
Reincarnated as The Strongest System Holder: Defier of Time and Space

“...If I hadn't drunk so much, I wouldn't have made a mistake like you" “...A good for nothing bastard" “...Jason isn't your true father" ____________________________ Kevin was a 'mistake'. A bastard made by his father after drinking too much alcohol. He was killed by that father with a kitchen knife. What a pathetic way to die, right? However his lucky gods smiled at him and he was reincarnated as the second prince of an empire in a fantasy world. Glacier empire. Though he's the second prince, it doesn't mean he's not a candidate for the throne, know why? He has the long lost magical affinities of Time and Space and an ever evolving system! His new father is an angel and his mother a human. You think they're not special? His father is a god and his mother comes from a clan of legendary system holders. Kevin is thrown into a bunch of plot twists and turns. Never relenting with his four teammates. They overcome everything. Though there are more people in the team later on, these four are inseparable. He fights gods despite being a demo god and takes them down. A legendary god slayer. However, life is not as easy as he thinks. He won't be some main character who slashes every enemy and leave unscathed because there were far more greater entities that were involved in his reincarnation. __________________________________ ---- The mc isn't your type of 'very nice guy'. He's cruel but not too much even as a kid. ---- Discord server link - https://discord.gg/a5zUQbMZg4 ---- My discord ID - Kelvar ---- Book cover is mine ---- 1-3 chapters a day

Kelvar10_ · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Manipulating time

The moment I had decided on a name I tried opening the stat panel but then I remembered that that there was about 11 hours left for the update.

Clicking my tongue, I put my things in my inventory and I moved out forgetting to place the books back.

I entered my room and I noticed how sleepy I was. I hadn't slept for an entire night and I could see the horizon in the distance.

Jumping onto my bed without even bothering to use the blanket, I slept peacefully for 12 hours.

I woke up looking at the window thinking it was a normal day and I could sleep in but my memories came flooding back in a minute.

I jumped immediately and I sat on the bed. I opened the stat panel and it seemed that nothing had changed except for the heap of notifications I had in one corner of the screen.

I clicked the first one and a new screen appeared with the subject, 'AI customization.'

Curious and excited I began to check it's contents.

[AI Customization]

[Step 1 > Voice > (male) or (female)]

"Hmm.... I would like the male one but... the female one is also... Argh, I'll choose male." I clicked the male option and another step came in.

[ Step 1 > part 2 > voice > (husky and drunk) (angelic and innocent) ( intelligent) (arrogant) (stupid) (angry) (sad and gloomy) (mother) (father) (childish)]

I didn't even need to think to pick the intelligent option. Firstly, why would I need a drunkard in my head, secondly, Having that angelic voice in my head will make me hesitate to do things that aren't angelic like killing on the battlefield.

Thirdly, I had enough of arrogant people, one of them lying dead in my inventory. Another step appeared in front of me.

[Step 2 > behavior > (husky and drunk) (angelic and innocent) ( annoyingly intelligent) (arrogant) (stupid) (angry) (sad and gloomy) (mother) (father) (childish) (man) (woman)

Same as before, I chose the intelligent option and another step appeared.

[Step 3 > naming > type your AI's name into this box]

'Thinking about naming again will suck up all my brain juice.' I thought. I typed in Carlos and the screen disappeared leaving me an intelligent voice to talk to.

"Good evening to you, master." he said. "Carlos, what can you do." I asked. "Many things master. I can be your personal arms and legs in the system, I can be your internet, I can generate skills based on your experience and knowledge."

"That's pretty nice. The system screen opened again and I saw the naming function. "Carlos, was it you?" I asked. "Yes master."

I typed in the party name I clicked the party name and another screen appeared.

[Are you sure you want to name your party 'Sovereigns of peace']

<YES> <NO>

I clicked yes and my body began to glow and suddenly I felt a connection like a rope that led somewhere within the castle towards my friends' rooms.

I realized after a minute that this was my connection to Leon, my only party member. The rope connecting us was the lightest green colour and I guessed that green meant he was safe.


[You have received the time manipulation skill Lv1]

Quickly, I grabbed one of the royal robes in my wardrobe and I cleared my table of all the 'junk' on it.

I placed the robe onto the table to cover every inch and I brought out the body which was still the same as I left it with blood still rushing out. I turned around to take another robe from the closet to use as a bandage to stop the bleeding but then I saw Jasmine standing there wide eyed.

"Ahh!" I shouted in surprise. "What are you doing here."

She didn't answer and she brought me a robe from my closet and she stood the side of the table watching my 'experiment'.

I could see that she was trying to hold in her lunch from spilling onto the rug. I took that as the reason she didn't talk.

"I need to test this thing if it actually works." To activate time manipulation, I pulled out time mana and I thought about reversing time on my hair. My short hair grew back into the long curtain it was before. "Yes! Now I can switch have separate identities. This power is awesome."

I placed my hands onto the neck of the body and I pulled out time mana and I began to reverse time. The head started to grow but the speed was too slow.

Sweat trickled down my forehead as I had been reversing time for 2 hours and the mouth had just started to form.

I increased my mana output and the speed only increased a little. I continued to work on it for 5 hours. It was night already. The forehead had finished forming and it remained his scalp and hair which took me 4 more hours to finish.


[Your experience and knowledge about time manipulation had increased. Your time manipulation is now level 2.]

I finished the time reversal and when I saw him waking up, I used [Loophole (S)] to take us where I had killed him and I threw him onto the ground and I made my hair back into the short form.

Julius Caesar POV (1 day ago)

I was in an alley talking with a man in a hood. I couldn't see his face. James had said he'd help me remove all the guards in the castle for me to steal the Strix of Exzonia from the bedroom of the Emperor and Empress. A very powerful artifact made by Sariel Paragus imbued with power to control space at small degrees.

I had to get it. I dropped a bag of gold coins into his hand and I walked away towards the castle. As he had promised, there were no guards at the seventh entrance.

I walked in and I followed the map in my head to reach the chambers of the Emperor and Empress. I held my head high and I saw a boy with blonde hair and green eyes that looked at me without fear. 'How dare a maid's son look at me like that.'

I looked at his forearms but I couldn't see any level. 'He has stolen an artifact in there. He probably has the Strix of Exzonia too.'

"Give me the artifact you stole in there. My name is Julius Caesar and my father is a Duke." My name should have scared him to tears but he looked at me with one calmly but his left eyebrow was twitching in anger.

I moved but the next thing I saw was his fist and everything went black. I woke up to see the same boy looking at me. He wore finer clothes and I noticed he looked familiar.

"Do you mind telling me what you were doing here, Duke son. What was your name again? I don't need to remember. Probably a useless name." A vein popped on my head and I shouted. "Don't mess with me! The Caeser family is worth a million of your life."

He walked up to me and he took my hair and he began to drag me in another direction. I screamed and shouted but he only continued to drag me away. "You'll pay for this. My dad won't let you off the hook."

He continued to drag me until we reached a large door. He opened it and I saw it was the Emperor's courtroom. I looked around to see all the king's and dukes and the emperor in front of us.

'This is my chance. I'll put all the blame on him.' I thought. "I knew I would see you here, dad." he said and my heart dropped.