
When Two Becomes Four

Camara and I exchanged a look before I forced myself to sit up properly, my eyes landing on Annie as I tried to comprehend her words, only to find myself at a loss for words even after I contemplated them again and again.

Funnily enough it was Camara who dragged in a deep breath and looked towards Cici, who was still busy slurping on my cock as she took advantage of my confused state to suck the cum out of my balls, her excellent technique guaranteeing that I was going to be rather empty if I tried to go ahead and put a baby into her wife in the next few minutes.

Or she was just thirsty, which was entirely possible since she just winked at me when I looked down at her, finally remembering she was there after feeling my sperm travel up my cock and into her throat.

"You want to... merge our relationships into one? What? Like get married to each other and have a polycule where we're all available to one another, or submit ourselves to Aethisia and become her harem?"

Annie smiled wryly at that as she watched Cici pull away from my cock, the Bullkin allowing her drool to dribble back down onto my tip to mix with the remaining cum as she said "Either or, all I know is I love~ this cock, and I love~ that tight pussy of yours... so I'm willing to acquiesce with Annie's rather impulsive decision simply because I don't mind it at all~! Besides, this family has been quite fun, and if Renna is okay with everyone, I think I can trust you all~!"

Spitting on my cock, Cici began to jerk me off as she sat up properly as well, the Bullkin using her free hand to yank off her top and remove her pants as she got ready to have sex, which I was more than happy to give her so long as Camara was willing to give me the go ahead.

Feeling her tits pressing against my side, I groaned before looking towards my wife and leaving it to her, the sight of her sighing and rubbing her temples as I was jerked off and thrust forwards as the potential Dama to a beautiful woman's children making me bite my cheek as I wondered if I should go ahead and decline, only to pause when Camara looked up and stared at me.

"Sometimes I wonder if you being so damn handsome and charismatic is a good thing..."

That made me smile wryly before Camara said "I'm not against it. I'm not ecstatic to have heard it, but... I'm not against it. Maybe this helps curb your erratic tastes a little, maybe it just helps bring in two talented futanari into our family to spruce up the gene pool a little..."

Blinking a few times, I was a bit surprised by my wife's acceptance of this idea that Annie had, and the Nymph opened her mouth a few times before just blinking as well as the arguments and things she had in mind to convince Camara faded away, though as soon as it did her eyes turned towards me.

As did Camara's, and Cici was already looking at me as she jerked me off, making me realize just how addicting the idea of being the head of a harem would be since I happily spread my legs and watched as Annie and Camara got up before dropping to their knees in front of me, their mouths latching onto my cock as they showed me their devotion with their actions first.

We still had to speak, but Cici convinced them both to instead put their tongues to better use as they began to blow me while the Bullkin kissed me deeply, all four of us enjoying this time immensely, though I imagine I was the one enjoying it the most as I eventually sat behind three gorgeous and enchanting asses that were mine for the taking.


Astra PoV

Leaning against the wall, I listened to the sloppy moans of my daughters as they enjoyed some real~ fun times with our guests, and it got me wet and sentimental as I realized just how much time had passed already.

My two oldest were already making decisions and setting goals for things that felt rather large, though only because I still saw them as my babies, though now they were thinking about making a lot more babies themselves...

I was already a grandma, but thinking about being one many times over was rather... odd, but all that meant was I could have some fun teasing people by telling them they were pounding the pussy of a grandmother and not just a mother~!

No one would believe me but who cares~!

Pushing off of the wall and leaving them to their own shenanigans, I made my way instead over towards my own wife, peeking around the door and watching as she smacked her hips down into Christina's juicy ass, breeding the Queen Bee on one of our beds and continuously flooding her pussy with cum.

There was a large puddle of semen pooling around Christina's cheeks, ensuring the sounds of their flesh clapping together was wet and sticky enough that it made anyone who heard it horny as they realized someone was being bred right here.

"C'mon, listening to them has gotten me so fucking aroused."

Sari appeared out of seemingly nowhere and pulled me onto the bed, tearing my clothes off and mounting me just like Rhefia had mounted Christina, proceeding to breed me just like my new slave as we laid right beside one another.

The orange eyed woman stared at me in mild surprise before she accepted my hand as I reached for it, the two of us staring into the others eyes as we spread our legs wide and accepted the greedy cocks of the futanari who wanted nothing more than to cum deep inside a fertile pussy.


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts