
We Have Wine~!

"It really worked Mama~! It really, really worked~!"

Giggling, Kalia spun around and danced alongside me, the two of us enjoying ourselves as we resumed dancing around in the vat, wanting to get the grape skins further squished in hopes of increasing the potency and quality of the wine itself, since our batch was considered 'Crude'.

Which, honestly, made me incredibly curious since the 'Crude' wine was still impressive, its flavor and aftertaste quite good despite being of a lower quality.

Perhaps that meant that the quality was tied to the amount of alcohol inside the wine, meaning a higher grade would take less sips to get drunk?

If that was the case, then wouldn't a single sip of a higher grade Gocali Wine get someone so drunk that they became addicted to the yellow liquid in moments?

How dangerous was that wine then if I actually took time to make it as perfectly as I could?

It was a puzzle that I wanted to solve soon, but I also was dragged away from my thoughts when Kalia got incredibly excited and decided that we should get back into the vat, our hands intertwined and our bodies pressed against one another as we resumed dancing, celebrating our success.

The time had flown by during this process, and to no ones surprise someone came to look for us, wanting to figure out if we were okay or otherwise occupied.

Sari was the one to come down, Aka and Ehretia in her arms while Ipoala held onto the hem of her shirt, all three children pouting as they looked around the room.

"Astra? If you aren't too busy, these three wanted to feed... They've refused to eat anything else, and none of us wanted to force them, so..."

Blinking, I came down from the joyous high that Kalia and I had been and stepped out of the vat, cleaning myself off before walking over towards Sari, lifting my two daughters from her arms and beckoning for Ipoala to join me as I moved over to a chair, sitting down and giving the three girls a kiss each, smiling gently at how Aka mewled as she nuzzled against me, while Ehretia sniffled softly as she buried her face into my chest.

Sari watched for a moment as I pulled down my dress, revealing my breasts to the children and bringing their heads closer so that they could begin to drink, comforting them and feeding them at the same time.

Looking away, Sari coughed before looking towards Kalia, watching the Dark Elf instead as she continued to dance around the vat.

"Are you... making wine? I didn't think you would be doing this for a long, long time yet."

"We are, we are~! Not only are we making it, we've already made~ some wine~! Mama made her own bottle worth - though it is, admittedly, not something anyone should drink - and I made my own as well~! We already tasted mine; it's over there, in that bucket on the counter."

"Not something anyone should drink... what, is it poisonous?"

I raised a brow and gave Sari a dry look as she smirked back at me, before she focused on the bucket as she lifted it up, taking a sniff of the liquid inside and then bringing it to her lips, taking a brief sip.

While I had two children drinking from my breasts, Sari was tasting the wine Kalia and I made together, her lips smacking together as she took another sip, nodding her head and appreciating the taste.

Kalia observed the Catkin closely, before she pouted and said "Sari! Don't drink it all! I still want some, and Dama needs to try it too! So does big sis Aethisia!"

Chuckling, Sari placed the bucket back onto the table and gave the Dark Elf a small smile, her tail swishing behind her languidly as she said "Not too bad for a casual drink. Bit light alcohol wise, so perhaps it'd do well as a dinner wine? Something that wouldn't get anyone drunk, just feeling warm and fuzzy? It's got a nice aftertaste too, which is rare."

Leaning against the table, Sari crossed her arms over her chest and looked back at me for a moment, her eyes dropping towards my bare chest and causing her yellow eyes to shine with lust before she looked away, reining herself in after her eyes landed on Aka; it was impressive how swiftly her lust was controlled after seeing her daughter, the Catkin's instincts regarding her kit rather strong.

Comparatively, Rhefia usually looked for a way to get Ehretia to sleep so that we could have a moment to ourselves, and back with Camara and Aethisia she made it quite clear that our sex life would remain unchanged despite there being a baby in the house.

They were both different, and neither was a 'better' Dama by any means, each having their own parenting style that looked to be working quite well.

"Not too strong then... so maybe that's the quality of it..?"

Murmuring to myself, I looked down at Aka and Ehretia before gently pulling the kit off my tit, her desperate mewls briefly making my heart clench in mild pain, though after I replaced her with Ipoala I managed to stamp down on that pain, even if she was half glaring at me now that she was seated on my lap without anything to drink.

So I stroked her ears instead, watching as her red eyes narrowed in pleasure as she leaned into my hand, unable to resist the stroking of her fluffy black ears.

"Quality? Yes, that would affect the strength of the wine and the flavor too, so... I don't know what a higher quality version of that wine would be like; surely not too strong, but it can't taste much better than that, right?"

Sari rubbed her jaw before glancing at Kalia, asking "How long have you two been doing this anyways? Make sure not to push yourself doing that; it doesn't seem like it, but pressing grapes is pretty straining on your legs. Wouldn't want to be too achy tomorrow, after all."

The Dark Elf just nodded, going around a few more times before stepping out and cleaning herself off, looking at the vat behind her and smiling at it, her pink eyes eventually finding me afterwards as she happily said "We really have some wine, Mama~! Good, delicious wine~!"


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts