
Reincarnated as The Strongest System Holder: Defier of Time and Space

“...If I hadn't drunk so much, I wouldn't have made a mistake like you" “...A good for nothing bastard" “...Jason isn't your true father" ____________________________ Kevin was a 'mistake'. A bastard made by his father after drinking too much alcohol. He was killed by that father with a kitchen knife. What a pathetic way to die, right? However his lucky gods smiled at him and he was reincarnated as the second prince of an empire in a fantasy world. Glacier empire. Though he's the second prince, it doesn't mean he's not a candidate for the throne, know why? He has the long lost magical affinities of Time and Space and an ever evolving system! His new father is an angel and his mother a human. You think they're not special? His father is a god and his mother comes from a clan of legendary system holders. Kevin is thrown into a bunch of plot twists and turns. Never relenting with his four teammates. They overcome everything. Though there are more people in the team later on, these four are inseparable. He fights gods despite being a demo god and takes them down. A legendary god slayer. However, life is not as easy as he thinks. He won't be some main character who slashes every enemy and leave unscathed because there were far more greater entities that were involved in his reincarnation. __________________________________ ---- The mc isn't your type of 'very nice guy'. He's cruel but not too much even as a kid. ---- Discord server link - https://discord.gg/a5zUQbMZg4 ---- My discord ID - Kelvar ---- Book cover is mine ---- 1-3 chapters a day

Kelvar10_ · Fantasy
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43 Chs

The truth about Kevin

(At the castle)

Kevin could be seen in bed sleeping peacefully. Then he woke up with a jump. He didn't even wait for memories to come back because he didn't need to.

Quickly using [Loophole S] he teleported to his parents room where he saw them cuddling in a cute but careful way.

The moment his whole body had come out of the crack in space a blade was pointed at his neck and he gulped in fear. Cold sweat ran down his back.

"It's you. Don't do that again son. Next time I might not hesitate." Micheal said.

"Yes father. How's mom." Kevin asked with a little sweat sliding down the side of his head due to his father's scare.

"She's fine. I explained what happened yesterday to her. As you can see she's sleeping again. Let's go outside for a talk.....shall we." Micheal said.

"Ok." Kevin replied.

Micheal grabbed a blue coloured robe and walked to the door. Kevin looked at his back and saw two well sewn holes for Micheal's wings to pass true. His clothes had them but since he was able to retract his wings he didn't need them.

Micheal opened the door and looked back to Haritha. Kevin continued to walk and when he got outside and saw how father staring, he said, "You might blow a hole in her head if you keep staring you know."

"What do you know, you're only five. You'll understand these feelings someday but I do see you staring at a particular silver haired girl sometimes." Micheal said with a smirk on his face.

Kevin's face went red with embarrassment and he started to walk faster to get away from his father.

Micheal looked at his son's back with a smirk and some old memories began to fill his head.

(5 years ago, Michael POV)

Micheal could be seen in a hospital beside Haritha who was in a bed sleeping with a big tummy. However something was unusual. A large force could be felt from her stomach. A great power. Something divine.

"This child will probably be born a god. He's the prophesied child from 50 generations ago." Micheal joyfully said.

"That child is damaging my daughter you know." said a baritone voice from the corner of the room.

Micheal looked up in surprise as he just noticed the man in front of him. "Impossible, I'm a level 1000 god. How did you..."

"Don't underestimate the Corinth clan. Even my daughter." the man came out of the shadows and revealed himself.

"Father - in - law!" Micheal shouted and he gave a bow. Sweat spread on his back. He feared this man just like his father or even more. His stealth was higher than the highest level gods despite not being a god himself.

Ignoring Micheal's bow, the man walked towards Haritha and placed his hand on her tummy. "This child is a god. At least in the early stages. His divine mana is damaging my daughter's body and she'll explode in 5 days. Her and the baby. Kill the child if you want her to live."

Micheal frowned. "What are you saying!? How will I kill my child."

"Kill one to save the other." the father in law coldly replied.

"There should at least be a third option. Please I'm begging you. Your clan should have something." Micheal begged as he got on his knees. As an emperor his pride could never allow him to do this but to save his unborn child and his wife, he swallowed it.

"There is another option..." Haritha's father said and Michael raised his head up in joy.

Haritha's father : "Seal the child's divinity and make him a mortal."

Michael : "Can"t we at least make him an overlord."

Haritha's father : "If you don't accept making him a mortal, then goodbye."

Micheal : "No wait! I'll-i'll do it."

Haritha's father brought out a scroll out of nowhere and tossed it at Michael and he disappeard.

Micheal looked at the scroll in sadness. "Sorry son. This is the only way to save you both and he began the sealing ritual.

(Present time)

'Those old times. Things would have been different if Kevin was born a god.' Michael thought as he and Kevin walked in the halls. He picked Kevin up with his hand and placed him on his shoulder and they disappeared.

/// A/N Hi guys, it's me again. I didn't really find a place to put Haritha's father's description. You'll find it in the author's thought. Also....the author's thought in the last chapter is more than one paragraph. Please if you just read it normally, check it out now by clicking it if you didn't.Thx. Sorry for small chap. Next one will be normal again (probably) Discord server link - https://discord.gg/a5zUQbMZg4 ///

Haritha's father - He's very young, looks like he's in his late 20's. Pale skin like a vampire's, No blemish. Wears a black suit and tie. He tied his long black hair in a donut and let some flow freely in the wind. Green eyes. Looks bored most of the time.

Kelvar10_creators' thoughts