
Some Good Old Smithing (1)

Astra PoV

Unaware of our Divine voyeurs that had watched us make love, Rhefia grunted as she came inside me once more before finally pulling out, her remaining ropes of sperm glazing my ass as she marked me as hers.

"Damn that was great, my love... C'mere."

Grabbing my head, Rhefia gently - yet firmly - guided me over towards her cock, which she slapped against my cheek as she murmured "This is the scent that will forever permeate your body. The one that comes second only to your own natural smell, my love... Understand that? Our daughters might drench you in their scents, your other wives might drench you in their own smells as well, but at the end of the day..."

My Deerkin wife looked down at me with a smirk, rubbing her penis across my face and enjoying the way I eventually accepted her member into my mouth, allowing her to feed me her cum and further prove her point as she finished saying "You are MINE... First and foremost, you belong to me, Astra. Then you belong to Sari, and then our children... Understood?"

She just chuckled at my inability to respond, the brown skinned warrior turned Dama just enjoying herself as she had me blow her cock, lodging herself as deep as she could as she used me one more time for her own leisure before blowing her load inside my stomach, cumming hard and letting my head go when I swallowed down the last drop of cum that dribbled from her tip.

"Good girl... Now, I'd suggest you go take a minute for yourself downstairs before everyone pounces on you and takes turns with your body; that is, if you want to get anything 'productive' done today, because I know tonight is going to be just one big party~!"

Wiping herself off on my cheek, Rhefia cleaned off her cock with a flash of her mana before getting up and dressing herself, the Deerkin looking me over with her usual confident, knowing smirk as she left me on the bed twitching, still coming down from my orgasmic high.

She left me alone in the room to cool off and come back down, which was both a relief and a miild annoyance since I was stuck in two different mindsets; I wanted to get things done, she was correct on that front, but I also very much so wanted to have sex, more sex, and then some more sex on top of that...

I was feeling rather... needy still, but after a few moments of staring at the ceiling, I sat up and rolled my eyes as I muttered "I'm ALWAYS needy..." to myself, which made me shake my head as I gave my legs a moment to recover before standing up, taking her advice and heading deeper into the basement, where all my crafting rooms were located.

The question as I descended deeper into our deceptive house was, what did I want to make today?

What would yield both the most challenge, the best reward, and be a great use of my time?

Which... made me sigh again as I looked at the various rooms, knowing that there was no true answer to that question; I could make some beautiful, expensive pieces of jewelry, some unique, deadly weapons, some beautiful vases that had elaborate paintings...

Blow some more glass and create sculptures from the glass, or just stain some glass and prepare to create a new room for the house, one that I was looking forwards to doing in due time?

Perhaps I could dip my toes in some alchemy, or I could go ahead and make a new Focus to broaden my horizons?

There was so much I could do, and that led to a problem that many people could relate to; having an entire library and wanting to read, yet nothing catches your interest, or having a plethora of games to play and yet... not wanting to take any of them up.

That was how I felt, and I took a few moments before picking a door and entering it, letting my body take me somewhere and deciding that wherever I ended up, I would spend at least a half hour in here doing something until I figured out what I wanted to do.

Finding myself in the forge, I blanked for a moment before shrugging; this would be a perfect way to drain myself of energy and focus on one thing, since forging a weapon, piece of armor or tool took a lot of dedication.

So I approached the forge and took out some simple materials before picking up a hammer and igniting the furnace, deciding that if I had no creative direction right this moment, I would find some as I lost myself to the monotonous bliss of shaping metal.

Using some tongs, I placed the iron ingot inside the furnace and began to heat it up, watching as it went from a simple metallic color to a bright orange in the span of a few minutes; meanwhile, as I stared into the flames, I went over various patterns in my mind and weighed their pros and cons, until I decided to have some fun.

A mix of simplicity and uniqueness is easier than people would think, so I retrieved my ingot and laid it on the anvil, the hammer in my hand feeling lighter now that an idea had sprouted inside my mind.

I started by flattening the ingot, taking it from a small six by three by three ingot and turning it into a foot and a half of barely an inch thick metal, managing to get that shaped out in only two and a half heat cycles.

Then I began to fold the metal, using a heavier hammer to make sure it was folded properly and joined together before repeating the process once more; then, I 'cut' the long billet and stared at the two equal sized billets of iron.

This was the start of something, and already I could feel my previous lust, my previous boredom begin to dissipate as I returned to my work, losing myself to this physical labor rather easily; something that surprised me, only for me to forget my surprise as I began to hammer once more.


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts