
Tusk City


Anyone who can guess the reference I had last chapter with Soft Rock Wheat Villages gets ten brownie points~

This is just me being curious if anyone remembers it lol~!


Using the reins to nudge the Geri forwards, our carriage rolled forwards a few feet before stopping, and Rhefia and I looked down towards the three armored Boarkin, each of them wearing metal armor and wielding large, heavy spears.

Their tusks were engraved with small symbols, the ivory tusks poking out from their bottom lip as they stared up at us, uncaring.

The three Boarkin glanced towards the five Geri, and one, with more decorated tusks then the other two, stepped forwards and asked "Are they properly tamed and under control? Can they endure being inside a bustling city?"

Looking between us, the older of the three guards waited for a response, which I provided.

"Yes Ma'am. All five are under my control."

Nodding, she gestured to the ground, saying "I'll need a display of your 'control', if you don't mind. Geri aren't weak monsters, so I need to be cautious."

Slipping off of the carriages seat, I stood before the woman, looking up into her brown eyes, which strayed down towards my cleavage before returning to my face.

Holding in a smirk, I asked "So, how do I display my control?"

Instead of responding, the Boarkin gestured towards one of her companions, who stepped forwards and raised her spear.

Each of the Geri let out a growl as she approached them, and I frowned before letting out a sharp "Down!"

The growling subsided, even as the Boarkin guard continued to approach, her spear still raised.

Reaching out, she gently tapped one of the Geri, which glared at her, but otherwise remained silent.

Pulling back, the woman gave the head guard a curt nod, which made her turn towards me.

"Good. Next, I need to inspect the contents of the carriage as well as record down your companions, to create a record verifying you entered. If you will?"

Walking towards the back, I opened the flaps for the Boarkin, showing her the various barrels and crates that we had, as well as the four others who looked back towards the woman.

"Alright, out."

Waving them out of the carriage, the head guard jumped into the back and began to look everything over, all while another guard approached us and made notes, scribbling down a few things on a sheet of paper.

Of course, the guard snuck a few glances at our rather varied party, whilst also getting some eye candy from Yiksa, who seemed to enjoy teasing the guard.

Stretching her arms behind her head, Yiksa puffed her chest out before adjusting her shirt, letting her low cut top creep further down her cleavage.

The third guard stood behind me, looking between Rhefia and I, the Deerkin smirking at the guard as she stared warily at the heavy spear that was resting beside my wife.

A minute or two passed by slowly, and eventually the head guard jumped back out, nodding towards me as she said "You're all clear. Welcome to Tusk City."

Smiling warmly at her, I made sure everyone was loaded into the carriage before hopping up to sit beside Rhefia, my excitement to journey into the city outweighing my lust.

So, I didn't ask the head guard if she wanted me to give her my 'thanks' in the form of a sloppy blowjob, nor did I offer my concubine's ass for her to rail.

Instead, my focus was on the bustling city that awaited us behind these large gates, and I grinned at Rhefia as she moved the carriage forwards, my wife chuckling at my widened eyes.

Rumbling forwards, I looked back through the small slider and grinned at everyone, Camara and Kalia sharing my enthusiasm as they beamed back at me.

Passing through the gates, I let out a gasp filled with awe as we moved past the tall stone brick walls, entering the city itself.

A paved road led straight ahead, and a hundred some odd feet from us was a giant square, where a large statue cast from a silvery metal depicting a robed woman clasping her hands in prayer.

Her face was covered in a veil, but the ethereal grace and holy charm radiating off of the statue drew ones attention right away.

Surrounding the statue were various small stalls, a plethora of cloth coverings creating a rainbow underneath the statues feet.

The buildings around us had a foundation of stone, while a dark brown wood made the walls and various colored tiles topped them off, creating a vibrant splash of color to the otherwise dull buildings.

The people were the same, dressed in various colors, and they themselves were of all kinds of races.

Large and tall, short and small, furry and scaly, aggressive or soft...

They all walked around the busy road with various expressions, talking and laughing with one another as they traveled around.

Rhefia let out a relaxed sigh as she leaned back, her amber eyes flitting around as she said "I do admit, I missed the hubbub of a city. The people are always interesting, there's never a boorish day... Ah, but first, we need to find a place to stay! Then we can explore~!"

I nodded, looking around at the bustling cityscape and searching for some kind of Inn or rest stop, before Rhefia leaned down and said "Excuse me! Where might we find somewhere to park our carriage?"

A thin Elf glanced up at her, a soft smile on her face as she gestured off to the left, saying "Rowala Park is two streets down that way; their the most reasonable place to go!"

Nodding, Rhefia thanked the woman as she navigated us through the streets, following behind another carriage as it turned in front of us.

"This... is busy!"

Hearing my words, Rhefia glanced over at me and nodded, her eyes returning to the road as she said "Aye, it is. Many people are going to start traveling down towards the other villages to find some work or barter for some larger quantities of food. Others are going to Geard to hunt the growing Geri and Quetzalcoatl population. So, this southern portion of Tusk City will be rather... animated, for a few more days. Though, that's also a good thing. More people will be trading, and for you and Yiksa, more people will want a little something to take the edge of before leaving."

Smiling at her, I leaned onto her shoulder as I waited for us to get to the rest stop, where we could all begin to explore.


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts