
Reincarnated As The Ultimate Hybrid

An average high school student dies from God's mistake he is offered to be sent to another world with 5 wishes he now she reincarnates as the perfect Hybrid between....read and find out -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- this is my first time writing a story and English is my second language, so forgive me for any mistakes This story is a wish fulfillment I will try to post 2-3 chapter per week Discord server: https://discord.gg/mqpfBrDp

muky_ · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Dragons!!! Part 2

*Telónia's POV*

As the colossal dragon, Lady Celeste, asserts her dominance over the battlefield, I feel a surge of mixed emotions. Surprise at the unexpected arrival, relief at the reinforcement, and a tinge of concern regarding the unfolding situation.

"Lady Telónia's!" Kuro's urgent voice breaks through my thoughts, drawing my attention back to the present.

"Right, Kuro. We need to press our advantage while we have it," I respond, determination firming my resolve.

With renewed vigor, I focus on the task at hand. The undead dragon still poses a significant threat, and the Ogre Lord remains a formidable opponent. But with Lady Celeste's arrival, our odds have shifted in our favor.

Ogre Lord's *POV*

The sight of the barrier holding against the undead dragon's attack brings a smirk to my lips. "Hah! Not bad, not bad at all!" I chuckle, impressed by the display of power.

But as I watch the other dragon transform into a human, preparing for battle, a sense of unease creeps over me.

"Hmm... looks like things just got a bit more interesting," I mutter to myself, a spark of excitement igniting within me.

With a wicked grin, I refocus my attention on the ogre lass and the ratman. Despite the odds stacked against us, I relish the challenge ahead. After all, what fun is a battle without a little chaos?

"Time to show them what the Ogre Lord is made of!" I declare, my voice echoing across the battlefield as I charge back into the fray, eager for the clash of steel and the thrill of combat.


*Celeste's (MC) POV*

As I stand poised for battle, my gaze shifts between the undead dragon and the formidable Ogre Lord, a thrill of excitement coursing through me.

"Hmm, looks like they're ready for a fight," I muse to myself, a smirk playing on my lips.

With a flick of my tail, I prepare to engage the enemy, my soul-bonded weapon at the ready.

"Let's see what you're made of," I murmur, looking at the undead dragon with an air of confidence.

I vanish in a blur, a sonic boom trailing behind me as I unleash a strike upon the undead dragon using my sword, severing its wings and sending it hurtling to the ground with impressive speed. The impact reverberates through the battlefield, signaling the beginning of our renewed offensive.

"ROAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR!" the dragon roars with anger, preparing spells around itself to attack me while grabbing the bones of the monsters that died on the battlefield to heal itself.

"Heeh, for a monster with almost no intelligence, you are making a lot of logical decisions," I say, narrowing my eyes and trying to sense my surroundings using my [Semi-Divine Senses] to see if anyone is actively controlling it.

As the dragon's spells come hurtling towards me, I shrug them off, knowing they won't do a thing to me. It's all just a ploy by the dragon to buy some time to heal itself up.

With a smirk, I hold my ground, watching as the spells fizzle out harmlessly around me.

As the dragon scrambles to mend its wings and takes flight once more, fueled by renewed determination, I brace myself for its attack. With a sudden swoop, it descends upon me, claws gleaming menacingly with a neon green light.

Reacting swiftly, I raise my sword to meet its onslaught. The clash of metal against claws reverberates through the air, echoing like thunder.


As the sound echoes across the battlefield, I glance towards the dragon's claw, now shattered and broken.

"I haven't even started attacking, you know," I remark with a disappointed sigh.

"Well, let's end this," I say, turning my sword into a necklace and returning it to my neck using wind magic.

"Hey Athena, create me a skill that can steal an undead from someone's control."

{Understood, Creating skill}

{Skill [NecroSiphon] has been created}

[NecroSiphon]: a skill that enables the wielder to sever the control of an undead entity from its current master and give control to the user.

"[NecroSiphon]," I mutter while pointing my arm towards the dragon.

A surge of energy pulses from my fingertips, weaving through the air like tendrils of shadow. With a forceful surge, the magic latches onto the undead dragon, disrupting its connection to its master.

For a moment, the dragon falters, its movements becoming erratic as it struggles against the unseen force. Then, with a sudden shift, its gaze turns towards me, recognition dawning in its eyes.

With a triumphant grin, I seize control of the undead dragon and move towards it.

"Hmm, I have an idea," I mutter, a grin creeping across my face.

Channeling a mix of holy vibes and the raw essence of life, death, and blood magic, I get to work.

"[Universal shape-shift]," I whisper, drawing patterns in the air. Suddenly, the undead dragon morphs into a stunning woman.

Her hair falls in dark waves around her, framing her pale face. Crimson eyes against black sclera gleam with newfound awareness, while bone-like horns sprout from her hair, giving her an otherworldly vibe.

[Image Here]

With Athena's help, I give her some intelligence, blending Holy and magical energy to awaken her mind.

As she blinks into consciousness, she looks at me and offers a graceful bow,

"Thank you for giving me life my Goddess" she said with gratefulness and reverence in her tone

*Telónia's POV*

As the undead dragon now obediently follows Lady Celeste's command, I redirect my focus to the Ogre Lord, who charges at me with all the subtlety of a rampaging bull, his massive club raised high, ready to deliver a crushing blow.

With a quick sidestep, I narrowly evade his attack, feeling the rush of wind as the club whizzes past me..

"Is that all you've got?" I taunt, a smirk playing on my lips as I dart in and out of his reach, my movements agile and calculated.

With each strike, I chip away at his defenses, wearing him down bit by bit. His roars of frustration only fuel my determination, driving me to press the offensive with even greater fervor.

But just as I gain the upper hand, the Ogre Lord's eyes narrow with newfound determination. With a bellowing roar, he swings his club in a wide arc, catching me off guard and sending me crashing to the ground with bone-jarring force.

Pain shoots through my body as I struggle to rise, my vision swimming as I fight to maintain consciousness. The flames of [Combat mode (Sin of Wrath)] envelop me, fueling my resolve as I push myself to my feet, my sword gripped tightly in my hand.

"Is that all you've got?" I repeat, my voice ringing out with unwavering resolve amidst the chaos of battle. "I'm just getting started."

With a fierce determination fueling my every move, I unleash a potent death attribute spell. Dark energy crackles around me as I focus my power, directing it towards the Ogre Lord. In an instant, the air fills with the stench of decay as the spell takes effect, causing patches of the ogre's skin to wither and rot before my eyes.

"RAAAAHHHH!" bellows the ogre in agonizing pain, his roar echoing across the battlefield as he staggers backward, clutching at the festering wounds inflicted by my magic.

A sense of grim satisfaction washes over me as I witness the effectiveness of my spell. With each passing moment, the Ogre Lord's strength wanes, his once-mighty form faltering under the relentless assault of my magic.

But I know this battle is far from over. With renewed determination, I ready myself for the next onslaught,

*Ogre Lord's POV*

The pain's like... ugh, a herd of stampeding elephants trampling over my insides! I stagger back, feeling like I've been pounded by a thousand boulders. "What in the blazes?!" I bellow, my voice echoing with the frustration of a bull stuck in a rut. "Who's the genius slingin' these hexes?!"

Then, outta nowhere, there's this voice in my noggin, all echoey and stuff, yammering about titles and whatnot. "[Requirements reached, the individual unnamed ogre lord has been granted the title [Herald of the world]]" it says.

"Herald of the world?!" I grunt, scratching my head like a gorilla with a flea problem. "What does that even mean?"

But ain't no time for ponderin' that now. I'm still feelin' like a smashed pumpkin, but I ain't about to let some fancy title get in the way of smashin' some skulls. "You think a little pain's gonna stop the Ogre Lord?!" I bellow, my voice reverberating with the defiance of a bear woken from hibernation. "You're in for a world of hurt, lass! Bring it on!"