
Reincarnated as the Only Human

Astra woke up in a forest with no recollection of her precious life. The only thing she knew was that she had a system with two parts; one was a Survival System, and the other was a... Wait, what?! A Breeder System?! Finding herself in a forest, Astra now has to survive on her own, fending off the sexual and violent advances of all the other forest inhabitants; none of which are Human! Will Astra be able to survive on this hectic, pleasurable forest? Or will she lose herself to lust? --- Additional Notes: Female MC is pure Woman for now; there is futa, and all the characters are either women or futa. There will be both light hearted moments and dark moments, and this novel is mainly centered around her trying to survive in this new world, all while living her life to the fullest.

Ketsueki_Hasu · Fantasy
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702 Chs

Some Time Passes

When everyone had joined Kalia and I upstairs on the bed, a not so surprising surprise orgy took place, which started when Rhefia pushed me onto the bed and slipped herself inside me, uncaring of the others watching.

Aethisia was quick to follow, grabbing Yiksa and slamming the Dark Elf into the bed and lifting her hips, slamming her cock deep into Yiksa's cunt.

Finally, Camara gently guided Kalia's hand to her own erection, my eldest teaching my youngest about more things related to sex as best she could.

That session devoured our entire day, with each of us feeding off of the others lusts; Rhefia and Aethisia demanded much of Camara and I, whilst Yiksa shyly offered herself up to anyone who wanted her, gratefully accepting the buckets of cum that my girls could produce.

As for Kalia, she was a bystander to this orgy, her eyes wide as saucers as she took in the sight of Rhefia pounding me from below, Aethisia plowing my ass, and Camara stuffing my throat all at once, the young Dark Elf surprised by how I easily and greedily took in their seed like it was the most delectable treat.

While that had been happening, Yiksa shivered whilst her daughter played with her 'second mama's' penis, bringing the woman to the edge extremely quick.

I could tell that Kalia was piecing things together, her eyes alternating between Yiksa and I, meaning that us three would need to sit down and discuss how Kalia came to be, but for now I allowed all four futas in the house to ravish my holes, allowing Yiksa to return to my lower holes for the first time since our first meeting.

When the sun had fallen below the horizon, we finally decided that enough was enough and we got up, everyone's stomachs growling with hunger as we staggered down the stairs.

Of course, Rhefia and Aethisia couldn't help themselves, the novelty of being able to have free use of the women in the house not wearing off yet.

Yiksa was sitting on my wife's lap, her eyes gleaming with lust as she bounced on her lap, whilst Camara guided Kalia on how to use her mouth, demonstrating with Aethisia.

It was lively, and I reveled in the sounds of my family enjoying themselves whilst I made dinner.

That was, of course, also hindered by someone slipping themselves inside me while I cooked, forcing me to pause for the moment as I wrung out whoever's cock was inside me at the moment.

Camara, Yiksa and I all looked pregnant from how much cum was inside us, which made the two dominant women proud of themselves, satisfied looks in their eyes.

Rolling our eyes, we sat down and ate before going to bed; Yiksa was dragged away by Camara and Aethisia, while Kalia followed behind Rhefia and I, where she was introduced to the utter dominance that I craved.

My youngest seemed to enjoy watching that, if her adorable panting and sloppy pussy were anything to go by.

When the next day came around and we stepped outside, we all frowned at the noticeable chill in the air, signifying the closeness of winter.

Without much conversation we all set about to our work; Kalia and I began harvesting what could be harvested before taking care of the rest while Camara did some more chopping of trees for firewood, while Aethisia, Rhefia, and Yiksa went out to hunt again.

That was the recipe of our week simplified; Kalia and I would take care of our food and resources at home, with my daughter and I unwinding with a good quickie in between, whilst the futas all went out hunting, before we ended our days with a hearty meal and some good sex.

Kalia and I didn't slack on our magical training either, both of us growing better at manipulating the Weave whilst also delving further into our specific magics.

Dark Magic was rather interesting, as I could use it much like I could raw magic; simply shape it and cast it.

However, I had also noticed that the black threads that I used for my magic were actually the pure white threads that were around me, but...

I corrupted them.

Additionally, whenever I cast my Dark Magic, the threads around the spell would wither and fray, whilst the material world wilted away with it.

The first time I had tried it, I had watched in morbid fascination as a flower slowly died before me, before becoming little more than a dried out, dead brown stalk, the once vibrant petals little more than a pitiful brown speck.

This discovery made me realize just how different the first and second 'tiers' of magic, as I have dubbed them, are.

Controlling the basic elements is tier one; Fire, Water, Wind, and Air fall into that category.

The more complex combinations like Lightning, Metal, Ice, and Nature were stronger, but it felt odd to see Light and Dark be in that tier as well...

If I had to guess, Light Magic would be 'pure' and 'holy', whilst the Dark Magic I now held in my hands was capable of decay.

They likely countered one another, but that made me wonder what was above this second tier?

Space, Time, Gravity?

All three of those had reality bending implications when in the hands of a mortal being.

But what about pure Conceptual Magic?

Things that are only concepts, or states of being?

Death, Life, Silence, Dreams, Illusions...

Were they on the same tier as those previous three?

Or were they a branch of this third tier that I had thought of?

Sadly there was no sight of them inside my system, but considering there was a prior precedent of the systems locking things behind Level Requirements...

Maybe that third tier would need me to level up more and advance the skills I currently have to be able to utilize that kind of incredible magic...

With that in mind, I truly did begin to practice both my Blood and Dark Magics, as well as my control over the threads around us.

Kalia did as well, and the others were always staring at us with awe as we practiced outside, the spectacle of us tampering with the Weave so easily sending Rhefia and Yiksa into mini shocks for the first few times...

Besides that, Camara and Aethisia had activated {Familial Bond} during this week, which made me surprised as well.

Camara already had a 5% increase to all her stats previously, but now I added another 7% to that, brining her up to 12% stronger than her 'base'.

As for Aethisia, she only received a 4% buff, though the woman certainly noticed a change right away, her eyes narrowed as she stared intently at me before she shrugged, returning to ravishing my body.

All in all, this week had ben productive, but winter had arrived.


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts