
Reincarnated As The Useless Son

Milo Jeffries is a character from a popular video game. he plays a third-rate villain who dies at the age of 13. the most embarrassing character possible. no one wants to play with such a character. except for shin yun. a rich model who loves video games. After 7 days without sleep shin yun dies from exhaustion and overdose on energy drinks and caffeine. And he ends up in the world of fantasy, in the video game he kept playing until death and ended up as the most embarrassing character, Milo Jeffries. And the worst thing is that he has to fight real world players who use avatars while he only has one life that he could lose immediately. Dragons, demons, elves, spirits, humans, players. they are all after his life. how will he escape from them and what obstacles will he face. everything depends on him. ------------------------- this story is my own fanfiction. I didn't copy from someone or anything like that, and by the way, I don't want to create a novel. I just want to write for fun

LuciusN · Video Games
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6 Chs


"Status window."

Name: Milo Jeffries

Class: None

Titles: The lucky one

Nature: cold blooded

Unique ability: devourer of souls

HP: 110 | Emotions Points: 10 | Attack power: 5


Strength: 1

Intelligence: 3

Agility: 1

Perception: 1

vitality: 22

Luck: 30


Skills: unknown Lv max. Venom resistance Lv1.

My vitality increased by 20. which means that 100 emotion points increase a stat four times. 4 × 5 = 20, which means that 25 emotion points is one stat point.

♤Negative feelings from Maid Nanette +30

♤Negative feelings from Maid Melisenda + 30

♤Negative feelings from Maid Josse +30

"Haha, word that I woke up is going fast. I'll collect all your feelings my dears."

Now I have 100 points. that means i can grow four states. I have to be careful, if I grow too fast in power I will draw the world's attention to me. "Added 50 points to Perception, 25 to Agility, and 25 to Strength."

◇notification: Perception increased by 2.

◇notification: agility increased by 1.

◇notification: strength increased by 1.

"Wow." I can feel my body full of energy. that's what growing in the state means, I love that feeling, the feeling of growing strong.

"?????????????" What the? I think I'm starting to hear my father without listening to the door anymore.


"And, what are you going to do." says the doctor to Duke Lucius. she looked into his eyes. he could see how what he was about to say would break his soul.

He takes a breath and says "I'm going to send Him to the army." his sadness makes his friend sad too.

"But he's too weak now. and can't even use magic anymore." his friend replies.

he sighs "I know. that's why I'm going to send him to the freak academy first in a year. and when he turns 17 I'm going to send him to the army."

the doctor thinks deeply. and came to the same conclusion. "you are right. he will be under the protection of the academy until he is strong enough to be accepted into the army. but how will he survive without magical powers."

"Rey, how do ordinary people who don't even have magic and still become knights."

he thinks for a bit then says "Aura." the answer comes naturally. only those without magic can use the aura.

"Yes, I will bring the best teacher for milo to learn to use aura. then he'll at least have a chance to become a knight without people knowing what's with him."


My senses have grown so I can hear what they are talking about. I'm glad I put two points in perception. otherwise if i approach the door they would have known I was eavesdropping. huh! He, he will come here!?

The door opened and my father entered but this time alone. he sits on the bed next to me.

"Somehow you eavesdropped when I was talking to rey." damn i got caught there's no point in lying to him now. his eyes are special. he can see if someone lies or not. But this is my chance to win Emotions Points.

I'm sorry dad. I found it suspicious that Mr. Rey wanted to speak to you privately."

he looks at me and says "it's not nice to snoop milo." he smiles. i bet he is saying in his mind "my boy is like me. he has the same character as me, mature, kind and modest"

♧Positive feelings from Lucius Jeffries +200

"Tell me why you eavesdropped." Here comes that best-case scenario.

"I wanted to know what disease I have. I heard mr. rey say something is wrong with me. dad. I'm dying somehow, how many days do I have." now it's your turn daddy.

"No, that's not true. you're healthy, very healthy." his eyes change to concern.

