
Star And Moon (2)

"Well then, 'Aunty', if you aren't becoming one of my Dama's women, why did she agree to breed you? I know damn well my stubborn Dama wouldn't just knock some random woman up no matter how pristine their pussy is even after such an intensive pounding..."

She said that as she rubbed her tip against my cervix, searching for that small hole that I left there so that she could try and pry me open; likely doing that unknowingly as she stared at me intensely, her mind clearly focused on learning about why Magistrate Fenkar had decided to impregnate me.

"To start, I appreciate the 'compliment' there Luna, and I hope you enjoy my thrice pregnant pussy to its fullest; I know I am really~ enjoying this worthy dick rubbing around inside me~!"

Luna just rolled her eyes at that and gave me a kiss, which allowed her to bite my tongue for me as she demanded I answer her in another way, one that involved pleasure and one that made it clear that she knew how to play my strings correctly.

"To be honest, Luna dear, I have no real idea why your Dama agreed to become my baby Dama... We had vigorous, rough, bed breaking sex last night and immensely enjoyed one another, but she never really gave me a reason besides she loved cumming inside me. I asked her to get me pregnant, and then next thing I know she's pounding my pussy and pouring her cum inside my womb~!"

That made the Wolfkin blink a few times before she snorted, unable to help herself as she murmured "It was really that simple huh? You just... offered to bear her a child and she agreed?", making me laugh as well as I nodded before kissing her once more.

Savoring her lemony taste, Luna and I returned to the more pressing matter at hand as she began to thrust forwards again, moving her entire body forwards and using her weight to take me even harder and go even deeper than before as she showed me another way to have sex.

Using her power to make me cum in a mere dozen thrusts was impressive, and I accepted her hungry kisses as we made love in that clearing, though after a few more thrusts she pulled away and asked "What about the Lady Duchess, Aunty? Surely my Dama didn't manage to do what the Queen failed to do, right?"

Recalling the sight of Renna and Magistrate Fenkar making love together doubled my orgasmic bliss as I clamped down on Luna's cock and enjoyed the pleasures of sex even more, something that made her blink a few times as she got the wrong idea.

"N-No..! S-She didn't..! R-Ren-! I mean, th-the Duchess was on medications..! Potions! She can't get..! Can't get pregnant..!"

Luna continued to thrust even as I tried to speak, and after a few moments it became apparent why as she grunted loudly and forced her knot between my labia, plugging me up and allowing her to start pouring her cum into my pussy.

The thick jets of sperm forced my cervix open even more as she stuffed my deepest parts with her seed, and the two of us shared in another orgasm as we moaned together, unable to think as bliss robbed our minds of any rationality.

Each heartbeat was accompanied by another jet of cum, the Wolfkin's cock synched to the rest of her body as she squeezed out every last drop of sperm, ensuring that I was sufficiently bred for her liking, and as she stared down at me passionately, I could see her fangs glimmering in the sunlight as she bared them at me, the Wolfkin holding back from sinking them into my flesh.

Her rationality was gone, but her fear wasn't as she kept herself from ascending to another stage of ecstasy, so instead I slammed my lips against hers and stifled our moans as we enjoyed one another's company in this clearing.

When I was done being creampied, Luna pulled away and yanked herself out of me without hesitation, allowing her cum to pour out of my sore pussy as she sat and watched me try and sit up, both of my holes thoroughly abused.

"Aunty, I really think my Dama was hoping that you and the Duchess were... more than just Secretary and Duchess. And I mean more than just some fine piece of ass to hold when you two are knocking hips together in bed."

Despite having just emptied her balls completely and still having an erection, Luna was serious as she stared at me closely, forcing the veil of lust I had to freeze as my mind switched over to being serious as well.

"I... That sounds right, and honestly... I understand her ideas, and I understand that she most definitely knows that there is a very, very small amount of things this can do for her if she is selfish. Luna..."

Pursing my lips, I stared at the Wolfkin before blinking in surprise as she said "I swear to Lycaniata that I won't share this with my Dama or anyone else, Astra. Speak freely, please."

"Well... Renna and I are lovers, yes. More than just a 'fine piece of ass to hold', and more than just some momentary fling or burn; I love her deeply, and she loves me. We're even discussing marriage, Luna. I think your Dama hedged her bets right..."

"And by reading your interactions correctly, she's hoping that this baby with you will make the Duchess more likely to take it easy on her?"

That just made me shrug as I replied "Thing is, Luna, I'm only good with numbers and people. Lustful, horny people, not politicians. But if I was reading her right when she was pounding me from behind, your Dama isn't stupid. She's not going to use a baby like a tool, and I don't think she's going to risk incurring the wrath of Renna like that..."

Sighing, Luna leaned back and looked towards the sky as she thought things over, and I noticed that despite the serious discussion that had somehow blossomed from her cumming inside me, her cock was still seriously hard, so...

Of course I crawled over and began to blow her, letting her think in 'peace' as I bobbed my head up and down into her crotch, sucking her cock and pleasuring my new 'niece' as she thought about what this meant for... well, everyone.


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts