
Visitor From The Stars (2)

Luna straightened up instantly at the harsh words of the Goddess, and I slowly and carefully climbed to my feet as well as I stared at the towering red futanari, her long scarlet locks drawing most of the attention away from the rest of her body that was also a light shade of red.

"Good... Now, you're sitting over here worrying about that old Dama of yours and how she'll feel instead of just taking the thing you want..? Do you really think that your wants are lesser than hers?"

Looming over us both, the red Wolf tilted her head and stared down into Luna's eyes before snorting when she remained quiet, letting her silence speak for her instead.

"For the love of..! Sometimes I wonder if putting an emphasis on loyalty and honor was a damn mistake with you all... Listen brat, just because your Dama made sweet, sweet love to that prime piece of ass over there and decided to knock her up doesn't mean she's off the table! If you want her, take her; you're Dama's already been a greedy prick taking twenty some odd of the best quality Wolfkin women as her own after all!"

I looked between the two before turning back to Luna as she shrugged and replied "And she also earned each of them fair and square, so... I don't get how you expect me to practically steal the next candidate from her and be fine with potentially pissing her off. Unlike most, I do actually value my relationship with my Dama far more than I do about some woman that may or may not be a potential mate."

"Yeah yeah yeah, you don't like risk at all since you're one of those damn methodical hunters... Fuck you're irritating to deal with. Alright, listen, the reason I came down here isn't just 'cause you're being pathetically afraid of offending your Dama. I came down here 'cause I want you - specifically you, brat - to start having pups. You got a good amount of promise, and there's some... stuff happening that I want to be prepared for.

Things are changing in the world, though fuck if I know if it'll be anytime soon for you mortals... Some of the others are gettin' a bit... finicky up there, and there are a few- nah, never mind; I don't wanna spoil the surprise. All that is to say this; you, stupid brat, have some nice~ potential, and now that I know you've already been banging Reincantra's little plaything, there is not a chance in hell that I am letting you leave her be.

So you had best be taking that gift of yours and shoving it inside this slut's pussy until she's pregnant again; and if you don't, I will. You have some traits that I want passed down into a much safer family, and much smarter one too... So stop being a pussy and knock this bitch up already! Or you can let me have her; I wouldn't mind devouring her whole..."

I looked between the two Wolfkin for a few moments before my eyes landed on Lycaniata as she licked her lips, the towering Goddess clearly not against either of those options as she raked her gaze over me and dropped a hand down to her divine cock to give it a little bounce.

"What do you mean things are changing up..? What's happening that would warrant you visiting the mortal realm and-"

"Hush now, slut. I don't remember giving you the right to speak. But fine, I'll play nice for now just because Reincantra and a few others have you in their good graces. You want a bit of a warning? I can only give you the short answer for now; you'll learn later, whenever that is.

The short of it is... well, we're bored. It's been a couple of decades now since we stretched our legs and had some fun, and we decided that should be happening soon. This world that belongs to us - the one that you mortals are being allowed to inhabit - is going to enjoy our grace soon. Some of us - like Dryatra, or whatever her damn name is - simply want to enjoy this world and live on it for a little bit.

Find ourselves some interesting mortals and have some nice sex, have a couple of kids, raise a new family; y'know, enjoy the finer things that you mortals live for. Some of us want to compete and have some fun that way by battling and pissing one another off. Others though..."

Crouching down and staring at us - primarily at my pussy since she was level with it - Lycaniata grinned as she said "Some of us live for chaos and change... Some of my peers want to kill and rape, pillage and destroy. You remember Areseta, the Goddess of War? Way back in the day she used to get her rocks off by conquering a race and raping their leaders. She'd pick and choose based on who she thought would look best wrapped around her cock~!"

Giggling, Lycaniata shrugged as she added "I used to do the same, but time changes people, y'know? So now I just want to see my seed continue to prosper, since all the Wolves are mine. That starts with the more talented and interesting amongst my descendants, and I was initially pleased with Fenkar knocking you up, Astra, but now... well, this one right here needs to get you pregnant too!"

She reached forwards and smacked my pussy a few times before turning towards Luna as she added "You have talent, but I really love that stubbornness and perseverance you have. The loyalty, the wit. All of it is excellent, and I want you to succeed in life itself, brat. So go ahead and take this woman for yourself. Sure she's a massive slut with three babies in her womb already, but I promise you... she can fit some more~!"

Winking at Luna, Lycaniata rose up from the ground and pat my shoulder before pushing me into the Wolfkin's embrace as she added "Either way, I'm not letting you leave this clearing till she's pregnant four times over~! And to do that..."

We both stared at the Goddess, before our visions began to redden as she snapped her fingers, and before I could realize anything was wrong I felt Luna sinking her fangs into my shoulder, the Wolfkin biting me hard as she pushed me down and started to take me right then and there, plunging us both into lust.

I almost didn't hear Lycaniata chuckling as she muttered "As easy as ever, isn't it... I love my fluffballs so damn much for still being that susceptible to that trick~! How fun~!" with a wide grin on her face as she crouched beside us and watched Luna and I closely.


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts