced except for my OC's.

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19 Chs

Black Flash

After that day, I became Azrael's disciple, He started training me with relentless intensity, focusing on every aspect of cursed energy control. He wanted me to master the nuances of manipulating cursed energy, teaching me how to harness it efficiently and effectively. Each day was a grueling test of my limits, both physically and mentally. Azrael's methods were rigorous and often harsh

He also enhanced my understanding of domains, explaining the intricacies of creating and maintaining a domain expansion. He demonstrated the importance of a strong foundation in cursed energy to sustain a domain. I spent countless hours practicing, visualizing my own domain and perfecting its form and functionand even taught me the Hollow Wicker Basket technique. I asked him why he accepted me a curse user as his disciple, and his reason left me a bit confused.

Apparently, there is an evil organization called the Akatsuki. Their goal is to collect all known special grade curses and special grade objects to grant them to their leader, who apparently possesses Cursed Spirit Manipulation as his cursed technique. This would make their leader the strongest person in the world, allowing him to rule over everything.


"What's the name of their leader?" Rin asked, wanting to confirm something that had been nagging at the back of her mind.

"It's Pain of Temu," Azrael responded with a serious tone.


Rin paused for a moment, processing the information. "…Pain of Temu?" she echoed, incredulously.

"Yes," Azrael confirmed, not catching on to her disbelief.

"What about the other members' names?" Rin asked, still trying to wrap her head around the absurdity of it all.

"There's Itachi of the Siscon, Tobi D. Madara, Kisame D. Arlong, and—"


"Stop," Rin interrupted him, raising a hand to cut him off. "I'm not interested anymore."

Azrael looked at her, puzzled. "What do you mean?"

Rin sighed, shaking her head in disbelief. "You're telling me that we're up against a group with names straight out of some parody anime? This is too ridiculous. I mean, Itachi of the Siscon? Really?"

Azrael looked at her, still confused and not quite understanding the reference or her choice of words. "What do you mean?" he asked, genuinely puzzled.

Rin waved a hand dismissively. "Forget it. Let's just focus on improving my hand-to-hand combat skills for now."

Azrael nodded, his expression serious once more. "Very well. Hand-to-hand combat it is. Follow me, and we'll start with some advanced techniques that will complement your cursed energy manipulation."

They moved to a training area, and Azrael began to demonstrate various techniques, focusing on strikes, blocks, and grapples. Rin watched intently, absorbing the information and practicing each move with determination.

"Remember," Azrael said as he corrected her stance, "your cursed energy should flow naturally through your movements. It's not just about physical strength; it's about integrating your cursed energy seamlessly into your attacks and defenses."




three months had passed.

In a desolate, desert-like expanse, the heat was almost unbearable. The air shimmered with waves of hot air, and the sun beat down mercilessly. The ruins scattered around seemed to absorb and radiate the heat, making the entire area feel like an oven. It was so hot that Rin had tested cooking an egg on a rock, and it had sizzled to perfection in just 30 seconds.

Amidst this scorching landscape, a girl was sweating profusely, her clothes sticking to her body. Her face was twisted in disgust as she muttered harsh curses under her breath. It was none other than Rin, displaying her characteristic fatherless behavior, as she often liked to call it.

"Why does my cursed technique need to be sealed, and how is that even possible? " Rin grumbled, her annoyance clear as she realized she couldn't use her ice abilities to cool herself down.

"It's one of my subordinates' cursed techniques. Remember when she shook your hand yesterday? I asked her to do that," Azrael replied with a knowing smirk.

Rin's eyes widened in realization. "That sneaky little—" she began, but Azrael cut her off.

"You need to learn to adapt, Rin," Azrael said, his tone firm but not unkind. "Relying too much on your cursed technique can become a weakness. You must be able to fight and survive even when it's taken away from you."

Rin gritted her teeth, feeling a mix of frustration and determination. "Fine, but this better not be a regular thing," she muttered, wiping the sweat from her forehead.

"Focus on your physical abilities and your cursed energy control," Azrael instructed. "Think of this as an opportunity to strengthen other aspects of your combat skills."

As Azrael spoke, a grade 1 cursed spirit emerged from the ruins. It was huge, taking the grotesque shape of a mantis—or something similar. Rin couldn't quite identify its form, as it seemed to be a merger between different types of insects. She was 100% sure it had been created from the fear of insects, a common phobia manifesting into a nightmarish creature.

Azrael's voice cut through the tense air, calm and steady despite the looming threat of the cursed spirit. "This is your chance to put your training to the test, Rin," he reminded her. "Remember, you can't rely on your ice abilities alone. Use what you've learned about cursed energy control and your physical skills."

Rin's face contorted with a mixture of determination and disgust as the cursed spirit, resembling a grotesque amalgamation of insects, charged towards her with swift movements. Her usual disdain for insects amplified her unease, but she gritted her teeth and focused on Azrael's words.

With a sharp intake of breath, Rin shifted her stance, channeling her cursed energy into her limbs. Her movements, though slower and still less refined carried a newfound weight and intensity. As the spirit closed in, its insectoid wings slicing through the air, Rin sidestepped with unexpected agility, narrowly avoiding its initial attack.

Feeling the rush of adrenaline, Rin countered with a series of precise strikes fueled by cursed energy. Each blow landed with calculated force, aiming for the spirit's vulnerable points. Despite her aversion to insects, Rin pushed through her discomfort, her focus solely on defeating her opponent.

The cursed spirit, sensing Rin's determination, intensified its assault, darting in and out with unpredictable maneuvers. Rin defended herself with a mix of evasive maneuvers and strategic strikes, her movements gradually syncing with the rhythm of the battle. She dodged, parried, and countered, leveraging every opportunity to weaken the spirit.

Azrael watched from the sidelines, his expression unreadable but attentive. He noted Rin's progress with a hint of satisfaction, observing her adaptability and resilience in combat. His voice echoed with encouragement, urging her to maintain control over her cursed energy and exploit openings in the spirit's defenses.

Turning to Rin with a smile, Azrael cautioned, "Try to survive, Rin." He knew well that a Grade 1 cursed spirit, especially one born from the fear of insects, possessed formidable abilities. Such spirits often wielded insect-like powers, and despite being second only to special grades, they were significantly stronger than lower-ranked spirits.

Suddenly, the spirit started screaming, its voice a grotesque cacophony, "Eat... I wanna eat... Nasty human..."

Rin braced herself as the cursed spirit lunged at her with terrifying speed. She rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding its gnashing mandibles, and came up in a defensive stance. The spirit's grotesque form shimmered and buzzed with energy, a swarm of ethereal insects materializing around it.

With her cursed technique sealed, Rin relied on her raw combat skills and agility. She darted in, delivering a rapid series of punches to the spirit's torso. Each hit sent a shockwave through her fists, but the spirit's exoskeleton was tough. It retaliated by swiping at her with chitinous claws, forcing Rin to leap back.

The spirit's voice echoed through the air, "Eat... eat... human flesh..."

Rin dodged another attack, using her agility to stay one step ahead. She focused on analyzing the spirit's movements, looking for patterns and weaknesses. The spirit's insectoid nature gave it speed and resilience, but its attacks were wild and frenzied.

However, the spirit's relentless aggression began to wear Rin down. It summoned another swarm of insects, directing them at Rin in a chaotic cloud. She swatted at them, but their numbers overwhelmed her, biting and stinging wherever they could. Her vision blurred, and her movements slowed as exhaustion set in.

Desperation clawed at Rin's mind as she realized she was being pushed to her limit. The spirit seemed to sense her weakening resolve, its attacks growing more ferocious. It cornered her against a rocky outcrop, leaving her with nowhere to run.

"Eat... eat... devour..." the spirit hissed, its mandibles clicking with hunger.

Rin glanced at Azrael for help, her eyes pleading. But Azrael only smiled, ignoring her silent plea. "I will heal you, don't worry," he said, his voice calm and almost enjoying her misery. "Just survive."

The spirit lunged, and Rin barely dodged, her body screaming in protest. Exhaustion and pain clouded her thoughts as she fought for 20 minutes. Azrael's words echoed in her mind, pushing her to keep fighting. She knew she couldn't rely on him to save her; she had to find a way to survive on her own.

"Black Flash is a distortion in space that occurs when cursed energy is applied within 0.000001 seconds of a physical hit, huh?" Rin thought to herself. She knew the technique could greatly amplify her strike, but it required immense concentration and skill. No jujutsu sorcerer could use it at will; it demanded precise timing and combat potential.

With her back against the rocky outcrop, Rin focused her mind, summoning every bit of cursed energy she had. She watched the spirit's movements, waiting for the perfect moment. The cursed spirit, sensing her vulnerability, charged again with a frenzied hunger.

As it closed in, Rin steadied her breath. The spirit's grotesque face was mere inches from her when she launched herself forward. Her fist shot out, and in that fleeting moment, she channeled her cursed energy with pinpoint accuracy.

But nothing happened.

Rin's punch connected with the spirit, but there was no Black Flash, no amplification of her strike. The spirit recoiled slightly from the force of the blow, but it wasn't enough to stop it. It snarled, its mandibles clicking dangerously close to her face.

Panic threatened to overwhelm Rin, but she pushed it down. She couldn't afford to falter now. With no time to think, she fell back on her training. She dodged the spirit's next swipe, using the momentum to roll away from the rocky outcrop and back into the open space.

Gritting her teeth against the pain and exhaustion, Rin launched a series of rapid, precise strikes, each one aimed at the spirit's weak points. Her blows landed with a brutal efficiency, but the spirit's resilience was formidable. It retaliated with frenzied attacks, forcing Rin to stay on the defensive.

Azrael's words echoed in her mind: "I will heal you, don't worry. Just survive."

Determined to do just that, Rin summoned her remaining strength for a final assault. She ducked under a wild swipe, stepping inside the spirit's guard. Suddenly, the spirit created another hand out of nowhere, piercing through her stomach. Rin's eyes widened in shock and pain, but she did not stop.

With a surge of desperate energy, she punched the spirit with all her might, channeling every bit of her cursed energy into the blow. She didn't expect much, but to her surprise, black sparks crackled around her fist.

Time seemed to slow as her fist connected with the spirit. The Black Flash triggered, distorting space and amplifying her strike to devastating levels. The impact sent a shockwave through the spirit, its body convulsing as the cursed energy tore through it.

The spirit screeched in agony, its grotesque form disintegrating into a cloud of dark mist. Rin's punch had shattered its core, obliterating its presence entirely.

Rin collapsed to her knees, clutching her bleeding stomach. Pain and exhaustion threatened to overwhelm her, but she had survived. Her vision blurred, and darkness crept in at the edges as she lost consciousness.

Azrael quickly moved to her side, his expression shifting from pride to concern. He knelt beside her, his hands glowing with healing energy. "You've done well, Rin," he murmured softly. "Rest now, and let me heal you."

The glow from his hands intensified as he directed his energy into her wounds, mending the torn flesh and stabilizing her condition. As the minutes passed, Rin's breathing steadied, and the worst of her injuries began to heal.