
Using The Little Ones As Shields

The discussion lasted for a little while, and during it Aka had to be traded hands a few times as Renna and I took turns feeding the ever hungry kit, her bottomless stomach requiring an immense tribute of milk for our audacity to leave her for a day.

I also allowed both Ehretia and Ipoala to drink from my tits as well, and as such most of the futanari at the table were doing their best to hide their erections as they followed along the discussion.

Even Camara was ogling me as she fed her own daughter, with Melia happily partaking in the conversation by babbling a few times when she noticed I was allowing my daughters to drink, prompting her Mama to reluctantly look away from me and pull down her own shirt.

I didn't miss how she pouted as she snuck another glance at Renna's abundant chest alongside my own, nor did I miss how Aethisia was suddenly more interested in the Deerkin beside her as she wrapped her arm around her waist and held her close.

I ALSO didn't miss how Inik took peeks at all of the exposed breasts in the house before grinning at Kalia as she was pinched, something that just continued to amuse me considering how possessive the two seemed of each other.

Either way, it felt incredible being back in my own home, but when the discussion ended and everyone was free to begin doing whatever they wanted, I instantly stole Aka away from Renna and scooped up my two biological babies and the additional, cute and adorable 'adopted' slash surrogate pink baby, who flapped her little wings as I brought her over to the sofa to continue drinking.

Instantly her Dama stalked on over and stared down at me from behind the couch, not letting her two children see her erection as she leaned against the piece of furniture to ask "And pray tell, Astra, when were you planning on coming to talk to me in private? I believe we have some more things to discuss..."

The kit's Dama appeared as well, though where Rhefia had been openly horny and practically rubbing her cock against my head, Sari plopped down onto the chair nearby and rested a pillow atop her lap as she smiled, her yellow eyes focused intently on me as she began to play the long game.

She was - after all - an adept predator who had hunted this kind of 'prey' many times over, and she had become increasingly skilled in catching me whenever she wanted me, though her methods were always varied and sometimes impossible to predict.

Then there was the silent presence of Shelur as she took the other seat, the massive Orc welcoming Renna onto her lap with a firm hand placed onto the Duchess' thigh as she stared at me, much to the chagrin of the red head... and her arousal.

Everyone was making it clear they were immensely horny and wanted nothing more than to take turns fucking me again and again, but for right now I desperately needed to give my pussy just a little bit of a rest, as well as my hips; I might have skills to make having sex for days on end possible, but just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you SHOULD do something...

Though I guess that makes me a hypocrite since I knew I COULD have multiple babies inside my belly but that doesn't mean I SHOULD have five babies all at once...

What's done is done though, so instead I focused on my three current babies as I looked up at Rhefia and replied "Later... when they are taking a nap, preferably. And no, you cannot try and toss them into their room right now!"

Rhefia clicked her tongue and took her hands back from Ehretia, and after a few moments of contemplation the Deerkin just moved to my side of the sofa and sat down beside me, covering her own erection with a pillow like Sari had as she asked "Alright then... until that time, I guess I should indeed be keeping you company. What else happened yesterday?"

Even though her words made her sound uninterested, the undivided attention she was giving me - paired with the fact that she wasn't trying to feel me up or convince me to put these thereto sleep so that we could have sex - made me smile as I leaned against her arm to get comfortable.

I was even happier when she draped it over my shoulder and allowed Ehretia and Ipoala to feel the warmth of their Dama alongside mine, so I didn't mind her neutral expression at all or how she was clearly waiting for me to speak.

"Renna's sister and her sister's wife are coming over... tomorrow, I believe, to help us get the centerpiece for Domus Stella made up, alongside the rest of the furniture; they'll work with Camara and teach her a thing or two about carving on a larger scale and assembling more functional constructs, so she could eventually furnish her own room with sturdy, reliable and custom things instead of what I make.

Then there was the various plots of land that Renna acquired from Magistrate Fenkar, which included that one that had the overflowing Nature Mana? I had been thinking of some kind of way to capture that mana and make use of it... though that would need some more time and a dedicated day of tinkering to make that work, I think...

Ooh! And we went to the Auction House and acquired some slaves for Domus Stella, and one of the slaves we got was an interesting one~! I think you'll like her a whole~ lot~!"

That caught her attention a little, as well as Sari's and Shelur's, especially when I said "She's got a body that's very similar to my own, AND she's a Queen Bee~! She's super~ gorgeous and really~ fascinating too; both because of her race and because of what she used to do, which... uh, was selling drugs. Like... a lot of drugs."

Rhefia snorted at that while Sari chuckled as she said "Another criminal... fascinating track record here, Astra; do you perhaps have a preference for dangerous partners? It seems to be that way, doesn't it?"

I blushed a little at that before letting out a huff as I tried to rebuke her claims, only to realize that was impossible; Rhefia was a skilled warrior and hunter, Sari was a former Captain, Renna was an incredible mage and a Noblewoman of incredible renown, Shelur was a formidable guard, Prixisia was a deadly alchemist, Yiksa was a former criminal...

The list just kept going, didn't it?

Sensing my embarrassment, Sari just grinned as she added "Though hey, that makes things fun doesn't it? And it gives us all a thing to have in common with one another, besides the obvious hunger for high quality 'kitty'~!"


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts