
Some More Plans

The sky was slowly darkening, a beautiful violet and orange mixture painting the world in a myriad of colors, all whilst the warmth of the fire chased away the nip in the air from springs nights.

Sari wrapped her arms around my body, holding me close as she rested her head on my shoulder, the Catkin looking around the campfire.

"What do we want to do after..?"

I leaned back into Sari's soft chest, still staring at the dusk sky as I thought it over, before smiling wryly as I looked over towards Rhefia.

"Well, that all depends on how this thing between you and Jacquelyn goes, my love. There's many places inside of the Dryadi Queendom that I am interested in visiting, as well as some smaller countries that border this place. Then there's the seas to the south; I want to sail the coastline and witness the beauty that the waters have to offer. That makes Birchan a perfect place to 'settle down' in, to create a place we could call home without needing to build everything ourselves.

Somewhere that we can come back to and rest, somewhere any of our children could call home and live a simpler life. Birchan is a center of trade - international trade, not just intra - it's home to important people, meaning it'll be safer, and it has access to a spattering of various places to visit, making it somewhere you'd never get bored. Birchan is just... perfect in many ways."

Rhefia nodded, sighing slightly as she said "It is. Money flows like water through Birchan, a Goddess has blessed the Royal Family, it's an artistic and militaristic capital... As for the network of roads, we have so many places we could go to. The problem all lies in just how crazy Jacquelyn is, and if she's willing to let everything go..."

Sari nodded as well, adding "If she is, I don't doubt that we could come together with the funds needed to purchase a large plot of land - inside or outside the city walls. And if we hired some managers for stores or farmers for some fields, we could sustain the lands even as we go out and explore. Of course, we'd need to trust whomever was left behind, and make sure that they could take care of themselves."

"A mansion, just for us... Something like what the Augustia's had back in Tusk, perhaps?"

I looked towards Rhefia, who was clearly smirking as she said "Something like the Augustia's would be nice. An overabundance of wealth, beautiful architecture, lands meant for just us... A copse of maples, gardens filled with expensive flowers... That sounds excellent, and doable with you here, Astra~!"

Grinning back at her, I hummed softly looking towards my eldest daughter, who asked "And if we can't do it here? Why not just build a new house somewhere away from here, in a spot that has everything we need and want? Surely there's some empty spot of land that we could make ours?"

Rhefia and I nodded, while Sari said "You could, most certainly. The problems with that is wherever you settle down, you need to 'claim' that land from whatever country owns it, prove that you can retain that land, and then likely pay taxes and the like. It's not difficult to be self sustaining down on the southern side of this continent, but that's why everything is already 'owned' by a country, tribe, or person.

Then, you need to begin thinking about the logistics of maintaining that place. Importing things you can't get from where you are, or things you need more of, whilst also figuring out what you can export to trade for those things. On top of that, storing away enough foods for the summer and winter months isn't an easy task..."

Camara raised a brow, but remained quiet instead of trying to refute Sari's claim by telling her that I was currently carrying enough produce for multiple months...

"That's the largest reason as for why we shouldn't, Camara. Having to negotiate and form agreements with all these different countries, tread a fine line to make sure that we aren't disrespecting any of them... Politics isn't something I'd want to dabble in, but if we can't get ourselves something here, then I will certainly consider it. Because either way, I want a place for our family to call home. Somewhere they can truly find only peace and love, not having anything from the outside world trying to harm them."

My daughter nodded, her hands instinctively going towards her belly as she looked over at Aethisia, who was staring back at her seriously.

Heila also shuffled closer to Rhefia, who was holding the egg from Suu closely, while Kalia and Yiksa rested together against Prixisia.

"That's what I want for us. A place to call home, somewhere to shelter us. A place any of our children, siblings, or lovers can reside together, where we can all do whatever we want. So that's the plan; look for any available plots of land and see what it takes to purchase them. If we can clear your name, my love, we shall certainly try. Maybe we can retrieve the medals and other possessions of your parents as well."

Rhefia stiffened slightly at that, before nodding as she held Heila closer to herself, stroking the Doe's arm.

"I'd... like that. I really would."

The camp fell silent, save for the crackling of the fire, and we all stared into the flames.

"Ahem... well, I think another priority should be getting ourselves more carts and upgrading them? Better materials and the like for the different kinds of roads around the Queendom. As well as some more foodstuffs for when we do leave? Oh, and we should probably get the rest of you better weapons and armor; Geard Forest is far tamer than the other areas inside the Queendom. Monsters can be rather... dangerous around here, so some better gear is advisable."

Sari kissed my cheek, adding "I think we should also take a visit to some of the magic shops inside Birchan; get you, Rhefia, and Kalia some focusers for your magics."

I smirked at her, saying "For Aethisia and Camara as well, and maybe even Yiksa. Sari... Even you~! Y'see, this family of mine isn't... entirely normal."

I looked around the area before nodding, holding out my hand and letting the black and crimson threads spill from my palm; Kalia, Camara, and Aethisia mirrored me, making Sari stiffen in shock behind me.

"All of us can see and touch the Weave, my love..."


You guys really went crazy with the character voting lol~

And Kalia's that popular?

A tad surprising, but I do enjoy the buxom Dark Elf nature lover as well~!



Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts