
Visit From the Duchess

I couldn't help but giggle as I watched Ipoala waddle over to the wooden ball that Rhefia had rolled through the grass, with Ehretia doing her best to keep up with the Robinkin, all while Aka was sprawled out on Rhefia's lap, napping.

This had been going on for a few minutes now, and the Robinkin and Doe were having the time of their lives as they chased the ball and handed it back to their Dama, who rolled it back out and watched as they chased after it like dogs, both completely content with this simple style of play.

We were thankful for it too, since it meant that they would be expending their energy quickly and tiring themselves out with something that we could control, meaning in a few minutes the two other children would be fast asleep beside Aka and giving Rhefia and I a few moments to ourselves.

That was what Rhefia had been doing over the last hour, simply watching over the three children and observing me as I continued to contemplate what I wanted to do with this house, understanding entirely that this small cube that I would be constructing was experimental in multiple ways.

There were a few things that I wanted to try, and the first was something simple, basic, and reliable, but something that I didn't really want to do again...

To start though, I put down a wooden support beam on each corner, the wood carved into a large rectangle that was smooth and ready to be used for construction, and then I placed a single wooden wall between two of those beams.

It was just plain old wood planks going horizontally across the gap, before I added a stone foundation at the bottom.

Cozy and basic was what I would describe it as, and while not the most impressive to look at, it was good ole' reliable in terms of structure.

But, again, basic and relatively boring.

I left it up for now so that we could all vote later on what the house would be made of, since I was looking purely from an aesthetic point of view instead of one that was practical, so I would appreciate the views of the others regarding these materials.

Next was to try the wattle and daub method with plain brown clay, and I began to do what I needed to prepare for that version of construction.

First was to place down the stone foundation, which I would use anyways since it was so durable and reliable, before going to weave together the sticks and pieces of thin wood together to create a latticework of fibrous material.

Then I began to slap the clay I made from the dirt I had dug up onto the latticework and smooth it out, creating an even surface and allowing it to dry in moments thanks to the system, creating a simple, primitive looking wall that made me realize I would need to practice some more...

But, it seemed to be more of an issue regarding my tools instead of the method itself, since it was a bit rough looking but otherwise solid, and I certainly had the ability to try and work on this wall to add windows or a door depending on what I wanted.

The last method I wanted to try was something more... tedious and potentially hideous, and that was utilizing brick and mortar to create a wall, but I didn't even need to do much before I just scrapped that idea, not enjoying the appearance of the wall that I had barely begun to construct.

That left just the two separate methods of construction available to me, and they were both ones that looked rather decent on their own, but I would also need to envision a larger structure with them.

Besides that, I also needed some more materials to alter the color of the clay to something that wasn't as drab as brown, since I ideally wanted the house to be either a darker gray, blue, or red just... because I preferred those colors for the house, I guess.

Right now, I did have some of the stones and flowers required to create a few variants of both blue and red dye, which I began to do and prepared another two walls, setting down the foundation and beginning to work on weaving together the wood for the clay to come.

While I was working though, Kalia came over and said "Mother, I think the Duchess is coming back! I can hear the sounds of a horse approaching..."

Rhefia scooped up the three little ones and made her way back to the carriage, climbing inside and concealing herself while the rest of us began to clean up the campsite a little to receive someone so important.

Heila put on some tea while Prixisia went to guard the carriage that Rhefia was in, nonchalantly leaning against it as she watched everyone finish working.

I donned a fresh set of clothing and my veil before making my way towards the entrance of the compound, where I waited for only a minute as I listened to the sound of hooves thunking against the dirt.

Taking a deep breath, I watched as the Duchess rounded the bend on her reliable horse, the woman's red hair braided perfectly and left to snake over her large breasts, which were hugged tightly by a new red dress that she was wearing, this one embroidered with darker red flowers across its entire surface.

Smiling warmly as she approached, the Duchess dismounted her horse and stood in front of me, her piercing blue eyes scanning my veil again.

"Miss Astra, a pleasure to see you again. I do hope that the land's been treating you well?"

I gave the beautiful Noble a curtsy as I answered her question, trying to keep the slight worry and nerves that I had out of my voice.

"It has been, Duchess Poinset. Thank you for your concern."

Pulling out a hand fan, the Duchess covered her plump lips as she giggled, her sky blue eyes never changing despite the mirth she was expressing vocally.

"Of course, my dear. It is only right as neighbors, no? Now, how about we sit and chat for a few minutes, hmm? I have a few things I need to tell you..."


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts