
The Lost Feeling (III)

In a small camp nestled deep within the dark forest, four tents were neatly lined around a campfire. The surviving party members gathered around the fire, trying to restore peace and stability after the recent fierce battle.

Joanna, who typically took care of the group's well-being and health, was busy tending to the wounded patients from the battle. She carefully cleaned their wounds and provided the necessary care with great attention.

Akio and Justin sat close to the fire, enjoying the warm soup that Joanna had prepared. They laughed and joked, trying to distract themselves from the lingering tension.

However, Klaus appeared lost in thought, staring silently at Sylvia. Laplace's words kept echoing in his mind. While Klaus had never doubted the love he received from his family over the last 19 years, the love from a romantic partner was an entirely different matter.