
To Breed Or Not To Breed (3)

Astra PoV

"So what was it that you wanted to talk about again? You got me off track..."

Looking at my white haired daughter, I tilted my head and waited for her to speak, my red eyes locked to hers as I idly admired how handsome she was, the smug pride of knowing that this was my daughter and that most of the world would view her as a stud filling me with a sort of superiority that was rather addicting.

"Oh yeah... So, Dama wants me to start heading into the city to get a job. She says I need to start doing something around here to contribute, and that unlike Camara or Kalia who are making money through their hobbies, I'm doing nothing..."

That put a pause in my admirations as I mulled over what she had just told me, the personality of my first wife ringing clearly inside of my head as I realized it was very in line with Rhefia to tell Aethisia she needed to get off her ass and do something, especially since she viewed Aethisia as her... 'heir' of sorts.

Camara was a futanari, yes, but comparably Aethisia was far more of a 'futanari' than her older sister was, and she also took a deeper interest into everything her Dama did, so I wasn't surprised that the strictness Rhefia sometimes displayed was being brought to bare here, and while a not small part of me wanted to tell Aethisia she was fine with what she was doing, another part of me agreed with Rhefia.

She definitely needed to be doing something simply because her attention span was rather... limited here at the compound, and not in a bad way; she just tended to do better with something in mind rather than being left to her own devices for longer periods of time.

I think that was what brought out that more 'abusive' side of her a little while ago and what was making her crave the change and confrontation that came with taking Kalia as a partner; she just needed something to focus on, so a job in the city that took her away for the day wouldn't be a bad thing at all.

"That's... not a terrible idea. If you wanted to stay here though, you could learn to make wine and other alcohols all on your own? You seemed interested in that, and I wouldn't turn down the help..."

Aethisia pursed her lips and glanced at the river again before shrugging her rather deceptively broad shoulders as she replied "I just can't see myself doing that long term; here and there sure, but day in, day out? It just doesn't seem that interesting. Besides, I think the idea of being able to walk around and stretch my legs doing something in the city would be rather nice, no?"

That drew a contemplative and somewhat hesitant hum from Camara, who was bouncing Melia around a little to keep the baby asleep, though as she looked towards her mate the worry in her muddy red eyes was clearer than crystal.

"My only issue with that is your current... moods. I'm not saying I don't trust you, Aethisia, but..."

"Can you really trust me in a city filled with women that I might find attractive in more ways than just one?"

She didn't hesitate to say that, nor did she seem to be angry or irritated with Camara for suggesting that, so both of us nodded as we waited for her to go on, the white haired Deerkin chuckling softly as she said "We can go over the fine details later, Camara, but I can promise you I won't be going around breeding anything that moves and catches my attention. That just... wouldn't be right."


Rhefia PoV

While my daughter discussed not breeding the women she found attractive, I was groaning as I sank my hands into Christina's ass and pressing my lips against hers, the two of us rolling around on the bed in a heated embrace as we made out.

Some of our clothing was off, some of it wasn't, so it felt like a rushed rendezvous between two secret lovers as we kissed and shared our passion, and eventually Christina pulled away and stared at me as I stroked her back and held her close.

"Well... that was some of the best kissing I've ever had..."

She spoke slowly, and I playfully nipped her lower lip before whispering "Hopefully I can keep that streak going with everything else~?", earning another small, almost unnoticeable smile from the Queen Bee as she just nodded, the heat from my erection warming her belly.

"So... shall we? You said you liked being bred by someone strong, so how about we go ahead and breed~? Though..."

I pursed my lips and thought about it for a second, the idea of impregnating this Beekin slave turning me on even more on the biological level, while my mind was against it as I thought about Astra; if anything, I should be allowed to do this since she had five separate babies in her that didn't belong to me, but...

That wasn't how this worked, and I breathed out a silent sigh of relief when Christina whispered back "We can 'breed', but my womb is closed now, Miss Rhefia... apologies, but...", which only made me kiss her as I savored her sweet taste while basking in the softness of her body.

Rolling her onto her back, I draped myself across her body and squeezed one of her giant tits while my other hand trailed down towards her pussy, which was drenched already from this foreplay.

"No need to apologize... just let me know if I get a little... too rough and into it, hm? You're a slave now, yes, but rape was never really my cup of tea, so..."

Another small smile from the Beekin made my cock throb, and as she gave me a nod I guided myself into her honeypot, burying myself to the root and groaning again as my dick was enveloped in a tight, slimy embrace that was already coaxing my sperm to erupt.


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts