
Tidy Profits

Of course, after having enjoyed the cock of the Foxkin woman in exchange for some materials, I continued to browse around for some other items that I might need, searching specifically for stalls that had merchants looking to trade their goods for some ejaculations.

One such stall was run by an Orc, and I swallowed down her sperm a few times as I got myself some monster bones of various origins and a few other materials, which saved me quite a bit of silver and slaked my thirst.

Honestly, when she pulled off her cock sleeve and slapped me with her slightly sweaty green dick, I was already tempted to offer her some sex instead, but I kept myself in check and instead just drained her balls for a few minutes, doubling the amount of ejaculations she wanted for the materials just because I wanted to continue drinking her strong, rich semen as well as admire the muscles that bulged over her entire body.

I could still recall the fact that Reincantra had told me my previous self wanted to get pounded into the ground by an Orc's thick cock, and it would seem that desire never truly faded despite having become a Mother to three separate women, or that I had two wives who were fully capable of dominating me in their own ways.

It would seem that my preferences laid with dominant women who looked the part, since my two wives were both muscular and very clearly used to be the best in the room at most things...

The muscles just made me... hot, I guess; there was something so arousing about a woman in such peak physical shape that resonated so deeply with me.

I wonder if that had something to do with my old life or..?

Either way, after I left the Orc's stall, I went and got some skewers for the rest of the family, getting my meal straight from the tap as I found myself in front of another woman, this time gulping down a Mousekin's cute cock and swallowing her semen in exchange for some meat.

When I finished up, I was feeling full from the sheer amount of cum that was being turned into nutrients for me, so I carried all of my 'purchased' items back with me and handed out the skewers to the girls, as well as some of the bread and a waterskin, which finished our meal off quite well as we took a break.

Showing them the various stones, metals, and bones that I had purchased, I explained that I wanted to get into jewelry making, which made me apologize to Camara since I'd be cutting into her market a bit, but my eldest just shrugged and made the point that her jewelry would still be sought after due to its cheap prices, though she said she'd focus more on her figures instead since she enjoyed them more anyways.

We remained at the market for a few more hours after that, during which Kalia took a break as well, getting up and smiling to the Elf that offered to take her to a cafe before accepting her hand, going to enjoy herself a bit while Camara and I continued our sales.

When she returned, the Dark Elf was smiling warmly as she caressed her stomach, making it rather obvious that the Elf had taken good care of her during their 'date'.

After we sold all of our baked goods and produce, and Camara sold most of her carvings and the jewelry, we packed the rest up and loaded the cart, freeing up the space and returning towards Colodi Park, where the others would be waiting for us after this long, yet profitable day.

In total, Kalia and I earned ourselves a few Gold each from the entirety of our stock, since we had been selling in a large amount and for a decent price.

Camara, on the other hand, made a dozen Gold and some Silvers from her figures, while another two Golds came from her jewelry, earning her almost 15 Golds for everything, bringing our total profits up to around 20 Golds.

Not too bad for one day of selling goods, but of course Yiksa and I saw the amount and knew that we could make more in just a few hours, but it was still incredibly impressive in its own right.

On top of that, with my acquisition of some colored rocks, and us having some eggs and fresh animal carcasses back home, we could begin to make our own paints as well so that Camara could add even more details to her figures, selling them for a higher price.

She seemed really excited to try that, though to do so she needed to carve out quite a few more statues to replenish her stocks, as well as a few basic statues to practice painting on.

So, with our tidy profit securely located in my inventory we made our way home where the others were waiting for our return.

I was curious to know if Suu's egg had hatched yet, since it was due roughly for today, so we sped up as we moved through the streets, taking care to avoid any careless pedestrians or any structures.

When we got back, we were excited to see the small bundle of pink fluff that was curled into a ball on Rhefia's lap, while enduring the curious pokes of Ehretia as she tried to figure out just what it was that had taken her Dama's attention.

Seeing us, Rhefia smiled warmly as she scooped up the small baby, making us all coo softly as we saw her lift up her pale head and look around, her pink eyes curious as she was hoisted into the air.

Tiny pinkish white wings covered in fluff sprouted from her back, and she seemed so small in Rhefia's hand, but considering how small Suu was, as well as her egg, well...

Approaching Rhefia, I gently lifted the Pink Robinkin chick from her and looked closely at the baby, who stared back at me curiously, her pink eyes searching mine.

"She's adorable..!"

Sitting down beside Rhefia, I leaned against her and observed the new addition to our family.

"Ipoala. I decided to name her Ipoala."

"Ipo.. ala? Ipoala..."

Stroking her soft, fluffy wing, I smiled at the little chick and kissed her brow, muttering "Welcome to the family, Ipoala..."


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts