
Reincarnated as the Only Human

Astra woke up in a forest with no recollection of her precious life. The only thing she knew was that she had a system with two parts; one was a Survival System, and the other was a... Wait, what?! A Breeder System?! Finding herself in a forest, Astra now has to survive on her own, fending off the sexual and violent advances of all the other forest inhabitants; none of which are Human! Will Astra be able to survive on this hectic, pleasurable forest? Or will she lose herself to lust? --- Additional Notes: Female MC is pure Woman for now; there is futa, and all the characters are either women or futa. There will be both light hearted moments and dark moments, and this novel is mainly centered around her trying to survive in this new world, all while living her life to the fullest.

Ketsueki_Hasu · Fantasy
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702 Chs

Upgrades for the Family

Finishing the selection of my new skills, I then turned towards the edge the clearing, mapping out the new layout for our home.

Sadly, I noticed that the clearing was still small, so I turned towards the furnace and started smelting everything I had, wanting to make myself metal tools.

As everything was smelting, I grabbed my stone axe and started chopping down some more trees, expanding the clearing a few more feet.

I enjoyed the rigorous exercise that I got by chopping down those trees, the burn in my muscles making me grin as I added more wood to my inventory.

Finishing the last tree, I wiped the sweat off my brow before moving towards the furnace, where all my ingots waited.

{Aoak Metal Ingot x165}

Grinning, I retrieved one of the ingots, admiring the metal.

It was a dark brown, almost rusty looking ingot, but it was rather heavy in my hand.

Scratching the surface of the ingot, I nodded as my nail skidded across the top, making a low shriek.

Putting it back into my inventory, I then approached the Workbench, which was eligible to be upgraded to a {Metal Workbench}.

Reading the description, I nodded as I used ten ingots and some stone to upgrade the Workbench, allowing me to truly craft things with metal.

The Workbench flared, and I watched as the wooden table with various stone tools strewn about glowed brightly, before being replaced by something completely new.

Stone chiseled pillars held up a thick wooden slab, which had a wooden back.

Various metal tools like hammers, chisels, and more were scattered on the table, and a thin wooden square was on the table, various designs scratched into its surface.

Opening the interface, I started crafting a new Aoak Metal Axe, Aoak Metal Pick, two Aoak Metal Spears, and two Aoak Metal Heavy Spears.

They were the first things I needed to craft, and they cost me, in total, thirty ingots.

I was now back forty total ingots...

However, this was what I needed, and these upgrades were necessary.

Letting them craft, I went back to the site of our new house, gradually setting down the stone foundations.

I decided to now expand upwards as well, creating a 16ft cube, and left the roof open for now.

Setting the flooring in, I then created the stares and set the floor for the second story, which would be the Master Bedroom, for Rhefia and I.

I may be letting my daughters use me for relief, but for now, Rhefia and I were the only official couple in this clearing, so my daughters can get their own room to share down below.

Since the roof was left open, I created a sloping point to allow Rhefia room to stand up completely straight on both floors, before I set about decorating the house.

When I was done decorating the second floor, which was entirely our private space, I moved downstairs and set to mapping out the first floor.

The door was on the right side, so I made the left side of the house Camara and Aethisia's room, giving both girls their own beds and some storage before adding in wooden screens to give them privacy from one another should they need it.

Moving back out into the common room, I finally put in my oh so wanted fireplace and kitchen, humming happily to myself as I created a good, cozy place for me to prepare meals and for us all to eat.

Now that the basics of the kitchen was made, I went outside and grabbed the tools before crafting my real desires from metal.

Pots and pans...

Something so basic, but...

I could finally make something besides just grilled meat!!!

Oh I was so damn happy...

Jumping from foot to foot as I watched the progress bar fill up, I grinned as I lifted a pan in my hand, staring at the brown metal surface with glee.

Collecting my other kitchen necessities, I started laying everything out before crafting some utensils as well.

Furnishing the house some more, I nodded to myself, happy with how it turned out.

The girls had their own room, and while the common room was a little small, it was perfect for our family.

A low table, comfy pillows to sit on, my rocker beside a window, furs draped along the walls...

The fireplace was already lit, and I had a pot of water heating up, wanting to see if my Nettla Leaves could make tea...

If not, I had Sage still, but I wanted that comforting gentle taste from the Nettla Leaf.

Sitting in my rocker, I wondered if I should try and start knitting or something like that...

Pursing my lips, I realized that, besides cooking, my pastimes revolved around either sucking on a cock or being railed by one...


Oh well; I get stronger and my family feels better when they cum in me, so it's still good for everyone!

Besides, it feels incredible...

Chuckling, I then pulled out the Aoak Metal Axe, admiring the honed brown edge.

There was a wavy pattern in the metal, and I got up, my curiosity getting the better of me.

Approaching a tree, I hefted the axe and swung it into the trunk, my eyes widening as I the blade sunk deep into the wood.

Dislodging it from the tree, I swung it into the wood again, laughing at the ease that I felled the tall tree.

Twirling the axe in my hands, I put it back in my inventory before moving to sit on the stairs, keeping an eye out for my girls.

My thoughts from earlier made me horny, and I wanted one of them inside me.

In fact...

Lowering my hand, I slid a finger into my wet cunt, wanting to prepare myself for their return.

Ever since I had let my daughters lose their cocks. virginity to me, I had grown a little less embarrassed, and while I was still blushing as I stuck my fingers into my needy pussy, I could only moan as my other hand grabbed and twisted my nipple.

Being bedded by all three of my girls was a blessing, and I wanted to see if I could bless them as well...


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