
Chapter 234 - The journey continues (part 15)

"Roiso, if you will be a good girl and not fight that person, I will comply with a single wish of yours. As long as it will be in my power to fulfill it."


Zoemi leaned towards the hooded girl and whispered into her ear without taking his eyes off the shocked martial artist...

...he was so focused on the man, that he paid no mind to the sudden jolt that shook the small body of the neon-pink girl.

"...my lord, my lady... it is especially strange to me that the child in your company is the one to recognize me... What is the actual reason for your visit?"

The man slid one of his legs slightly back, not to escape but so that he could take a battle stance.

Honestly – such a reaction caused Zoemi to smirk – a devilish smirk that slowly bloomed into a villainous grin.

"Dad, young lady, Roiso, little ones... please, wait a moment."

The black-haired boy giggled maliciously while dropping down the horse's side before Mizoe could stop him.

"What is the meaning of this?"