♧Positive feelings from Lucius Jeffries +500

"then I'm kind of broken. please don't abandon me father." fake tears run down my white cheeks.

"I will never abandon you you are perfect and I love you so much. stop thinking about these things."

♧Positive feelings from Lucius Jeffries +1000

He hugs me and wipes my tears. "put on your shirt and shoes. we're going to have lunch with your grandma." grandmother? I think he means Rosa Jeffries, his mother.


In a garden full of flowers and roses. under a wooden gazebo. an elderly woman is waiting for us at the table full of food; breakfast, buffet with courses. fruit juice. fruits. lunch looked like a rainbow of delicious food.

"Sweetie." she is my grandmother! she looks so young he looked like he was in his thirties.

♧Positive feelings from Rosa Jeffries +150

"Grandma. I run to her, she hugs me. I have the same feeling that I had with my dad when he first hugs me. they makes me feel good

"Hi mom." says my father to his mother. He sits in the chair. "take a seat." I sit in the chair next to my grandmother. I have to play my cards right.

"How are you sweetie." asks my grandmother. time to prepare my snake tongue.

"I feel very well since I saw grandma but I'm very hungry, like a wolf. She giggled at my answer.

♧Positive feelings from Rosa Jeffries +200

My father also seemed happy. I'm happy but I'll be even more happy if they give me more Emotions Points.

We talked for about thirty minutes about many topics. about the royal family, the monster invasion, about my brother ethan jeffries doing well in the hero academy. about how my brother will inherit the dukeship.

"I want to make an important announcement."

says my father. I already know what it's about.

"In a year, I will send milo to the academy of the unusual." I expected that.

"What are you talking about son. what do you mean by sending my nephew to a knight academy."

my grandmother opinion is very disturbed by this subject. I'm not surprised. what would a normal child without magic look for in a magic school. he will only be the lynx of the world and the victim of abuse.

"Don't worry mom. I'll hire the best man to teach milo to use the aura. I'm just not crazy to send my son to the lions den."

My grandmother was probably thinking about the possibility of me using the aura. but also to the possibility of me being hurt.

"Only on one condition. if milo can't use the aura after a month of training, then he will stay with me in the castle." says my grandmother.

"I agree with you mom." dad smiles "you haven't changed at all. you've always been smart." he says to her.

"You are like me. you just didn't expect your father to be smart. the only things that were good about him were that he was handsome and talented with swords." says my grandmother.

They both start laughing. again the same feeling comes again. I know they are not my real parents but I can feel family love with them.


After I finished eating. I ask permission to leave, and I was going to my room. i was in the main corridor and thought i would do a simple calculation to see how many points i have.

I had 1710 points before. +150 =1860 +200 = 2060 now to add the points I got from grandma. 2900 + 2060 = 4960 I still need 40 emotion points. I was almost to my room.

when I spot a maid passing in the corridor. "My luck never leaves me."

When she passed me, I blocked her. she fell.

"I am sorry." I say while laughing.

♤Bad feelings from Maid Biby +100

Since I've accomplished my goal, there's no point in pestering her anymore. "disappear." I tell her.

She ran as far as she could from milo jeffries, the monster that tortures servants and ordinary people.

"damn, if only she was in the modern world. she would have won the award as the fastest woman in the world."


I finally arrived. "store."



> healing potion: 500 points

> black metal sword: 3000 points

> Moon energy daggers: 5000 points

> Magic Armor: 10000 points

Other items 1/20


> the eyes that see what cannot be seen: 5000

> resistance to elements of nature: 10000

> curse resistance 100000

Other items 1/5


> Ancient Ring of the God Ra: 10000

> Vampire Pendant: 30000

> Abyssal Armor: 50000

Other articles 1/3

I know what to get. "buy, the eyes that see what cannot be seen."

◇Notification: you have acquired a new skill

"AARRGGHH!! my eyes burn so bad. what the heck is happening to me?