
Reincarnated as The Strongest System Holder: Defier of Time and Space

“...If I hadn't drunk so much, I wouldn't have made a mistake like you" “...A good for nothing bastard" “...Jason isn't your true father" ____________________________ Kevin was a 'mistake'. A bastard made by his father after drinking too much alcohol. He was killed by that father with a kitchen knife. What a pathetic way to die, right? However his lucky gods smiled at him and he was reincarnated as the second prince of an empire in a fantasy world. Glacier empire. Though he's the second prince, it doesn't mean he's not a candidate for the throne, know why? He has the long lost magical affinities of Time and Space and an ever evolving system! His new father is an angel and his mother a human. You think they're not special? His father is a god and his mother comes from a clan of legendary system holders. Kevin is thrown into a bunch of plot twists and turns. Never relenting with his four teammates. They overcome everything. Though there are more people in the team later on, these four are inseparable. He fights gods despite being a demo god and takes them down. A legendary god slayer. However, life is not as easy as he thinks. He won't be some main character who slashes every enemy and leave unscathed because there were far more greater entities that were involved in his reincarnation. __________________________________ ---- The mc isn't your type of 'very nice guy'. He's cruel but not too much even as a kid. ---- Discord server link - https://discord.gg/a5zUQbMZg4 ---- My discord ID - Kelvar ---- Book cover is mine ---- 1-3 chapters a day

Kelvar10_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
43 Chs


"All hail! All bow! The mighty crown prince of the bluecloud empire! Protector of angels! Hater of humans! Lord Leyn!" shouted a fat angel boy who looked like he had spent his whole life stuffing himself.

Leyn was one of the only known nobels who had taken part in and survived Ryūketsu. Kevin imagined him to be a cold and calculative type of person because of all the trauma and experiences he had but his expectations did fifty backflips while sticking out their tongues when he saw him.

He had blond hair and yellow eyes that looked around arrogantly. A smirk was plastered on his face and he held his chin up looking down at everyone else like they were dirt on the white ground.

He spread out his wings proudly and Kevin noted that they were bigger than his.

{A/N Just like men care about the size of their *you know what*, Angels are sensitive about the size of their wings}

Everything about his way of walking, the smirk on his face and his way of dressing screamed "Arrogant spoiled brat who doesn't know anything!"

All the students chatting in the hallway had bowed down with their mouths plastered to the floor though some of them raised their heads a bit to peek.

All the students except one with a mask. He continued to walk his way without even sparing the prince a glance.

"Hey you there! Mask boy! Kneel when your superiors are walking by!" the fat boy shouted. Kevin didn't move his head but he shifted his eyeball and saw 'Rank 1 Level 4' on the boy's forearm.

Meanwhile the boy was trying to peer into the slit of the mask but he saw a green and mystical eyeball staring back at him. The power hidden beside it made him shudder and run to the side.

"I despise humans..." Leyn said. "...but you're different... For some reason I don't feel anything. Are you pheraps an angel?"

Hearing the last sentence Leyn said Kevin started to sweat bullets under his mask.

"Let me see your face." Leyn added.


"You heard him human! You don't wear mask in front of nobles!" shouted one of the five servants behind Leyn.

Leyn stretched out his arm at a fast speed and some of the bowing heads that were peeking opened their mouths in awe. However, they were even more shocked when Kevin's hand hit Leyn's away.

"You tried to use a spell on me." Kevin said.


'How did he know?' Leyn thought. 'Even peak rank 8 overlords can't see through my "heartbreak" spell.'

"...and so?"

"Read the rules you ugly imp." Kevin said. "Don't use mana against other students. I guess nobles are very very lazy that they can't even do a simple thing like reading. Heck, they don't wash their own clothes!"

Kevin deliberately said all that to test Leyn's anger meter and temperament. The reason? He was just bored.

Surprisingly Leyn was still standing in his spot. His body language and expression showed that he wasn't angry at all but some veins on the side of his head said otherwise.

"Hehe" Kevin gave a childish giggle and disappeared.

Leyn clenched his fists and grit his teeth in anger. A wisp of his aura was let out and the fat servant behind him choked on a chicken nugget he was sneaking into his mouth.

After Leyn and his party had moved away and the students had started to stand, Kevin appeared in the same spot he was when he spoke to Leyn. The students beside him flinched and jumped to the side, afraid of the commoner that was able to say his mind to a noble.

Though most of them had the same thoughts they didn't dare to say them. After letting out a deep exhale Kevin walked off. 'Thank the gods it worked. That was risky.'

He hadn't truly disappeared. He just made himself invisible by manipulating space with a skill he got in the past week.

[Space Manipulation]

He had gone for the first symbol that came to his mind. An white winged angel holding a rapier standing on a black winged angel that had black horns on the sides of his head. The white winged angel's other arm was raised up showing victory.

'So many things happened last week.' Kevin thought. He had pushed the incident that just happened to the side and he let his normal thoughts flow in.

'Dad became mom's personal maid. That man has no shame. Sometimes I wonder if I'm his son even though I have a personality from my past life. It's like I'm a 'new me' and the 'past me' is an illusion."

"Wait what!?" he quickly looked around because it would be embarrassing for someone to see him shouting out of nowhere. All he saw was a tame rabbit eating some grass at one side of the field he was walking across.


He let out a sigh of relief and sprinted to his dorm room door. He opened it and walked inside.

Kevin was walking down a white hallway looking down at a paper that said "[1-A-3]" It was the name of his class. '1' stood for his year. 'A' stood for the building he was in and '3' stood for his class.

Normally it would be '[A-3]' but due to some circumstances in the previous year, the students had to be held back and for the first time, Grafit academy had the 1st year and the 2nd year students though they'll graduate at the same time.

Kevin was still looking at his paper then he quickly moved his eyeball to the back, glaring holes through Leon.

Kevin didn't want to stand up from bed and had to be tricked by Leon to get up. He was sleeping on the top bunk and as he jumped he hit his head on an active ceiling fan. He didn't feel pain or bleed but it annoyed him.

He shifted his gaze to the class number and at last he found [1-A-3]. He gripped the door handle and was about to slide it open but he sensed something that made him side step to his right side.

*SWISH!* *flop*

The door was sliced clean in half and the sliced half fell on the floor with a *flop* Kevin was sure that if he moved one second later he'd get minor injuries.

"I missed- No! It was an accident."

Kevin walked into the class and say Leyn's annoyed face. "You really should work on your poker face."

"What's poker?"


'Poker dosen't exist here!?'

Kevin didn't bother replying and walked to a free chair at the back of the class. Everyone on that column moved away 2 rows away from him.

There were twenty rows and ten columns of chairs and tables in the class and everything was in an ascending order so it didn't matter much when there was plenty space between him and them.

A student quickly stood up and fixed the door by patching it up with wood magic and ran back to his seat. He had done the act out of fear and not for the class.

With the same annoyed look on his face, Leyn went to seat with his five 'angel buddies' as Kevin had named them. The act of distancing that was done for Kevin was done for Leyn too but it didn't seem to bother him much. It was more like he wanted it.

5 minutes later, about ten students poured into the class including Leon, Roy, Rachel and Jasmine. They gave an excuse of bad sense of direction and they a sat waiting for the teacher.

As they waited Kevin overheard a whispered conversation between two students at the front of the class.

"...Hey, Bonn, why were you late"

"I was at the ice cream shop"

"What!? Why? What if you were caught!?"

"No need to worry, I already know who our homeroom teacher will be. I asked my brother in the second year about him and he said the teacher is always late to class so I thought I'd stop by for some ice cream"

"That's way too dangerous! Do you remember our teacher's name by the way?"

"I think it was..."


The part of the door that was sliced fell off again but this time it was into the class. Through the little space man walked through while breaking the other half of the door like it was nothing.

People felt their hearts beat like the drum of the apocalypse but the teacher that just walked in didn't even care about the door. He walked to the podium and scanned the class with his teal eyeballs before he dropped the books he was holding and spoke.

It was the same green haired man who had made the introduction speech on the day they got to the school.

"My name is Wei Feng." he spoke. "I have two warnings for you guys this damned morning. First, no nobility here. I don't care about your status outside this school, in here you're all commoner children. Now..."

He shifted his cold gaze to the 'angel buddies' and quickly they ran out, tripping over each other at the door and even getting injured because of the splinters of the door.

"Secondly, I'm sure the greedy bastards in charge of Ryūketsu in the government didn't tell you this. Your strength is now static. I'm sure you guys don't understand this. Let me spell it out for you." he said.

"You children will be rank 8... forever."

Hey guys! Kelvar-kun is back for business ヾ(・ω・*)ノ

I've been busy with exams but I'm finally back. ༼ つ ◕‿◕ ༽つ

I'll be uploading 1-2 chaps a day. Hehe

Get ready for plot twists and turns!

Little spoiler - There will be a little time skip in this academy arc and the road to the true action will be ready!

Also my Mother's birthday was 2 days ago (May 28), help me wish her luck in the comments.


Kelvar10_creators' thoughts