
Traveling to Tusk City

With Yiksa and I finally clean and able to walk, we got up and said goodbye to Uly and her guards, Xana and Yala pulling me in for a passionate, deep kiss as they kneaded my ass again, the two women singing my praises before pulling away, while the third guard enjoyed Yiksa's throat one last time, her impatient, needy thrusts as she fucked my concubine's mouth rather arousing.

Uly herself even gave me a big kiss, her sharp teeth proving to be a rather fun addition as she nibbled on my lip and tongue, before she thanked me profusely for letting my wife, Rhefia, rail her brains out for only fifteen silvers.

Before they left, I looked between Uly and her guards as I asked "I'm not trying to be rude, but... uhm, what race are you all? I haven't seen much outside of Beastkin and Dark Elves, so..."

Uly nodded in understanding, smirking as she patted Yala's shoulder, the youngest of the red skinned guards shuffling beside her employer.

"Well, it's not too rude, Astra~! Anyways, I'm a 'Dawn Elf' if you're being nice, and a 'Wheat Ear' if you wish to be crude. As for my guards, they're Arazon's, a split off of one of the races the Goddess Areseta eradicated and... 'conquered' millennia ago. What about you? I consider myself well traveled, but..."

I nodded, scratching my cheek as I snuck a glance at Rhefia, who also nodded.

"Uh, well... I'm a 'Human' according to what I can remember. Never met another of my race, so maybe they're rare? Don't know, but it's interesting to say the least..."

Uly nodded, before shrugging as she said "No offense, but I have no idea either. Maybe your parents used a nickname for your race or something? You'd need to comb through some libraries to find out I guess. Anyways, safe travels, and thank you for the great deals~! God luck in Ithica Village~!"

Waving goodbye to them, we loaded ourselves onto our carts and set out towards Tusk City, where we would gather what resources we needed, find out some information about Birchan, and enjoy our first taste of a City.

While we rode in the carriage, I got Rhefia to tell me what she knew about the races that Uly and Yala were of, my curiosity taking the better of me.

Apparently, Elves were a rather broad collective of races, with many, many variations.

They all looked similar to some extent, sharing many characteristics even with all the variants, but they were a long lived race.

Their commonly shared traits were rather simple; they lived for, on average, three plus centuries minimum, with the longest recorded lifespan being 1,879 years of age...

That Elf was alive during the age where Goddesses truly prowled the world, and they got to witness the world change drastically many times over.

Other similar traits were the sharp, pointy ears, which could be subdued or exaggerated, but they were universal amongst Elves.

Besides that, Elves were in tune with the elements, and they were categorized by that element.

Dark Elves, Moon Elves, and Night Elves all excelled in Dark Magics and thrived during the night, which gave them a rather untrustworthy reputation sometimes.

Light Elves, Sun Elves, and Dawn Elves were associated with Light Magics and being kind and gentle, smart, and rather friendly all around.

The list goes on, but Elves were in tune with their element in some way, and were rather common everywhere, to the point that it was hard to find a major civilization without them.

Now, as for the Arazon's, they were a group of warrior women who traveled as a large tribe, migrating towards wherever Areseta guides them.

Apparently, a Priestess communes and informs them of Areseta's will, while a Chieftess truly leads and governs the tribe.

They move as they please, and Arazon's occasionally find a place that resonates with them, settling down on their own away from the tribe, where they eventually find a mate and have children.

Most likely, this Queendom resonated with either Xana and her comrades, or they were born here and decided to stay, but either way they were valued fighters, who were usually conscripted into the army or bodyguards.

Now, the interesting thing about them is their anatomy; they inherited the intense musculature from Areseta, creating a race of insanely powerful, deadly warriors, but the problem was they inherited her insatiable lust as well, and when paired with their prowess...

Well, they would end up seriously injuring, if not killing their partners during sex, the urge to empty themselves as they mated overtaking their minds.

Those slits release their 'lust' consistently, keeping them regulated, and the scent that leaks from those slits is quite literally their lust given gaseous from.

It was intriguing, and that made me instantly activated {Matriarch's Womb} to store Yala's semen for later, where I would eventually find time to birth a child of Arazon lineage.

How I would explain that though... would be difficult.

Though, I imagine I could just... explain the skill to Rhefia now, and let her know in advance...

Sighing, I turned towards my wife, who was holding the reins, and began to do just that, frowning slightly as I saw no shift in her expression.

"Huh... cool. Yeah, just let me know in advance."

Blinking at her, I was about to ask her 'why such a quick acceptance' when she said "Astra, still not sold on you not being some Goddess in disguise... so yeah, no surprise here, and uh... I mean, you granted access to see the Weave of the world... through sex. So... yeah."

Given such a... straightforwards answer quieted me down, and we entered Ithica Village, greeted with the sight of an orgy.

Stopping there for the night didn't seem... too reasonable, as they were constantly having sex everywhere, and we were all rather worn out, wanting actual rest.

So, while it was a little uncharacteristic of us, we continued on for a bit before stopping the carriage and sleeping under the stars again, far away from the debauchery of Ithica Village.

It seemed that earlier today, and last night, had given us all enough sex for the time being, though we still made love before falling asleep.


To be honest, I was going to do a little stint inside the 'sex village', but I really do want to get to Tusk lol~

So, we're going to Tusk~!

Maybe we'll revisit Ithica in the future, or maybe we'll use their seeds soon~?



Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts